
Chapter 204 Unchanged Mistake

   "Sir she's in her car headed back to her mansion!" Xavier smiled. He called Amelia and kept on loud speaker, "What do you want Xavier?" She sounded irritated by his presence. Amelia saw him as the person that had put her beloved sister in so much pain, and Hazel was a product of that pain.

   Though she's loved the girl as her own and taken really good care of her, she still picked her biological daughters over anyone, and then Hazel, she now cared less about the girl. "Where are you? You seem to be driving a car?" "I am why?" Hazel's heart skipped on hearing this.

   Her aunt Amelia was really driving a car. As much as she wanted to save Alex, she couldn't see herself being the cause of her aunt's death. "I'll do it please stop, I'll talk to Alex just the way you want!" She said sorely. "Now that's my love there!" Xavier smiled and almost immediately Alex called again for the one hundredth time in a day.

   "Where the hell are you Hazel?" She heard his angry and frustrated voice from the other end.

  I... I.. went.. on.. a.. vacation.. with.. my.. family..!" She said calmly to not get a reply from him immediately. "Are you alright Hazel?" She heard him say. If she tells him she's not alright, Xavier will kill her aunt Amelia. "Like you care, I need to calm down and put my brain together!" She said sternly and hunged up.


  It was past midnight and as promised Hazel heard her door knob twisting for Brianna to walk in. "It's time miss Hazel the truck will leave very soon Miss, you have to get inside of it now!" Brianna whispered so as not to attract the gaurds.

    "Is it time to leave yet?" "Yes miss!" "You're sure I wouldn't get caught?"

   "Not in the next five minutes, so we have to leave now!" The girl said.

"Thank you so much Brianna!" Hazel got off the bed and hugged the girl. 

   "Anything for you miss Hazel now go quickly!" With quick steps, Hazel stepped out of the room tiptoeing and headed for the lounge and then out of the mansion as she got behind the truck parked at the entrance of the mansion.

Getting into the truck still filled with drinks, the event from earlier rushed into her mind like a flowing river. Xavier had told her that she was not his daughter and somehow, she felt like it was true. Somehow within her, she had a feeling he was not her real father, but then, how was that even possible?

   She had so many questions but there was no one to answer them. 

   Hazel was happy she was finally going home. She might have alot to do especially with Alex's mother who now blamed her for Carie's condition, but that was way better than being locked up like a criminal and not just by anyone, but by her own father.

   "Alright Mr Marion, I need to go in for my party with my beloved right now!" "Okay Mr Gale, see you next time!" She heard the truck door open and closed. Here she was with the thought of getting caught, who would have thought it'll be this easy. In the next minute she could feel it moving and moving, no one knew she was at the back of the truck.


    I decided to get off the truck once we've reached the first traffic light. Since Brianna said we were still in NYC, it wouldn't be hard finding a cab back home. I need to tell Alex everything about Dad and his plans.

   At the second stop after few hours drive, I jumped off the truck and notice how crampy my legs felt cause of how I seated in that truck. I almost kissed the road out of excitement, finally, I was free again.

   I just didn't know when my life became this much unreal and abnormal. I hurriedly walked down the road to ask people of the direction to Manhattan. Getting a taxi, I headed to the mansion.

   I was so excited to see Alex again, it was a long drive from that unknown place back to this place. The sky was already turning blue as a sign of dawn.

   I was lucky to have escaped from Dad, I just hope Brianna doesn't get caught. We arrived at Alex's estate, as usual there were gaurds at the gate, but the moment I revealed my identity, they let me pass through.

   I stepped into the quiet and dark mansion which sent chills to my body. "Welcome back madam!" Gaius greeted with a bow. The old man was always very punctual and accurate with his job. "Morning Gaius!" Darting my gaze around, I felt relieved, I was finally here. Few hours ago I wouldn't believe I would get to see this place today, that man was not ready to let me go.

   I climbed through the grand stairs and headed to the Masters suit. I knew Alex was still fast asleep as it was still too early for the lazy man to wake up. Twisting the door knob, I stepped into the room for my heart to be shattered into a billion pieces.