
Married to the Rough Khan, Farming the Steppes

Petite Princess VS Rough Khan On their wedding day, Yelu Yan told Li Xianyun that apart from affection, he could provide her with endless wealth and honor. After the marriage, he indeed kept his promise, cherishing her in the palm of his hand. Little did he know, the more he cherished her, the deeper she burrowed into his heart, right to the very top. Not long after the political marriage with the Khitans, Li Xianyun gradually noticed earth-shattering changes around her: Initially, the commoners who disliked her began to worship her as a deity... The court officials accusing her of bewitching their lord were now pleading with her to consummate the marriage with the Khan... The most perplexing of all was her husband in name; wasn’t he the one who said he wouldn't give her emotional affection? Why was he always following her around? Little theater scene 1: One day, Yelu Yan cornered Li Xianyun against the wall. “Why are you avoiding this Khan?” “They say you might have taken a liking to your servant.” “Remove ‘might’, isn’t it obvious enough from how this Khan acts?” “But you said you wouldn’t give your servant emotional affection.” Yelu Yan held his forehead; he had indeed said too many foolish things. “The Han people always say that one should start a family and then establish a career; clearly, the two are not in conflict.” Little theater scene 2: The sun had risen high, yet Yelu Yan was still clinging to Li Xianyun. “Get up quickly, I have to leave. There are patients on the street waiting for my consultation, the good fields to the west need irrigation, the homestead plots in the east need measuring, and I have to oversee the silk reeling and dyeing... Uh...” “Your husband is a patient, don’t you care for him?” Li Xianyun looked at the man tough enough to rival ten bulls and was utterly speechless.

Fruit Jelly · Lịch sử
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339 Chs

026 She actually called him husband (second update)

Li Xianyun looked around and decided to open an ice porridge stall next to the one selling naan. After consuming such dry food, everyone would surely feel parched and hot. A bowl of chilled porridge to quench the thirst and cool down would definitely be a delightful thing.

So it was settled.

Yelu Yan felt some eye fatigue from reading extensively, pinched the bridge of his nose with his slender fingers, and glanced up to see Li Xianyun staring blankly at a restaurant. He set the book aside and asked, "Hungry?"

Li Xianyun turned to look at Yelu Yan. She wasn't hungry, but she wanted to get out of the carriage to survey the market firsthand. She hummed an affirmation and said, "Khan, let's go eat naan and roasted meat."

Yelu Yan looked at her and said, "I thought you didn't like to eat these things."

Li Xianyun was taken aback. Indeed, she didn't like them, but how did he know?

It must have been the kitchen maids in the dining hall who told Yelu Yan. Just after she had discussed teaching them how to make Han cuisine, Yelu Yan made this comment.

In the Khan Palace, everyone was Yelu Yan's person; there was nothing he did not know.

Li Xianyun pursed her lips and smiled a little embarrassingly.

Yelu Yan gave her a glance and said to the outside, "Stop the carriage."

The carriage came to an immediate halt, the Palace Servants arranged the footstool properly, and Yelu Yan, bending over, exited the carriage and stood to the side.

Seeing Li Xianyun come out, Yelu Yan extended his hand towards her.

This time, Li Xianyun didn't hesitate and placed her hand in his palm, just lightly resting a few fingertips as before.

They were both dressed in unassuming attire, and the Palace Servants and guards were all dressed simply as well. Yelu Yan didn't want to draw attention with this outing.

Nevertheless, where Yelu Yan and Li Xianyun stood, they attracted many onlookers' gazes.

The man was towering and formidable, and the woman was delicate and charming. Above all, both were exceedingly attractive, making it hard for people not to stop and stare.

A Khitan man gazing at Li Xianyun bumped into a stall, and copper pots scattered all over the ground.

Li Xianyun looked over and saw the man's infatuated gaze, involuntarily hiding a little behind Yelu Yan.

Only now did the man notice Yelu Yan, and the formidable and piercing look in his eyes almost made him lose his soul.

Why did he feel a chill creeping up his neck, as if he were about to lose his life?

The stall owner grabbed the man's collar and said, "Can't you watch where you're going? Look at what you've done. You're not leaving without giving me an explanation today!"

The man said, "Okay, okay, let go of my collar. I can barely breathe."

Yelu Yan looked down at Li Xianyun and asked, "Which shop do you want to eat in?"

Li Xianyun looked around and seeing an impressive-looking shop, she said, "My lord, shall we eat over there?"

At these words, those nearby were stunned.

The corners of Yelu Yan's mouth curled up slightly.

Li Xianyun said, "Did I call you by the wrong name?"

Shouldn't they conceal their identities in public? Calling him Khan was hardly appropriate for the occasion.

However, she quickly realized that the title sounded too intimate.

"Then I shall call you master."

Yelu Yan started walking forward and said, "Just call me husband."

Li Xianyun paused for a moment and then followed him, taking steps to catch up.

Zhuo Ma and Youlan, accompanying them by the side, exchanged smiles with a knowing look, feeling as if they were in on a secret.

The shopkeeper, seeing Yelu Yan's entrance, hurried forward with a welcoming smile and said, "Distinguished guests, what would you like to have?"

Though Yelu Yan was simply dressed, there was an undeniable air of nobility about him that revealed his status, causing the shopkeeper to be more effusive than usual.

"We require two private rooms," Yelu Yan said matter-of-factly.

The shopkeeper enthusiastically responded, "This way, please, to the upstairs."

The party ascended the stairs.

Leading the way, the shopkeeper suggested, "Let's head to the private room on the east side. It's cool there, with a beautiful view of bamboo groves and a miniature landscape, complete with a gently flowing stream. Through the window, you can also see the bustling night market. Our guests can enjoy the local customs and scenery of Shangjing while dining."

The innkeeper had a slick mouth and a way with words that was quite pleasing to the ear.

Upon reaching the second floor, the innkeeper personally opened the door for them.

Li Xianyun followed Yelu Yan into the room, which was bright and clean. Carpets lay on the floor, and tapestries from the walls—Khitan had an indescribable obsession with carpets.

Crafts such as ivory artifacts, bronze pots, antelope skulls, and bells from cattle and horses were arrayed on the shelves.

A huqin also hung on one of the walls.

It was said that every Khitan knew how to sing and dance and every one of them could play the huqin and sing; Li Xianyun wondered if Yelu Yan could too.

She didn't even dare to entertain the image of him playing and singing.

Yelu Yan took a seat at the table, and the innkeeper looked at him, asking, "My lord, what would you like to eat?"

Yelu Yan glanced up at Li Xianyun, who was still looking at the huqin, and said, "What do you want to eat?"

Li Xianyun turned and walked to the table, sitting opposite Yelu Yan. She asked the innkeeper, "Do you have any special dishes here?"

The innkeeper listed several dishes, but they all inevitably revolved around roast meat and nang bread. Looking at Yelu Yan, Li Xianyun then said, "Husband, shall I order?"

"Hmm," Yelu Yan looked up at her.

"Should I order for five?" Li Xianyun asked.

Yelu Yan replied, "Just the two of us will dine here, while the others can eat in the private room next door."

The innkeeper was thrilled upon hearing this; he had not misjudged them. As he suspected, they were wealthy and even arranged a private room for their servants.

Li Xianyun ordered two dishes with rather tongue-twisting names and requested milk tea. She then said to the innkeeper, "Just these for us two; let the others order for themselves."

"Very well, Madam," replied the innkeeper.

At his words, Li Xianyun looked up at Yelu Yan, and her gaze fell into a pair of deep, tiger-like eyes.

Yelu Yan was holding a cup, drinking water.

Li Xianyun lightly pursed her lips and picked up the cup in front of her, beginning to drink.

The water was poured by Yelu Yan himself.

The innkeeper turned to Jinwu, Youlan, and Zhuo Ma, indicating, "Please come this way, honored guests."

The three of them looked at Yelu Yan.

Yelu Yan gave an "Hmm" as he continued to drink his water.

Jinwu said, "Master, Madam, we will be right next door. Call us if you need anything."

With that, the three of them left the room and closed the door from the outside.

Now only Yelu Yan and Li Xianyun remained in the spacious room.

This was the second time they were alone together; the last time it happened, someone had died in her room, and there was no option but to share a bed with Yelu Yan for a night.

Li Xianyun sipped the water in her cup, feeling somewhat at a loss.

The room was very quiet. A topic of conversation was needed to ease the awkwardness.

Li Xianyun swallowed a mouthful of water and asked, "Lord Khan, where are you taking me?"

Now that they were alone, there was no need to continue calling him "husband."

"Be mindful, the walls have ears," Yelu Yan remarked.

Did that mean she should keep calling him husband?


Yelu Yan did not answer her question but instead inquired, "You're quite interested in the making of weapons?"

Li Xianyun nodded.

"I wouldn't have guessed."

It was indeed surprising that such a frail woman, who seemed unable to lift a hand, was interested in weapons.