

The Story comprises the most dangerous mafia; he is also a handsome young man about 24 years of age name Harrison McCall. He is known to be the leader of the Mafia group name, “Black Jaguars” these groups are feared by many in the country and with this, he doesn’t take “NO” for an answer especially when it comes to his personal needs. He is most feared by people except his family members who know nothing about his dangerous lifestyle. Harrison has always been a jerk, a cheater, and a dangerous bi***h he hated the word LOVE because he never believed in it but he likes to flirt around. Until the day he met Elena. A 20-year-old lady by the name of Elena Morgan, She’s a very beautiful, Kind but timid at times, smart, and a little bit shy young lady and also the only daughter of her parents. The STORY got thrilled when both families got the two different individuals married. Harrison and Elena got married but it was a loveless marriage. They were living like enemies but as time goes on things began to change. But, when the two couples decided to take their newfound love life to another turn, Jason came into the picture. Jason, Harrison's cousin's brother is the opposite of him. Jason hated everything about Harrison. Firstly, he blames Harrison for taking away his first love for his ex-girlfriend Sara and now the one true love he had for Elena Harrison took her away from him and got married to her as well. Jason is verge to take REVENGE on him and pay him back in double folds. Jason plans on making Harrison’s newfound happiness to be shattered and he is determined to KILL for it. ** Will he succeeds with his plans??? ** FIND OUT MORE IN THE STORY…

Moni Sky · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
16 Chs

Chapter 8

Elena retired to her room after she was done in the kitchen. It will be so awkward to call Jason to inform him that she wasn’t feeling feel.

She also regretted not accepting Harrison’s help.

She went back to the living room because she was restless. She lay on the floor and fell asleep finally.

Harrison was feeling restless in his room also. He didn’t know what was happening to her.

He hoped that it wasn’t what happened to Sara that happened to her. That was one of the reasons he went to check up on her.

He checked her room and she wasn’t there and he went to the living room and then the kitchen.

Harrison’s heart started beating fast. He didn’t know what to do.

“Was she kidnapped?” Was the question on his mind.

He checked the other room and yet no sign of her.

“Elena where are you?”, he sat down and ruffled his hair and he heard a sound somewhere.

He looked for her thoroughly and found her on the floor and he released a breath of relief.

He looked at Elena closely and she was crying though she was asleep.

He carried her in a bridal way to his room. He put her on the bed and thought of what to do.

He never had someone to take care of him when he was sick, he hardly fell sick and whenever he was, he took care of himself.

Elena was sweating and her temperature was hot. Harrison brought a towel to wipe her sweat and then he wet it to cool down the temperature.

Then he thought of changing her clothes but he changed his mind.

He raised her to a sitting position to feed her water but she ended up vomiting on him. She vomited the milk and the food she ate with Jason earlier on her cloth, bed and Harrison.

She opened her eyes a little and then she closed them.

“You……”, Harrison said angrily.

Harrison looked at himself with disgust, he rushed to take care of the dirt on his body.

When he finished, he removed her clothes and took her to the bathroom.

After he freshen up for her, he stared at her body for a while and he regretted not being able to control himself from staring.

He picked one of his cloth and he wore it for her, he then replaced his bedsheet with a new one.

He looked at his wristwatch, it was midnight and he wondered if the hospital would open.

Instead of the hospital, he thought of buying drugs but he decided to take her along since he wasn’t sure of her safety at home alone.

“Good morning Sir”, the pharmacist greeted as he entered but he ignored him.

“I need a drug for someone who is having a hot temperature and also vomiting”

“OK sir, give me a minute”, she said as she went to pick up the drugs and it was handed over to him.

He also bought a bottle of water.

He paid with his card and left for his car.

He looked at Elena and she was sweating again.

He put the drug in her mouth and gave her water but she didn’t swallow it.

Confused, he didn’t know how to give her the drug since she didn’t want it.

He put the drug in his mouth with a small amount and allowed it to dissolve and then he kissed her to put the drug in her mouth.

Fortunately, she swallowed it and he drank water to remove the taste of the drug in his mouth.

“It’s so stressful to take care of a sick person”, he muttered as he drove up.

** Next day **

Elena woke up very tired, but she managed to open her eyes. She looked around and smiled thinking she was drinking.

She closed her eyes and opened them again, she was still in the room.

“How did I end up here in Harrison’s room?”

Then she hoped that he had gone to work.

She quickly left the room and went to the kitchen. She was hungry.

“If you are interested in eating, your food is in the kitchen”, Harrison said and continued eating.

“What did you do to me?”, she asked pointing her finger at him.

Harrison stood up from where he was eating and he moved close to her and she moved back.

“When you are done wearing my cloth, return them cos it is my favourite”, he said and Elena looked at the cloth she was wearing.

When she realized that it was his shirt, she used her hands to cover herself.

“You pervert! How did I get into your cloth?”, Elena glared and Harrison was tempted to smile.

“You don’t remember?”

“Remember what?”, Elena said covering herself the more.

“How did I get to your room also?”, she asked.

“You ask too many questions”, he complained but Elena never stop glaring at him.

“You were not feeling ok, so I helped you to my room”, he replied and she gasped.

“Did we…… do anything?”

“You think I took you to my room for nothing?”, he said and she gasped.

Harrison didn’t mean to deceive her but he was enjoying her ignorance.

He was glad that she was now better.

“You took advantage of me …. You pervert”

“Your food is getting is getting cold”, he said standing up.

“Where are you going?”, she asked him and he raised his brow.

“Why?... ... ... . You don’t want me to leave?”

“I just want to know, you are too full of yourself”, she muttered but he heard.

“I will pretend I didn’t hear that”, he said and left to prepare for work.

* 3 days later *

Jason and Elena don’t see each other frequently but they still manage to talk to each other over the phone.

Sammy was discharged but Harrison always ensures he goes to see if he’s ok.

Harrison came down shot on his stomach. He managed to keep it from Elena.

The red dragons and black jaguars had a fight which lead to war. Harrison got shot while he was trying to save paul.

He was happy that he didn’t meet Elena on his way to his room. If not she would have seen him in a terrible state.

He got into his room and took a shower to remove the blood stain. He removed the bullet after many trials, then applied spirit and place a bandage

He tried to move but he was in severe pain.

“Why is there a blood stain on your shirt?”, Elena asked and Sammy noticed the blood coming from his shirt.

“It’s nothing”, he quickly replied and as he tried to move but he couldn’t walk properly.

“Are you ok? What happened to you?”, Elena asked holding him but he pushed her away.

“I am fine”, he shouted and she stepped back immediately.

Harrison groaned in pain. He thought he could take the pain but not anymore.

The blood stain on his cloth became much, he was losing blood.

“Why do you refuse help every time someone offers to help you?”, she yelled too.

“You think you are strong huh? You can’t be perfect, you need to be weak sometimes”, she said.

“I can handle this, I don’t need your help”, he said stubbornly.

“You can be stubborn all you want but you can’t stop me from helping you “, she said stubbornly too.

She moved to him to remove his shirt but he held her hand.

“I want to help you, please let me help you”, she said more like a plead and he released her hand.

She removed his shirt and gasped at his injury. It was very deep, it wasn’t as minor as she thought.

She couldn’t imagine the pain he was going through.

She removed the bandage he had placed earlier and he winced. He tried not to show his pain, especially in her presence.

She treated his wound and banged it.

“Don’t stress yourself, just rest. If you need anything ask me ok?”, she asked taking him to his room but he didn’t reply.

“Is that taken?”, she asked again and he nodded.

“Thank you”, he said and Elena smiled.

After some moment, he fell asleep and Elena watched him sleep.

He slept like he hasn’t been sleeping for days. He looked so peaceful.

She was forced to touch his face admiring his beauty.

“How come I never noticed that he was this fine until now?”

Elena fell asleep as she sat on the floor and placed her head on the edge of his bed.

She didn’t want to leave him since he might need her to do something anytime.

Elena woke up with a duvet on her. She remembered vividly that she didn’t sleep with anything.

She looked at the bed but didn’t find Harrison, she checked the time it was around 2 am.

She walked around the house looking for him and then saw him at the bar counter as usual.

“Were you looking for me?”

“No…... . I couldn’t sleep”, she lied but Harrison knew better.

“Sit!”, he said more like an order but Elena did anyway.

“Thank you but you didn’t have to help me”, he said.

“You don’t have to thank me, you helped me too. I’m just repaying the favour”, she said and he nodded.

“Aren’t you angry with me for choosing Jason instead of you?”

“I don’t know……. It isn’t your fault”, he said.

“How did you get shot? Are you involved in something illegal? “, she asked curiously.

“I think you should get some sleep, you look tired”, he replied and she frowned.

“who is Sara? Is she truly your ex-lover?”, she asked.

“What did Jason tell you?”

“Nothing much ……. He said Sara was your lover”, she replied.

“Yes”, he admitted.

“What happened between you, Sara and Jason?”, she said but Harrison only stared at her and she kept quiet.

“No matter what happens later, just avoid Ryan McCall”, he said and Elena looked confused.

Why is Harrison asking her to avoid his uncle?

“Why- are

“Promise me you’d do just that”, he cut in.

“I promise”, she said reluctantly.

“Why do you keep everything to yourself? Don’t you get tired of being alone”, she said.

“What do you mean?”

“Ever since you left your parent's house, you are yet to pick up their call and talk to them, you went to the hospital to meet someone I don’t know and now you are in pain and you kept quiet”

“That’s my business and not yours! Besides, it’s my life and I’ll live it the way I like”, he replied a bit angry.

“What kind of cold person are you? Sometimes I wonder why I agreed to this loveless marriage”

“If you don’t what to stick with me then you are free to walk away from this marriage, it’s not like I wanted to get married to you in the first place”, he replied icily.

“You are so cold, no wonder no one wants you”, she said but Harrison said nothing.

Though she saw the hurt in his face she didn’t care. She just wants to express the hatred she had for him.

“I don’t need anyone in my life, I have been living well without anyone”, he said.

“Why can’t you behave like Jason? You act like you don’t need anyone and yet you are the one who needs people the most”

“It’s late, I think I will go back to my room to have some rest”, he said and walked away.

“You should be patient soon cos you will soon reveal yourself to everyone”

“I can’t wait!!!”, the unknown person said excitedly.

“I will collect everything that belongs to me because I am back for good”, the unknown said.

“Don’t worry about that, I will ensure that. You just make sure you do what we agreed on”

“I won’t disappoint you, I will plan everything carefully because I reveal myself to the public, especially Harrison”, the person said.



