

''Ugh...'' Ichiro grunted in pain as he dropped down on his knees with smoke leaving his body. The metal surrounding his body got sucked inside his brain, and soon, his muscles started getting smaller and smaller.

More smoke left his body, weaker and skinnier he became.


With a clank, the Spearless dropped down to the ground after it became too heavy to carry.

[-100 HP]

[-100 HP]

[-100 HP]

Blinking lights appeared in front of Ichiro and a row of notifications that told his decrease of HP.

He managed to only last 5 minutes as Martial King before his limit was reached.

''Ahhh... As expected...'' Ichiro puffed out a cloud of smoke from his mouth, and his handsome face started getting skinnier, almost skeleton-like without any skin.


''I know...'' Ichiro sighed and knew that breaking rules usually results in punishment.

And punishment this time is...

[-100 HP]

[HP: 45/ 525]