
The Birthday Party

When the party was i full swing after cake cutting and gift giving. The last gift was from the guy, whom she did not expect at the party, her father's childhood friend's son Inir. Inir is no longer a crazy stranger she met at the shopping mall. According to the conversations, they were childhood sweethearts until she was just 5 and he was 9. But who will remember what happened at the age of 5.

But now she understood why he met her at the mall and tried converse with her.

Vivi said" I am sorry, i don't remember what happened in those days. But nice to meet you again".

Inir though was disappointed but was glad that she is atleast talking to him not like yesterday that she ran away, so he also talked to her casually" It's okay. So it is better if I introduce myself properly. I am Inir by the way. We used to play during our childhood and we were sticking together with each other like glue for 24*7 until your family moved to the T town."

" Oh. So what are you doing by the way?" she felt a little relaxed talking to him.

" I have completed my masters in agriculture and I am basically managing our farms and other things in our village" he replied politely.

Vivi was surprised and shocked at the same time. She was happy that someone who looks so tall and handsome is not actually doing your regular 9-5 jobs, or any flashy works but doing agriculture. Wow.. how good... At the same time she was proud her childhood friend was doing a great work but not like herself who is running away from origin just to save herself from her mental torture. Yeah she is a coward.

" So, what about you?". Though he knows everything about her, he wanted to talk to her longer.

" I am a software professional, working in B city. And thanks for coming to my birthday party. " She finished her small talk and wanted to go to her friends. When she noticed that something was not right from their reactions.

When she went near them, she can hear something like 'poor girl' 'so pity' , she just went near them, none of them noticed her as their eyes were glued on their mobile phone. So peeked through the gap and checked what is going on. But she had the worst time of her life.

There was a photo of Victor, lying on the shoulder of the girl, whome he usually goes out with, with the caption saying "Nothing is better than spending a night together with your loved ones". She could not get her breath back. As if her heart, brain and whole body stopped working. She stood there motionless. Everything around her felt like vacuum. She was dragged by her sister and mom and stood at the center of the group. Her dad made some announcement but nother fell in her ears.

He mother and sister came to give her a hug, she felt little comfortable. Then she said she is tired and wanted to go back to her room. Her parents also thought she will need some time accept the reality so they let her go.

But Vivi was not in her right state of mind, she wanted cry, shout and vent out her problems. But did not know how. She went inside the bathroom, even her tears did not come out of her eyes. She looked around and saw a small razor blade, as though she was on an auto pilot mode she took it and cut her nerves on her hands, when she saw the blood oozing out from her veins she got to breath properly and tears came out from her eyes. Then she came back to her room and sat on her bed and started to cut two more veins. Then she felt more comfortable and lied back on her bad and went to sleep, not knowing how life of 4 people changed because of her action today.