
Don't have a choice I

Jeremy's smile broadened"I can see that now you're indeed grown up but don't test my patience when I'm just talking" he paused and stretched out his hand with a note."Come to this location tomorrow at exactly 6:00am, I'll be waiting for you" . He said and pushed the card into her hand before walking away . She didn't need this , because she wasn't going to go in the first place. The event finally ended and Anaiah couldn't stop thanking her stars."I've sent all the necessary videos to our crew, girl do you know the boss is so happy because now our channel is starting to get popular"Ava said with a proud smile on her lips as she started to jubilate."Yeah!! sexy lady!! bam bam bam bam....." she began singing and dancing when they entered the elevator, Anaiah couldn't help but burst into laughter.Her best friend was one of a kind 'girl like Ava 'she thought shaking her head . The elevator opened and they walked to their room with Ava still dancing and Anaiah trying to clear her mind.


Anaiah woke up groggily rubbing her eyes. Her stomach growled and she checked the time,4:35 am . 'How can she be angry at this time' she thought turning on her side and saw her friend snoring, smiling she pulled the duvet to cover her well and picked her phone.She had met one of the directors of accurate news the most popular news channel in the country which also pays it's employers well because it's world wide. She tapped on her phone screen and was about to call him when her phone dinged. She frowned at the unknown number and checked the message. 'Baby girl I'll be waiting for you at exactly 6:00am' it read . 'How did her dad get her number ' she thought angrily and switched off her phone. There was no way she was going. The duo went down for breakfast at the restaurant in the hotel since for some unknown reason their stay was free." Hmm, jeez the food is so yummy" Ava complimented savouring the food. "it's indeed tasty, it's like the best I've ever tasted apart from my mom's" Anaiah countered happily. " When are we leaving?" Ava asked with her mouth full of food." Around ten , it'll be better to leave early so that we can reach there on time"Ana said but Ava was reluctant."What about we do some window shopping and check how beautiful the city is"she suggested with puppy eyes. Anaiah shook her head avoiding her gaze," there's no way we're doing that ,we leave at ten" she affirmed. Ava rolled her eyes" Come on girl we both don't know this city , this is an opportunity to explore Melson DM. We never know when we'll get the opportunity to come back here" she persuaded." Please let's enjoy this moment please" She added and Anaiah agreed. Even though she wants to leave a window shopping won't hurt.

"Kaden !" an old man called walking alongside an old woman whiles entering the mansion. Kaden who had just walked out looked in the direction of the voice and smiled but it didn't quite rich his eyes as it faltered." Grandpa" ha muttered striding to them with a light expression than the usual cold expression that always grace his face." Oh my grandson you've changed so much, more than I had expected" the old woman said. Kaden just nodded and helped them in. If there was anyone Kaden listen to then it's his grandparents." You told me you would meet me at the gala" he asked his grandfather. The old man smiled said " That I did , but I couldn't make it. I hope you have good news for me"he countered. The old woman grinned and asked stepping close to him" Did you find someone,a girl-"." No" he cut her off and almost ran walk to his room. He knew what his grandmother was going to say but he wasn't ready to hear it.

Ava entered the mall with a sulking Anaiah trailing behind. Ava grinned at Anaiah's behavior as she took a dress " This would look good on you" she commented. " You're the one shopping not me " Anaiah muttered and Ava rolled his eyes.


Her phone dinged once again and she frowned.' It's six' her dad texted. She was about to shut her phone when a call came and through. she picked It up and just then heard her dad's voice came through" It would be better for you if you come than make me force you" Jeremy said. Anaiah cut the call before he could spout more nonsense.

Jeremy smashed his phone when his daughter cut the call." You good for nothing brat, you should be happy that I need you because of that face of yours" he said staring at a picture of her . Which his men snapped during the gala. "Javier!" he called. A man rushed to him, he looked a little younger than Jeremy was. "Tell them to do as planned" he ordered and Javier nodded before walking out.

Anaiah was now having a bad feeling about this shopping of theirs."I'll be going to the washroom" she said to Ava who was so much engrossed in her window shopping.

Anaiah was walking in the direction of the washroom on another hallway which was less crowded when a man in black nose mask crossed her. she frowned and tried walking pass him when he also moved in that direction . "What do you want?" she asked alarmed holding tightly to her phone.'Is he a thief' she thought scared. She was the one with their transportation and they'll get stuck here if he takes it. She was about to scream when a hand covered her mouth from behind and before she knew what was happening everything became blurry.

In another dimly lit room in an underground basement a man screamed in horror as Kaden's nail enlongated and pierced through his friends heart before pulling it out and squashing it, causing blood to splatter everywhere.