

''Train me? Why?'' Ichiro was slightly untrustful.

Quella crossed her arms, ''It seems fun.''

''How does training someone seem fun to you?'' Ichiro doesn't understand what is going on in Quella's mind.

''Give me one of the swords.'' Quella suddenly said.

Ichiro narrowed his eyes, ''And if I don't?''

Quella smirked, ''I will beat you up.''

Ichiro snorted and pointed the two swords at her, ''Well, come on th...'' Before he could finish his sentence, he was already sent flying.

''UGH!'' Air left Ichiro's lungs; he flew to a nearby tree, splitting it in half.

Quella was still standing with her hands crossed with an innocent smile on her face; she crouched and grabbed the dropped sword.

Ichiro wiped the blood from his lips and stood up; he was surrounded by broken trees.

His body was aching, but not as much as expected. It obviously meant that Quella went easy on him.