
Borderline Yandere.

''Thanks,'' Ichiro said and paid the taxi driver.

The taxi driver took the money with gratitude and took one final look towards Ichiro.

He recognized him immediately— it was impossible not to.

Ichiro closed the taxi's door and looked at the mansion in front of him.

He has returned to the Azura's and Alena's Residence.

Ichiro opened the gates and walked towards the front door— before he even managed to get there, the door was opened with a slam, and a black-haired girl appeared.

''Ichiro!'' Azura leaped and hugged Ichiro's athletic body. She sniffed his scent and hugged his body tighter.

Ichiro wryly smiled and patted his girlfriend's head.

''Hmm...'' Azura now felt that something was different with Ichiro's body.

She stopped hugging him and circled around his figure.

Ichiro looked at her with an amused smile.

''You have got taller... And more muscular.'' Azura said with a pondering expression.