
Marry Me: Perfect Husband for Mutiara

Bian married Mutiara because he wanted to make his ex jealous and make her come back with him. He married the girl to help her and keep her, one day he would let her go to the one she loved. Mutiara or Mumut married Bian because she needed him help to pay for her mother's hospital fees, pay off her debts at the company and her college fees. Will marriage bring them together, or will they eventually separate and choose to marry their loved ones as Bian hoped? He's with his ex and Mumut with the person she adores ???

AlanyLove · Thành thị
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357 Chs

Chapter 38 - Mumut's Husband (2)


Mumut's Husband (2)

Mumut finished her work first, and then she said goodbye to Harti because she wanted to consult her thesis proposal. Mumut was changing her clothes when Bian told her that Uncle Arya was waiting for her downstairs. Mumut asked Bian to say to Uncle Arya to wait for her outside the office, a few hundred meters from the bus stop in front. Bian disagreed and even asked Mumut to go to his parking lot. Although she disproved, she couldn't disobey his order. Mumut immediately went to the elevator and headed to the ground floor. A black luxury car had been waiting for her. Arya had changed vehicles to take her to campus.

Uncle Arya was shocked when Mumut opened the passenger seat next to him. He asked Mumut to move to the passenger seat at the back, but she refused.

Arriving at the campus, Mumut immediately went to the lecturer's room and asked for the lecturer. Another lecturer asked Mumut to wait because her lecturer was still teaching. Mumut could only nod and walked towards the chair behind her. Mumut contacted her guidance lecturer, but her lecturer wasn't answered. Then she sent a message, and ten minutes later came a reply telling her to wait.

Mumut waited for quite a while. She sat there for about an hour when she saw Andika walking towards her. Mumut ducked down, feeling her heart pounding faster.

"Mut," Andika's gentle voice startled her. She looked up and found the handsome face wasn't far from her and staring at her.

"Oh, sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to surprise you," says Andika, "How long have you been here?"

Mumut tried to suppress the vibration in her chest. She tried to smile as normal as possible.

"It's only about an hour."

"Have you met the lecturer?"

Mumut shook her head. Her heart pounded as Andika seated himself in the chair next to Mumut. Mumut breathed very slowly. She smiled slightly.

"You want to see your lecturer too?" asked Mumut as she tried to avoid Andika's gaze.

"Yes, he told me to wait about fifteen minutes,"

"Oh ..."

Mumut's phone rang. She looked at her phone screen and saw Bian's name there. Mumut immediately picked it up. After a moment of silence. Bian then asked Mumut, "Is the consultation finished?"

"Not yet."

"Have you contacted the lecturer?"

"I did."

"Let me know when you're done. Arya just drove your mother back home from the hospital."


Mumut hung up, a smile adorned her beautiful lips. Mumut was grateful in her heart because Bian was so attentive to her mother. She couldn't imagine what her fate would have been having she not come to Bian at that time.

"You're happy, huh? Why are you so full of smiles?"

Mumut turned around and felt her heart beating. Andika! In a moment, she had forgotten about this guy when Bian called her.

"Hmmm," Mumut smiled as she tried to calm herself. She already had a husband now, and she couldn't ignore her husband.

Mumut immediately let out a long sigh when Andika's lecturer came, and the man immediately stood up to meet him. Andika said goodbye to her before he left with his lecturer. Mumut just nodded with a smile.

Mumut was alone again in the room. She opened her phone to read the chats, and some notifications appeared on her phone from a top-rated chat app. The content was quite interesting to her.

Mumut immediately opened a group chat that contained thousands of talks because she hadn't opened it for a long time. Mumut immediately shifted the message to the very bottom and found the two most mentioned words, and they were 'Mumut's husband.' Out of curiosity, Mumut turned the chats up and saw a picture message with the same caption. The picture had started a talk about Mumut's husband, up to hundreds of them. Mumut downloaded the photo to see the image. Mumut couldn't help but smile when she saw that the picture was of her getting out of the car, and Uncle Arya was opening the door for her. They must have thought that Uncle Arya was her husband because not many people knew that Arya was Bian's driver. After all, Bian was more often went to the office driving alone or with Randy.

"Mutiara Azzahra."

"Yes ..." Mumut looked up towards the coming voice. A woman stood in front of the lecturer's room door and told her that her lecturer was waiting.

Mumut immediately stood up and entered the lecturer's room. She saw Andika talked to his lecturer as she passed by.

Mumut immediately headed to Budi's desk. The man was talking to a colleague next to him when Mumut came. Mumut smiled as she greeted the forty-year-old man. A cold stare from him instantly welcomed Mumut. Everybody well knew Budi as a killer lecturer. Many students didn't want to have him as a guiding lecturer because it was challenging to give the right argument.

The man stared at her sharply and then flipped sheet after sheet of Mumut's thesis proposal. He asked a few questions before finally telling Mumut to leave her thesis proposal there, as he needed to read it first. Mumut asked to contact him in two or three days.

Mumut could only agree and nodded her head, and then she got out of the room. Mumut didn't see Andika anymore in the room as well.

When she came out of the lecturer's room, Mumut saw a man standing behind Andika. Mumut felt her heart pounding again. The tall figure with an athletic body in a blue t-shirt lately had become familiar. Mumut was surprised to see him here because she had forgotten to let him know that the consultation was over.

"Darling," Mumut felt her cheeks flushed every time she uttered the word.

The man turned around and smiled softly at Mumut.

"Are you done?"

Mumut nodded.

"Let's visit Mother first before we go home," Bian said, then walked with her to Bian's parked car.

They heard the sound of maghrib adhan as they passed through the campus grounds. Mumut invited Bian to pray at a campus mosque not far from where they stood. Bian agreed.

After prayer, Mumut approached Bian, who was talking to someone. It turned out that the person was Mr. Budi, Mumut's lecturer mentor. Bian introduced Mumut as his wife. Mumut smiled as she clasped both of her hands. Budi immediately pulled his extended hand. He recognized Mumut as his guidance student who was doing the consultation.

After a chat for some time, they said goodbye and walked to the parking lot.

