
Marriage of Benefits

Vol.1&2 :-Charles and Jamie are forced into an arrange marriage and they figure out their differences while they fight against the person who has wrong intentions. "As if this was not enough the next day you made it to the headlines sleeping with someone as though I meant nothing to you." "Honesty, I was so drunk that I mistook her to be you and slept with her, I tried so hard to contact you but I was unable to reach you , I have always just loved you." "Cut it out, I don't believe you anymore neither am I your girlfriend now nor your lover, I just hate you so it would be better if we live our lives our own way." she spoke coldly cleaning her eyes and then the waiter entered with their coffees. Jamie swallowed it as fast as she could then looked at her watch, it was 6:43. Charles took the courage to speak again "Please try to understand and listen to me...." but he was interrupted by Jamie "Mr. Cullen your time is over, you better hurry up, I will wait outside." Vol 3 :- Rachel the daughter of Jamie and Charles turn out to be a powerful witch queen as she fights evil she finds her love but before she turns powerful he dies, what will she do. "Done struggling, I was wondering why is that you are always surrounded by the women who want to throw themselves on you and the one you fall for just keeps pushing you away." Her eyes widened with shock, she began to struggle again "Let go of me and better get one of those girls who throw themselves on you, I am not interested just get away." she punched his nose tight but nothing happened to him instead he laughed "Aggressive, huh, I like that, now you see how you are different from all those girls. Let me tell you something be a good girl and I won't do anything to you, try doing anything against my orders and you will be punished along with that Kevin because I know exactly where he is and what I have to do with him." Rachel stopped struggling and was lost in her thoughts when Robert placed a kiss on her lips, tearing them apart, he pushed his tongue inside and down her throat, instead of feeling angry, she felt hot and satisfied as if this was the perfect kiss she had ever wanted, there were tears in her eyes. Robert placed a hand on her cheek and said "Rachel you are going to be very powerful so you have to do good and protect the people around you and please find someone who can love you more than me." She cried out louder and placing her arms around him she buried her head into his chest which was now covered with his blood "No don't say that. I beg you don't say that, please tell me how can I save you." Robert placed his arm around her and said gently, his heart was clenching with pain not because of the blade in there but because this condition of Rachel was unbearable for him "Be good." Rachel looked into his eyes "Please don't do this Rob. I can't live without you, I will also die with you because it was me who did this and I can never forgive myself." He gathered his strength and placed a hand under her chin then kissed her lips for the last time. It was so passionate and painful that it would break anyone's heart. He let go of her and before he could say anything a lot of people entered the room that Lora had called, they all charged towards Rachel but Robert wrapped her into his arms providing his body as a shield to protect her. Rachel who was still crying shouted in pain as if she was being hit instead of him. She struggled out of Robert's grip which was still very strong even though he was loosing his strength. She looked at him and shouted "Let go of me, I will kill them all." He gave her his most charming smile and he said "Let me protect you for the last time." His words broke Rachel's heart and she struggled out of his grip even harder, tears flowing uncontrollably from her eyes. It was as if those waterworks were not ready to stop. She gave him a hit on his face and said angrily "Stop saying that, don't you dare leave me or I will kill you."

Harsimran1996 · Chung
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
397 Chs


Charles woke up dizzy but he managed to stand and as expected he could not find Jamie anywhere so he tried calling her knowing that he would fail. He called James and Daisy asking them to rush to his house. Within 20 minutes both of them were there after hearing his panicked voice on the phone. They rushed inside the already opened door and saw him strolling in the hall with panic all over his face. James and Daisy turned pale seeing him like this, James rushed towards him and held his shoulders saying "Calm down and tell us what happened."

"How can I calm down, Jamie.." saying this tears started rolling down his eyes.

There was a silence until Charles calmed down and explained the situation at last he added "but Daisy you can help us a lot because you are her childhood friend and she will probably remember you so you can tell her that I am her husband."

Before she could reply there was a loud laughter at the door and as Jacob entered without permission he spoke "Why don't you give up, it is quite obvious that I will win this game."

Charles blew up "Is it a game for you, I love her."

"So do I." the reply was rather calm

"Why are you here." Daisy asked in a loud tone.

"I knew that I will find you here so I came to warn you."

"About what"

"If you try to remind her anything she will be stressed out and she will faint. I am telling you this because tomorrow we are going to select our wedding dresses and she is going to invite you."

Charles let out a light laugh before speaking "Why will she faint and I have my marriage certificate to prove that she is my wife."

Jacob laughed even louder and moving close to him he said "Do you take me to be a fool, I have already destroyed your one and only proof but made up so many things to prove that I am getting married to her."

"Are you mad she is my wife."

"I know but she is the only person I fell for and I always take the things that I love."

"I will bring my wife back."

Jacob laughed and left the house. Daisy looked at Charles "Now what should I do?"

Charles thought for a while and came up with an idea "Daisy I have a plan but you will play the role of her best friend and help her in getting married. Jacob will think I gave up but I will bring her memory back."

"Okay we will do as you say." she said holding James' hand.

"Alright tomorrow you will go with her and help her choose the dress and later you will find an opportunity to introduce her to James as your boyfriend..."

Daisy interrupted him "and then you will come into her life as James friend."

"Yes but I don't know what to do next and how to bring her back."

"We will think about that later first let's start with this."


James who had been quite finally spoke "What if they get married before we could bring her memory back."

Charles thought for a moment and spoke up "I am sure that he has hidden our marriage certificates somewhere in his house, he could probably not destroy them. Daisy only you can enter his house and bring them and if they get married it won't be considered valid because we are not divorced."

They all agreed and began to follow their plan little did they know that Jacob had his own plans which could bring down their plan at once.