

It wasn't until midnight that Tamsyn began feeling a little light headed and tipsy. The suddenness caught her off guard as a young boy lead her away from the bars and ... . She woke up. A foreign place that smelt like roses and lavender and toast. Tamsyn was so hungry that she followed the traces and it lead her to a hot guy that she has never seen before.

She didn't realise that she was in someone else's house and there was a stranger right in front of her. Toast. Roses. Lavender. The unfamiliarity caught her. Scared and unaware. She screamed while looking for the exit and "thud" she tripped on the tiles. He caught her just like any fairytale, a princess hug. He brought her to the sofa and went to get the first aid box.

"You silly. It's okay, I'm no stranger, but your boyfriend."

"My boyfriend!?? I don't have a boyfriend. Especially one that I've never met before." Tamsyn exclaimed strongly.