
Marsy: Miracles on Mysterious Mars

Year 2080, humanity started colonizing Mars. It's a huge craze to go there, endless possibilities are waiting. Mostly youngsters are mad to go there. Everything seems to go well there. But smell of secrecy could be felt as one approaches Earth's so called twin planet. Deep down, something is wrong. Something unusual is happening on the big planet. Leaders are suspiciously good to each other there, a little too good. As our heroes dig further into Mars, it turns out Mars is not really what they thought it would be, it's more. What shocking secrets awaits our heroes? Why is a mysterious man finding some specific newcomers so desperately? Answer lies...

Confused_Wanderer · Kỳ huyễn
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60 Chs

2.16 A Normal Day

"Ha ha ha..." The voice coming from the drone piece was distorted, like it was purposefully getting through a filter to hide the original voice.

"So we win this round right?" Sat smiled a little.

"Guess so, only one casualty is pretty good against me for a low ranking subordinate. Wait are you angry that one of your people died? Well you're 010's subordinate so maybe you are, ha ha ha!" The voice was distorted but it was clear that it mocked Sat.

"No I'm not angry at all, just a little surprised. I mean the commanders decided to let the practice happen between the subordinates, but it's weird to see a commander overseeing a practice session. And all this for a low ranking person like me, it doesn't feel right. Right respected commander 005?"

No reply came from the piece for sometime. "You know you can experience the most terrible death for attacking a commander?" It finally replied.

"Yes but I'm not attacking you, you just happened to be caught between crossfire. How am I, a low ranking subordinate supposed to attack you? I'm just doing my counterattack on other subordinates, just for practice." Sat's smile got bigger.

"You little-KSHHHHHHHH...." It couldn't finish its sentence, it sounded like a radio had lost its signal.

"Ah, feels good. They saved my face, thanks Cécile." Sat said neutralizing the last pieces remaining.

"I told you they are working hard, just give them a chance. Though I did not expect this much, any casualties?" Cécile smiled proudly.

"None whatsoever, full system failure. They gotta spend a lot of time making it work again." Sat said while approaching towards where Emma laid.

"Hey sir, can we go now?" One of the students shouted.

"Yes, the show is finished, go now." As Sat waved, the security escorted class Alpha and class A went towards the building, except for team Gaia. They couldn't comprehend how everyone is so chill about this incident where one of the new classmates just died.

"I'm sorry, Emma just died and it's nothing? What kind of hell is this?" Lucy was outraged.

"And take your new friends with you. They just came and adopted your way of talking more than necessary." Sat paused for a moment, signalled Cécile.

"Come on, you're gonna be late, let's go." Cécile went to them and led them to the building.

"So we will die just like that? And nothing else?" Alex was terrified of Cécile but still spoke out of fear.

"Tcht, she didn't die, it'll take more than that to kill someone here. Get used to it." Cécile said without any change in expression. Clearly it was regular for her.

Our team Gaia was confused as hell but the confidence gave them a little comfort, but just a little.

Meanwhile, Sat bent down and knocked on Emma's face. It was covered in some black plastic type thing. As he tapped, the black plastic vanished and her terrified face was revealed. Her eyes were coming out in pure horror. Her whole face was vibrating as she tried to speak but nothing came out of the mouth.

Surprisingly there was not even a scratch on her face despite such an explosion.

"I said not to touch anything didn't I? Being good without thinking will kill you in this world... anyway I doubt how much you can hear me, Sarthak?" Sat sighed.

"Effect of sudden trauma, she went into shock, slight risk of cardiac arrest." Sarthak spoke out of Sat's watch.

"Hmm, slight risk, not bad. Anyway make her unconscious. She'll recover on her own, she just needs rest. Send her to Dr. Weber."

"On it." *Bzzz* The sound of electric shock came from Emma's body as her eyes were closed slowly.

Some people came from the bus and put Emma on a stretcher and went to the hospital.

Sat stood up and started staring in the northeast direction. A minute passed, and a car came from the direction. It stopped beside him and Connor and Archie came out.

"Hmm well done, close but not 100% as you promised. On the other hand, you girls did a wonderful job, exceeding my expectations I should say." Sat smirked.

"That's simply because you didn't really expect anything from us. You don't need to flatter us hmmph!" A female voice came from the passenger seat of the car.

"Hahaha, that's not it at all. So that's why you would not come out of the car, alright." Sat was smiling genuinely.

"My apologies, we were confused by numbers." Connor apologized.

"Tch, anyone can do that from the computer, put the girls to defend against 60 fighter drones then we'll see." Archie complained as usual. "And who the fuck sends bird disguised as drones anyway."

"My boy Archie, there are no rules in this world. You gotta be prepared for anything, if combat power was everything, I wouldn't be here leading you and the arena winners would sit on the thrones." Sat patted the boys' backs.

"Sorry, next time this won't happen, well I was right though, he didn't send 59 drones...so everyone is okay right?" Archie asked as he had calmed down.

"Well I'll give you that, I was wrong about 59 drones being normal. But we missed the bird together... anyway yes, what about here?" Connor asked.

"Nothing serious, a newbie got blasted. Went to show pity to the bird and boom." Sat told with a vague smile.

"The smile tells me you've already given them uniform." One of the girl said from the car.

"Yep, how can't I, I have loads of money, still can't afford mistakes... anyway your class will be starting soon, you know the punishment for being late." Sat gave a warm smile and turned back and started walking towards the building.

"Haha that man sure has some sense of humour." Archie laughed genuinely.

"I'm sorry, what part was the joke?" Connor looked confused.

"Come on, really? The teacher of the first class is he himself. Of course punishment was a joke."

"No it wasn't, I don't make the rules." Sat shouted from a distance.

"Oh I'm sorry, who does it then?" An angry blonde face came out of the car window with a large shout.

"Oh...my bad, I forgot sometimes, thanks for reminding." Sat waved without turning back as he entered the big building.

"So is he joking?" Connor was still confused.

"You wanna take chances? I don't wish for a run after all this." Archie said while getting into the car.

"Point taken." Connor entered the car too. And they wooshed away in the car.