
Chapter 188 Unwanted Guest 2

   "Let me go!" I pulled my hands from his as we got into the room. "What was that for Hazel?" "What was what for, that you disrespected me before her!" "Disrespected you, are you serious?"

I couldn't believe this, "You asked your ex who has a family to leave here with us Alex. She fucking has a family!" "Can you see how pale she looked? She's depressed for crying out loud. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I knew you are many things but heartless was the least of them!" "You call me heartless, for speaking the truth. She's your ex Alex, the one you're inlove with. Why are you doing this?" "I'm sorry for loving you, but don't hurt me like this!" I cleaned the tears rolling down my cheeks.

He was driving me insane, i was getting crazy. "It's not my business if you feel whatever, get that stupid thoughts off your head!" "She stays and that's final!"

"I can't live here with her, I can't take it!" I shook my head biting my lips so as not to cry further.

"It's time you know your place in my life Hazel. You mean nothing to me. Nothing!" "Why? Why did you do those things to me!" I couldn't hold the tears in anymore, it was unbearable.

"I wouldn't blame you for my mistake though, I should have never established a normal relationship with you!" He sighed. "A master and a slave should never have a normal relationship am I right? Same goes to us!"

"You're my employee and I'm your boss. I make the decisions here, you don't have a right to oppose to it!"  I finally figured out what Alex was trying to do to me.

He was doing all this on purpose, he was killing me slowly. I nodded to his words taking in deep breaths to calm my stiff heart, as I struggled to breath. "The job you promised when do I get to go for the interview!" I struggled to change the conversation, so he doesn't continue with his torments.

"You can start next week if you like!" I nodded and got to the bathroom.

He already said he doesn't need your love Hazel, he clearly stated you mean nothing to him. He said everything we did was a game and that he was having fun with you.

If only he had an idea what his words does to me, if only he realized how broken I felt inside. She's staying, she finally had her way.

Thinking of the things they'd do together was driving me insane. I've never loved anyone like this before. I was carzy inlove with this man. The more our love get's difficult the more crazy I felt.

What is wrong with me? I can't even bring myself to tell Carie we're back before we even started our vacation. Or that Berverly now lives with us. Where do I start from if I'm to tell her he rejected me with insults. She's pregnant and I don't want her to worry. Dinner or later she'll demand for pictures, what do I tell her?

There was absolutely no one I could talk to, I haven't seen or had the chance to talk to sage after the wedding. Since I got married to this monster, we were no longer that bbf anymore so how do I talk to her.

The water dripping down to my face washed the endless tears that fell down my cheeks. I'm sure my eyes are swollen from tears right now. My parents didn't help me at all, if they were never good for each other why give birth to me? I was tired of this endless cries and suffering.

I stepped into the closet after my long bath to dress up. I didn't wear the usuals (His shirt) I wore my clothes instead. I have to get used to it now, what was I thinking? That I'd stay here forever?

I stepped out of the room to receive fresh air from out side. The beach is the only place I go when I needed fresh air. But today, I decided to take a stroll to the other part of the house.

I went in rooms by rooms to take in the veiws at least that might help me get some thoughts off my mind. I took different turns and hallways till I got to a place, it was a wine cellar, filled with varieties of drinks and wines. I got tempted and took one of it, just to taste what it would feel like. I poured the liquid into a glass and took a sip.

Though my tongue burnt, but it felt right against my chest. I've never had something this strong before cause I never had the need to, at least that's what I thought. I never grew up like every other normal kid, so pain was part of my daily life.

But for the first time, I felt like this was better than enduring any pain, especially the ones that make you want to kill your self. From a sip it turned into a shot, and then two shots, three, four and gradually a bottle. Then it was two and then three and half way to the forth one I got intoxicated by the liquid.

It felt better than swallowing my pain and dieing in silence, I found a new way to kill the endless pain for some time. I didn't want to ever leave this room, in the next minute, I passed out.

I got up after some few hours, I couldn't tell how long I've been in this cellar cause there was no window or time to tell if it was day time or night time. I held my head which was throbbing badly, sipping the air, I left the room.

I darted my gaze around wondering how I got here, there were no maids around for directions. If I ever get back to the mansion, I have to leave traces so I can always come back. With slow steps my journey back to the suffocating mansion started.

A place I once called home and wished to live in was now an unbearable and suffocating place to be. I was trapped in here, I can't leave cause I don't know what he'd do to mum if I leave.