
Married to the Demon God

[Mature Content!] In a world where power and wealth dictated one's fate, Eliana was born into a life of poverty, the daughter of a humble villager. Tragedy struck early when her mother passed away at just six years old, leaving a void that was quickly filled by her father's new wife-a ruthless duchess from the village. The duchess brought with her four children of her own: one son and three daughters, all spoiled and cruel. They despised Eliana for her destitute roots, treating her as little more than a burden. Her father, once a loving man, turned a blind eye to her suffering at the hands of her stepfamily, becoming a mere shadow of the protector she once knew. The years passed unforgivingly, and by eighteen, Eliana had been reduced to a servant in her own home, subject to the whims and cruelties of her stepmother and step-siblings. Seeing no further use for the girl, the duchess arranged a marriage to a reclusive duke from a neighboring town. The duke, an eccentric man needing a wife merely to uphold appearances, accepted the arrangement without a second thought. Little did the scheming duchess know the dark truth behind the man she so eagerly married off her stepdaughter to. The so-called duke was no mere nobleman; he was the Demon God himself, a being of unimaginable power who ruled over all creation. Feared by mortals and deities alike, his true nature was hidden behind the guise of a simple lord, using his estate as a place of respite from the burdens of his eternal dominion.

LJDRLwanen · Kỳ huyễn
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78 Chs

The Hunter and the Hunted

Lito moved through the darkened halls of Ravenwood Mansion, his footsteps silent as a whisper. The air hung heavy with the aftermath of the attack, a lingering chill that seeped into the very bones of the mansion. The servants, huddled in their quarters, spoke in hushed whispers, their fear palpable even through the closed doors.

Lito's amber eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in every detail. He paused at the shattered window in the servants' quarters, his gaze tracing the jagged edges of the broken glass. The intruder had entered and exited through this window, leaving no other signs of forced entry.

He knelt down, examining the shards of glass scattered on the floor. A faint, sulfurous odor clung to them, a telltale sign of demonic presence. Lito's lips tightened into a thin line. He had underestimated the enemy's cunning. They had found a way to bypass his wards, to infiltrate the mansion without triggering any alarms.