



I was still packing my stuff inside the house when the CEO called me, I walked towards him, and smiled.

What's your name?

My name is Alexa German, from Los Angeles.

Cool, you have got a nice name

I'm Steven, I work at my dad's company as a CEO. I'm from Georgia..

Do you leave alone in this mansion sir?

Yep, but sometimes I invite my friends, and my name is Steven not sir.


Steven took me around his mansion and gave me a room to stay. The Bedroom was so pretty, I could see the city from my room window it was actually a nice view.

After arranging my stuff in my wardrobe I went to the sitting room, but I lost my way because the house was so big, I tried finding my way but the next thing I saw was my self in a room, I tried all means to find my way back but couldn't. I thought of calling Steven, but I remembered I didn't have a phone..

I didn't know what to the do, the next option was for me to cry! I started crying, till I cried myself to sleep, when I woke up I saw myself laying on my bed and tried recalling when I got to my room but I couldn't. I saw Steven sitting beside me smiling , I think you lost your way, I saw you in the guest room



I tried finding my way back to the sitting room, but got lost because you've got a big mansion

( I gazed at Steven charming blue eyes and damn he was so gorgeous)

Alexa! Alexa! Are you okay?

I've been talking to you but you aren't replying..

Ah, I just feel a little bit weak, I got to get some rest,

Okay, I'm going to the pool outside, here's my number, call me if you need anything..

Ah,ah, I don't have a phone..



Ok, I'll get you a phone, tomorrow.

Thanks sir, I mean Steven.

Steven left the room, and I felt so happy that I was going to have a phone finally, I stood up from the bed, and went to the window, beside my bed there I could see the pool, I saw Steven with a pair of pants and tower wraped around his neck.


While I was swimming, I heard my phone ring it was Jason, my childhood friend.

Yo bro!

Hi Jason, what's popping?

Nothing much, just at the fast food getting some ice_ cream, are you at home?


Cool , I'll meet you there in the next 20 mins


I looked up and saw Alexa from her bedroom window waving at me.

I waved back at her, she was saying something, but I couldn't get her so I quickly ran inside to her room.

Hey Alexa, you where saying something but I couldn't get you, what's up?

I think I've rested enough I gotta start my work.

Is there any thing I could do?

Like make you lunch?

Ok, I can't wait to taste your food.

What you gonna make?

Something special.

My dad favorite meal, chicken noggets.

Wow, that's my favorite.



Do you know how to make it?

No,not really.

I could teach you.

Sure, some other time now I need to go get dressed my friend is paying a visit

Ok, Steven and I walked downstairs and he led me to the kitchen.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

DeborahIkinacreators' thoughts