
CHAPTER 12: 'Amusement Park'

Jayden harris

5 months later

It's been 6 months since I married Maddison

At this moment I am returning home, sometimes I notice madd restless and tense, she always looks everywhere, two months ago I had to improve security for a package that came to Madd that day I cry to the sea, she promised me that when she was ready I would would tell his past


Madd and I were watching a movie when a maid enters the room telling madd that a package had arrived, we both went downstairs and sat on the sofa, she opened the package and began to take things with her hands shaking

I approached her and what she had in her hands scared me, it was a ponytail of light brown hair, quite battered and old, in the box there were photos and used cigarettes or the ashes of them, a box of cigarettes and a lighter, in one of the photos said

'She was an idiot but an idiot not at all cowardly'

End of flashback

I saw her cry for hours having nightmares in which she called her brother she confessed to me that her brother's name was 'Mason', one day I entered the room without her noticing, she had some photos of her brother with her in her hands and others in which he was alone, one of them was the one that most caught my attention. She was smoking

While she was watching them, she sang a very melodious song, it was simply beautiful, I remember that she said

'When the night comes I'm only thinking of you, I know that inside you still carry treasures that you lived here, you will arrive, I will laugh, you will cry, I will cry. with my arm at the door, I'll be waiting for you ... '

I can't get that little part of what my wife sang out of my head, right now I'm about to get home today I decided to arrive earlier to spend time with her

She is in the garden with a guitar I had found her a few days ago, she had been playing it since then, personally for me she plays very well

"Hello dear," I say giving her a kiss on the forehead, she gives me a smile

"Hi Jay," she told me, for some time she called me that sometimes "you've left early," she says to me, placing the guitar aside

"I want us to spend the afternoon together," I say, I see how that makes him smile.

"Yes, wait, I'll go and change," she tells me, getting up.

"I'm going with you, I also want to change," I tell him and we go into the house and go to our room.

Since I asked her to start as a marriage we slept together

Maddison takes a change of clothes and goes to the bathroom to change, I also take a change and I change I have put on a pair of jeans a white shirt with black that sticks to my body and white shoes

Maddison comes out of the bathroom already changed and she looks beautiful, she is wearing a large denim jacket, a black and white tight-fitting tank dress and white shoes, I approach her and kiss her on the lips

"You look beautiful," I tell her when I break away from her, cradling her face in my hands, her cheeks turn a crimson red, I love having that effect on her

"Thank you ... you look good too," she says to me, taking her hand and intertwining our fingers. "Jay, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," I say with a smile.

We leave the house and I open the car door and I get in

It took us about 15 minutes to arrive, we went down

"Wow ... an amusement park, how did you know I like them?" I ask myself with a smile.

"I asked noah," I replied, she just nodded so we went in

Pay the tickets and two vip passes, if we would save the lines and have to buy tickets

"Let's go to the roller coaster," he told me, pulling me there

We got on, Maddison laughed with me as the cart turned, swooped, and climbed

After that we went up to the hammer at my request, in this Maddison if I scream when it stopped above

"Let's scratch the skies" I asked her she nodded as we left

We went up and I could see how immediately Maddison's face was transformed into one of terror, I felt how she clung to my body when the game went down and raised her waist hug

When the game finished we left there "Let's go there" Maddison said pointing to a photo machine

Maddison blake

We entered the photo machine Jayden put in a couple of coins, we began to pose in one we stuck out our tongues, we smiled, in another Jayden hugged me, in another I hugged him too, in another Jayden I stared and in the last one I kissed

The photos came out of the machine and we left it

"I want a copy of those photos," she says hugging me around the waist.

"Yes, but they are mine," I say giving him a chaste kiss

"Okay," she said caressing my face. "I love you," she says giving me a kiss.

At that moment we feel a flash but we do not pay attention to it)

We separated — I love you too — I tell him with a smile.

We kept riding in the games sometimes we felt flashes but we didn't want to pay attention to them, after getting on so many games we got tired so we went to the darts games, bottles that kind of

of games

We got to one that was aiming

"I want to try this one," I told Jayden referring to the game.

Jayden paid for a round of the game and they gave me the gun but I didn't hit any

"Come, I'll show you," he told me, I approached him, Jayden paid two rounds

I hug my back I pass his arms through mine, he raised the gun to a prudent height, after that he kept helping me until I hit three

"You learn quickly," he whispered in my ear, that made me shudder, "now I'll try," he said, taking the gun and paying for another round.

I stepped aside so he could shoot, but the gifted bitch is never missing

"Hi, sweetie, why so alone?" Said the little fox whose name I don't know

Neither jayden nor I pay attention

"What's up, nice, I'll keep you company?"

We still pay no attention

"Why so quiet?" I ask, passing her hand all over her arm and then leaving it on her chest.

Right now I'm burning with jealousy, I'm about to jump on that bitch

Jayden ends up giving 7 which is what it takes to win the jackpot which is a bear almost my size, the manager gives it to him and turns to the bitch

"I'm married," he says, and after that he turns to me. "Take my love," he says.

Before he can thank him, the fox he speaks again. "But I don't see her?" He says with a mischievous smile, as if it's not obvious that it's me.

Before jayden answers, I do it — Look, you needy fox, you see my middle finger next to there is a ring — I tell him, showing him my hand — and don't pretend you didn't know he was married because since you arrived you saw the ring— I tell him and i'm back with jayden

He gives me the bear — Thank you dear— I say giving him a kiss

—Denada cielo, do you think if we go to eat at a restaurant, it's already nighttime?

"Yes, of course," I say.

We walked out of the amusement park holding hands