

In the spectators' room.

''Where are they?!'' The VIPs screamed after Ichiro and the Rage Beast disappeared from the screen.

Leppercon looked towards Longel and saw his solemn look.

''Where are they?'' Elina asked with slight panic in her tone, but she hid her facial expression.

''They entered a blindspot...'' Leppercon scratched his head with frustration, ''I didn't think there were any... This is bad.''

''I will go check if he is alive,'' Longel said and disappeared into a black portal.

Arkenthym looked at the screen with a coldness. He felt a cold sweat pouring on his back.

He needed to get the Power Limit Remover, no matter what!


''Ugh...'' Ichiro used his skinny arms to crawl towards another blindspot. In that spot, he wouldn't be noticed if someone walked past the holes in the wall, but it might still attract some attention.