
Married to the Prince of Darkness

After princess Nardin was married off to Prince Liam who was rumored to be a devil, she has to struggle amidst all odds to survive. Meanwhile, the devil, Liam was starting to fall in love with her and love was the only weapon to bring him down. Can Nardin save her devil husband or will she be the death of him? Cover Image from Pinterest.

Rita_Chioma_9038 · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

A mysterious invasion

I was just about to have a harmless dance with Arthur when Liam showed up from the blues and grabbed his wrists with this very annoyed look in his eyes. He said nothing but his gaze said it all.

"Liam, what are you doing?" I asked in the horror of what might go down that moment but Liam ignored me not breaking his stare from Arthur.

"Get your hands off my wife." He finally spoke.

"Woah, easy there man it was just a harmless dance." Arthur said and tried to pull his wrist off Liam's grip but he couldn't.

"Liam, he's telling the truth. He only asked for a dance." I said but Liam ignored me.

What was Liam even doing? It's not like he cared about me so why is he acting so possessive. Getting annoyed by Liam's pretense, I lost my temper and then slapped him hard on his face. That slap was quite a loud one that got the attention of everyone in the room. People who were initially looking at us gasped in shock while others turned to look at what was happening and that was when I realized what I had just done. I humiliated my husband before the entire kingdom, not just our kingdom but the other four kingdoms. I quickly got cold feet and so ran out of the castle through the back door. I could feel Queen Charlotte's gaze on me as I left. I couldn't even look at Liam's face. I was scared of what he might do.

Pushing off people in my way, I ran outside, behind the castle where there was nobody. It was really quiet there, the only sound one could hear there was the sound of the water falling down the fountain. I stood close to one of the figurines and looked into the water to see my reflection.

"Nardin, what have you done?" I muttered to myself. "How do I fix this?" I asked my reflection in the water. "This must be the dumbest thing anyone has to do at this festival."

I sat down at the fountain there and buried my face in my palms before I heard a voice that drew my attention.

"My princess." Liam's voice said.

I looked up in fear to see him standing before me.

"I was...." "I was...." We both said at the same time then quickly stopped.

"I'll go first." Liam said.

"Okay." I nodded.

Liam sighed before he started "ahm." He scratched his head then continued "What I did back there was unnecessary. I... I ah... I would have just listened to you and let him go, maybe I was just... I was just..."

Damn Liam was very bad at making apologies so I stopped him.

"My prince, I'm so sorry I slapped you back there. I swear I don't know what came over me, I don't know what I was thinking, I don't even know how it happened. I shouldn't have done it and I'm sorry." I apologized.

"You shouldn't be, I caused it so It's not your fault." He responded.

I waited for a while for him to also say sorry but he didn't say anything else I already understood he wanted to say sorry but didn't know how to.

There was a moment of awkward silence between us as we stared at each other. Liam soon came close to me and removed my hairpin, letting my hair fall. I felt very uncomfortable with this gesture of his.

"I'm sure everyone is waiting inside for us." I awkwardly said and left him behind making my way into the castle but just as I got to the door, Liam pulled me back then linked our arms together and we walked into the castle together.

"Now this is what a real couple should look like." King Albert said excitedly, smiling at both of us. "I'm proud of you son." He added.

After the entertainment, eating, and drinking, the event was over. At that time it was night already and kingdoms started to go back.

Liam helped me climb into our ride before he got in and sat beside him.

"Good to go?" He asked and I nodded. I couldn't understand what was going on. Liam was acting weird in a nice way but quite scary. Hold on, does he want to kill me? Does he have a hit list and am I the next on his list?

"What is going on with you today?" I asked not expecting a response but to my surprise, he responded.

"Does it look like something is wrong with me?" He responded.

"There you go again. The prince Liam I know would not respond to that or help me get into my friend, or try to protect me from someone he thought was an intruder or..." But before I could finish my list he cut me short in his usual way.

"Well then just enjoy the moment while it lasts." He said.

"Right." I muttered.

I looked around nervously when I noticed Percy's eyes on me. Just then Liam put his arm around my shoulders and drew me close to him. Okay now I think I know what he is doing, he's trying to prove to Percy that he has a wife.

"What are the names of your other brothers?" I asked.

"Richter, Karl, and Ral." He responded.

"Why don't you ever talk to them?"

"We have nothing to discuss."

"But you're brothers."

Half... Brothers and if you would respect my decision Nardin, do not speak of them again."

"Oh... Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

Throughout the rest of our journey, we rode in silence until we go to our kingdom, our palace and that was when we noticed it was invaded. Some guards were lying motionlessly at the palace gate without any wound on their bodies. Liam got out of the carriage to check their pulse. His brothers were no longer with us as they already made their way back to their homes.

"Are they still alive?" The queen asked in a panic.

"No. They're dead." Liam responded.

"What could've happened?" The king asked trying to make his way out of his carriage.

"Stay back father. I'll go in and see what happened." Liam said.

"Right but the guards will go with you." The queen said.

"Mother you know I need no guards." Liam responded giving his mother a knowing look. "Guards, stay back here and protect my wife, my mother, and father with your life." He said to the guards who attended the festival with us. Then he turned towards Irene "protect her as well. If any harm comes to any of them you'll lose your lives." He said as the guards bowed and he left.

Irene came to my carriage and sat next to me.

"What do you think caused all these?" I asked her.

"I'm not sure but it looks like the work of magic." She responded.

"Do you think Liam can handle this?" I panicked.

"I'm sure he has handled more dangerous cases. He'll be fine Nardin."

"Nobody has ever invaded Akalon before let alone the King's castle. Something doesn't feel right about this." The queen said.

"You worry too much queen Charlotte. I'm sure my son will sort everything out as soon as...." King Albert started responding but suddenly stopped as he dropped to the floor falling off his carriage. The guards immediately drew their swords.

"Albert...!" The queen screamed and rushed towards the motionless king.