
Amanda's Reveal.

Ichiro, Lucas, and Slych had gathered around Kurogami Residence's living room.

Lucas and Slych had a heated discussion about the upcoming Battle of Cities, and they will most likely face each other there.

The living room and whole house were decorated with colors to celebrate the black-haired youth's birthday.

Alena, Iris, and Azumi talked in the kitchen while the food was being cooked and boiled.

From the upstairs, cheerful laughter echoed, coming from Ayako and Leia, doing who knows what.

And Azura was alone in Ichiro's room, doing last birthday preparations, no one knowing what.

''Will you join the Military Academy?''

''Yeah.'' Slych nodded at Lucas' question about Military Academy.

''I thought for a long time, and I thought it would be the best place for me,'' Slych said, and after Ichiro's rejection to go there, Mars was very desperate to get Slych there and managed to get him to join.