
Chapter 170: Don't Know _1

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Lin Chuchu had been waiting outside for a while without seeing Qin Pei emerge. Just when she was about to go in and hurry him, she saw him struggling to carry a heap of things.

The sight was so funny that Lin Chuchu couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Qin Pei struggled to her side, "Are you satisfied now?"

"Not bad, you're very considerate." Lin Chuchu said, her voice filled with laughter, and the end of her sentence lifted unintentionally.

Qin Pei was momentarily stunned, his face also breaking into a smile, "Chuchu, it's been a long time since you smiled at me."

Lin Chuchu's smile froze on her face, she forced a stiff grin and her smile gradually faded.

"It's just a smile, I can smile dozens of times a day. Do you want me to keep smiling at you?" said Lin Chuchu, baring her teeth to form a smile forcefully for him to see.

This was not the same at all. Qin Pei abruptly pushed her back, "No need."