

It's been a couple of days of walking with the Shadows guiding me in secret, since I arrived two days ago, plus my walking now. Sleepwalking through the night wasn't an issue to both unsettle and test the shadows. I just let my legendary assassin skills go on autopilot essentially after all. Probably looked creepy, but Ash could fuckin walk on walls while asleep, fuckin Assassin Hero. However, I can say that I have been in this world for eight days now, which has been an interesting ride. As I've met some colorful people, like a child Horse Demihuman, he was an interesting brat that tried to rob me.

Well, I didn't HURT him, I just kicked him in the side of the head with my steel toed dress boots, lightly, to knock him out and leave eventually. But after knocking him out, I bought some food and water with money I've earned by doing small enchantment tricks and robbing assholes. Leaving him and the food supplies somewhere safe, a small feast of bread and vegetables with meat to share when he awakes. Which, kicking him in the head may have hurt him. Oh well, he's still alive, he should be glad I didn't murder him because his grabby hands got too close to my eggs and my gun.

Speaking of eggs, over the past few days, they've both been shaking inside their box things. So I may have to expect two small bird fluff balls soon. The Shadow's had led me to a village near the edge of the Melromarc Kingdom. All to meet the various leaders, speaking with the queen and the queen.

As I believe, the situation was supposed to be each country summoning a Hero to defend them, but Melromarc's king quickly broke that major trust. But when a shadow from that alleyway had left, I met them several hours later, again, saying that the queen and the leaders would meet me at the edge of the kingdom. So here we are after they got me, waiting for royal fuck nuggets.

So that once the wave summons me, I won't be yanked so far away during said meeting. That is a natural reason to do so. Therefore, while my secret friends and I stayed in a village called Luminous. I practiced shooting my various gun forms at targets to keep in practice. However, I learned some neat little tricks when I thought about dual wielding some combos. Just anytime I wanted to dual wield something, my weapon would glow a green and black light before becoming a second gun.

My Beretta M9 was the easiest to use, but once I gave it a stick of dynamite from the village mine it became something else. The gun had changed a little to be a little more shotgun like and shot highly explosive shots that erased a tree's midsection. The Vector when I had two of them, because of the dynamite I fed my weapon, I had the option of a hail of explosive rounds that could be used for crowd control.

I tested out normal and explosive rounds during training time. All I can say is that having almost two thousand explosive rounds fired at anything is scary. As I barely felt the kick since they fired like normal. LMG form though gave a bucking bark regardless of no recoil. The M16 was fun, though, as once I had it in my hands, I could mock-snipe some creatures with it in a three-round burst mode. The Stoner 63, was like walking forward with a minigun firing off, I had to fight to keep it aimed straight as it had some kick. Just showed I may not be ready yet for a light machine gun, but I'll keep training with it as I increase my strength.

The Mosin-Nagant was an absolute joy though just firing and listening to the ping of a bullet ejecting, though it was just mana smoke, was relaxing. The Milkor MGL, although passively improved, helped with mining and ambushing stuff since well boom makes stuff fly. I am not certain how exactly I should feel about it. The Grom though, I made sure nothing was in the back blast as I fired it off at a passing pigeon. Just because, fuck that pigeon. Because of the dynamite, I learned that it had greatly improved the Groms destructive yield when it essentially vaporized the pigeon, and it's everything with a blast radius as if a car exploded. Since a miniature sun of explosive fire consumed the pigeon. Sad there was nothing left, though I bet it'd taste nice since it would've been cooked. My weapons though were truly not meant for this world, yet I have them.

It feels like cheating, but I admit I love to cheat at times, cheating the system is my job, though. I have to kill heroes and villains, so medieval powers get fucked, I have guns. Guns beat almost anything, just not gods yet. 

Shaking off the dust and dirt from my body and cloak from practice after letting my gun consume its inventory of items for more forms, I headed back to the village with my gun back in its base Beretta M9 form. Heading through the village gates, I was greeted by the guard captain who was surprised at my weaponry, but he remembered hearing of a Fifth Hero with an unknown weapon and seeing me around. So he quickly figured out that it was me who was causing a ruckus outside the walls, yet still treated my twenty-four-year-old ass like a brat, weird old man, I like him, though.

Walking through the village towards my inn called the Gravekeep, I passed by villagers while waving my hand at the occasional grandma thanking me. My enchantment skill had been helpful in earning money or a free stay at the inn, as having a magical water refilling bucket helped people out that were older or frailer. I pushed open the door to Gravekeep Inn, and I was greeted by the six-year-old demon that calls itself the poster girl.

"Mr. Kaiser, you're back! Can I see you shoot my brother again?! Can I?! Can I?! He's been so annoying with his girlfriend that I want to see him shut up. So please shoot him again!"

Sighing, I shook my head as I rubbed my temples, the kids' brother, when I first arrived, thought I was a bandit and tried gutting me with a pitchfork. All while trying to impress his girlfriend as his pitchfork simply bounced off my cloak with a shrill metal screech. He looked dumbly at the sight of his attack failing, as if expecting it would simply impale me and I would scream in pain. So I lightly moved my left foot behind his and tripped him as I caught his pitchfork. With a spin of the pitchfork, I threw it into a stack of hay before drawing my gun and shooting the dumbass in the dick a few times. I thought of using "rubber bullets" so he didn't lose his dick, but it hurt like hell.

Everyone was more surprised by my gun's loud sound, as it was possibly the loudest weapon they've heard. Rather than be surprised by the fourteen-year-old kid holding his crotch and screaming, that was secondary, apparently given he was a troublemaker. It was through that meeting that I met the Gravekeeps owner, and got a night stay for free with dinner. Which was bread and thick creamy potato soup, pretty tasty honestly. After that, I offered to enchant something if I'd be allowed to stay there for free until I meet those I'm supposed to. It was also how I met Matilda, the owners' daughter and a possible demon dressed as a human child, for no child would be so interested in watching something close to BDSM and torture.

Like so, it was about to be day ten of my time here when a few carriages with knights in heavy armor arrived in the village. While I was out and about looking at things in the market, which allowed my guns to gain various things. The people who got off those carriages were the various leaders of the kingdoms in this world. Along with Mirellia and her daughter Melty, who would best friends with Naofumi's big Filolial in the future. As they got off, they were greeted by the sound of a gun going off as a body covered in armor skidded across the ground dead. A hole in their helmet as the culprit tripped another figure and shot them in the right eye through their helmet visor. The gun barrel smoked slightly as blood splashed everywhere with metal fragments, skull, brain matter, and blood exploding out the helmet's back.

Kaiser, for some reason, was targeted by some knights with the intent to kill, so he just returned it in kind after they made a move. Seeing two knights die like that, however, the villagers were scared but had seen what happened, so they weren't too bothered, just startled. Meanwhile, the rulers looked surprised, all but Mirellia who figured out who the culprit was. Clearing her throat, she spoke loud enough for the knights and other rulers to hear.

"Marksman Hero, I see your greeting us already, but why did you just kill two knights of Zeltoble?"

"Yo queen of schemes thanks coming to meet me, those two? Tried to kill me as they saw me, so I returned it in kind. If I didn't respond in kind, even with a level difference of now… 10 to 40, they'd think I could be pushed around and controlled easily. Can't have that, can I?"

"Not to be rude sir hero, but you look like an assassin, not a Hero. So that must have been the misunderstanding, wouldn't you say?"

"Nah, the instant they entered I felt something was off, so they likely were ordered to test someone who didn't match the village setting. Plus, considering my role in this world's mess, I very much am an assassin but for special people."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Queen Mirellia, I may call myself the Marksman Hero, but it would be more apt to say Marksman Anti-Hero. Given, I am here to watch those deemed heroes and villains of this world and well... Surely, you can figure the rest out?"

It wasn't Mirellia to speak up this time, as the rest of the rulers and everyone else listened to our conversation. The one to speak with a quiet voice that could barely be heard was Melty Q Melromarc as she looked into my eyes.

"You're to watch those people… If they cause too much trouble, then your role as the god who helped send you gave you… It is to kill them. No exceptions on if they're a holy Hero or not… like my sister who is prone to doing bad things…."

"Correct little girl, I'm the judge, jury, and executioner of those figures. I can use my own judgement on whether they live or die. Unless I get ordered by my boss, then well I have no say in it, that person MUST die."

Melty looked at me with uncertainty, but I simply shrugged and threw a wrapped up cinnamon roll that I quickly make through transmutation at her. She fumbled about trying to catch it before looking at it strangely and me, but I paid no more attention to her, turning my eyes back to her mother. I spoke up my intent clearly as to why I would like to work with her given my role.

"Why I would like to work with you and partly those other rulers' queen Mirellia is simple but short. I simply want to make sure that those I have to end are worth it, and you have the best information network out of everyone. So if you help me, then I can help you by keeping the pest that would do more harm to your world than save it to a minimum. Your daughter Malty is on the chopping block, however, no way out of that. But your husband, while I would like to kill him, I can be convinced otherwise."

"This offer while more directed towards me... Requires us all to talk more in depth about this offer, as this something we can't just accept off the bat."

"That's fine, and let me out of good faith share a piece of information with all of you, free of charge. The king of Melromarc and princess Malty are working together to deny you access to the heroes, and will turn away all offers to bring them abroad and likely kill your diplomats sent to meet them. All while the church of the Three Heroes puts the sword, bow, and spear on a glorified white horse, they plan to frame and make the shield suffer. As I believe, since the third day the heroes have been here, princess Malty and the king have already framed the Shield Hero, Naofumi, with charges of rape while they stole everything from him. Making him now a bitter man who can't just bring himself to trust much of anyone from this world, not even the three heroes still with him."

Hearing me, the rulers went silent while Melty, who figured out how to open the cinnamon roll wrapper, spoke up. Her voice sounding as if it may just die out as she heard what her father and sister may have done and planned out.

"Surely, you jest... Why would they do that?"

"Sorry kid, but those two and the church want the heroes as puppets, but the shield must become the devil they imagine. As from what I know about this world, it was always the Shield Hero that always did what he was meant to first as the other heroes played around. Treating the world as a game and not taking your lives seriously as to them your NPC's who must obey and die for them. However, in each incarnation of the story, with each summoning a princess with red hair would always betray each of the four heroes. Starting from the Shield Hero. Driving each to ruin and unlocking a series called the "Sins" that could affect the heroes' personalities. Making them forget about saving the world if they affected them too much. Instead, once they give into the sins' series, they quit being heroes and become a cancer to the world if the Sins win their contest of wills."

My words shook the rulers, Melty, and the knights as I casually aimed my gun at a knight who started trying to do something. Without a warning, I shot them in the head as my gun became the sawed off shotgun version suddenly, erasing the upper part of their head and helmet. A little strange thing fell from their hands as their body slowly registered its death. I killed as they had started to try and leave the area for some unknown reason while moving their hands about as if trying to contact someone through a device. Which was weird in my eyes, so I didn't play nice and just executed them, as that means they're another mole among the knights. Crouching down next to the corpse after walking over to it, I picked it up as the enchantment skill kicked in and identified the object, earning a dark chuckle from me.

[Church of the Heroes Communication Device: Serial number 340605939]

"Target set for execution."

"What do you mean Marksman Hero?"

"Just call me Kaiser, Queen Mirellia after all, we could become best friends. The whole target thing? Well, it seems like I'll let a certain church dance to its tune a bit longer, before I find a good time to execute all the higher ups. Because I hate rats, and one just tried to rather openly sell us out to the Three Heroes church."

My words, which stated I was going to execute all the higher ups of the Church of Three Heroes, was troublesome for the rulers and knights, but knowing my role and being mostly in the dark about what I can do. They couldn't exactly target me, as what if killing me angers a deity? Could they fight said deity if angered? What if I had some method to take them with me in a suicide pact? There are just too many uncertainties from my existence. That the queen of Melromarc would probably first try to learn about me, before seeing if I needed to die. Which I was counting on, actually. However, with the information I just shared she must be judging the information and going over how her family is, and how to respond. As the rulers sat in silence, she was the first to speak, and it was a surprising declaration. A favorable one but a surprising one.

"I shall work with you Marksman Hero Kaiser, while I don't trust you just, yet you've been truth with us. Your information on our world would be helpful to keeping it safer, regardless of our current trust standing. And while I don't like having someone so full of mystery nearby, as they could betray me with the twist of a dagger in my side, I must prioritize my people and the world before my own feelings. As if nothing is left, it wouldn't matter to have regrets later on if I should've trusted you or not, when I may just very well also be able to save my world if I do work with you."

Her words had signed her possible death warrant, but she didn't seem to care as she looked at me with eyes full of resolve. The queen of schemes was a serious and morbid woman, but if anything from the books and stuff was any indication, she will do anything to keep the world safe. Chuckling wryly at the queen, I shook my head before speaking up as I holstered my gun into its holster.

"Well then I hope we can become good friends in schemes and normal life, Queen Mirellia. We're in this swamp of a mess together, so might as well help each other out, right?"

It took six whole days to discuss the terms of agreement and how to work together with the rulers of all the kingdoms after our initial meeting. Those six days, I was constantly receiving information from the Shadows of the Melromarc about what the heroes had been up to. I got to say that the three dicks were seriously training and grinding responsibly, which is good, I guess. Just they're fucking up at times still. Naofumi had been set on the path from the original timeline once more, but Rapthalia seems to have been getting the grump to speak about the heroes in this timeline, however. And it seems out of the bunch, although I'm as he said, "The weird silent hero with an agenda, I was the only one supportive of him when he was summoned, so I guess he's a weird friend in a way, just he vanished on the second day, now shut up and eat your kids' meal." I am tempted to shoot him in the ass, but I can't help but chuckle at that report, so I'll let it slide.

As for the agreement and terms with everyone, Melromarc's queen set them as she convinced the others to not push it too far as things could be updated as we need them to be. So the agreement is like this, I get supplied VALID information on notable figures like the heroes, vassal weapon holders, and anyone else. While I then will use that information and decide whether it's worth acting on if they threaten the world or risk fucking things up. Other than that, I am invited to the other regions to explore and look around freely, even to invade their important area's if it will help me. Which sounds hilarious in a way because they could be scheming things. So I will definitely take them up on that offer of free roam invasion inside important government buildings.

I would, however, make doing my main duty a priority if the chance comes to me, as they didn't want their world to die due to an idiot helping the waves or something. During my visits to their kingdoms, I would have at least ONE shadow paired with me at all times. I would also be responsible for helping make the three dicks see reason, or I'll have to kill them and Naofumi for new heroes to be summoned. I wouldn't kill Naofumi instead if I can intercept Galleon, I would help awaken the Dragon Emperor and put up a world barrier. Before long, the rulers left back to their original meeting point to continue their conference, I threw each one of them a portable ham radio as they left, however, so they could keep me in the loop.

Each radio keyed to their biosignatures the moment they touched them, so no one UNWANTED can use them. I had previously mentioned this to them before, but I didn't explain the surprise if they tried replicating it. That's the fun surprise. I'll let the dumbass brave enough try doing so, then expire for trying to misuse of my generosity. After they all left, I eventually sat at a table in the Gravekeep Inn and took out the eggs from my hidden pocket. Setting them on the table after I felt them shaking more than normal, I removed the top half of the boxes, and watched as the eggs cracked slowly. Signalling that my troublemakers are ready to hatch. So I sat quietly and waited for them to hatch, for three hours of unmoving silence while looking at the eggs. They eventually hatched with beaks breaking through the shells followed by heads as the shells shattered showing two small fuzzy feathered creatures.

The Flying Filolial was on the left side, and out from that egg came an albino Filolial, that had the faintest of red mixed into the ends of its feathers. From what my summoning skill is saying, this little one is male, so that means I have a future King Filolial on my side. That's quite interesting given that Naofumi will have a queen, and the alternate spear hero stuck time looping had an army of kings and queens of Filolials. As for the Griffon Emperor who was to the right of me on the table, it looked like the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt griffon, but the female version. So I have a King Filolial and an Empress Griffon, this has opened up an avenue to get both races to work together if these two don't kill each other. Because if those two races work together, then there's a lot of help they both can provide to the fight against the world eaters. Dragons would be nice to mix in, but most monsters seem racist towards them, honestly.

Now what to name the two? Hm... The male will be Gwain, and the female will be Nilla, with that, all decided now I ordered a small steak and some fruit. Which I fed to the two fresh hatchlings until they were full before picking both up, and setting them into one of my sash pouches. Saying my goodbyes, I left Luminous Village as I exited the gates, peering at the wave timer counting down. Humming I had at most two to four days left, so I transmuted a small one-man tank into being by changing up the atoms in the air. It was all solidly put together, no screws or anything, so only I could take it apart with transmutation. Getting into it, I revved the engine as I pumped magic into the tank, a good fuel source my magic was, before taking off towards Riyute Village with two screaming hatchlings. Although, mid-ride, their screaming chirps became laughs as the tank rumbled and moved rather fast as if it weren't heavy at all. They adapted quickly, good because until they're big enough this will sort of be how we travel. After all in…. In that world, I had traveled like this everywhere.

Along the way to Riyute Village, I sometimes ran over a random monster, sometimes double running over the twitchers. Even when the treads got covered in the gore from the rather messy monster road kills, I'd cleaned the treads out by doing dangerous tricks or just transmuting the gore off. One trick was ramping off a downed tree, and one of my tank treads meeting the face of a bandit while I shot his friends in the head through a slot in the tank for my gun, as the tank had no cannon. Due to it being counted as using a weapon since I didn't have mobile weapons platforms unlocked yet due apparently not meeting a "job" requirement along with level. The bandit who took a face full of metal plating to the face had his face cave in slightly, but that didn't last long when the rest of the tank slammed into his head as it went over him. The back half, caving it in fully while popping it into a gory mess. That was when I got a notification about levels, given that I didn't kill much. If anything thing until now, besides monsters I ran over that gave like six exp.

[ Level 10 - Level 20 ]

『 Name: Kaiser Lockheart

Age: 24 Race: Human

Title(s): Marksman Hero, Hitman Hero

Level: 20 Exp: 0/2000

Str: 1500 Agi: 2400

Int: 1789 Wis: 1900

Def: 6400 Aim: 84000

Skills: Transmutation, Demi-God Mana Regeneration, Extreme Regeneration, Familiar Summoning, Marksman Hero, Dead eye, Night Vision, Material Knowledge, Enchantment, Legendary Assassin, Cartographer, Father of Kings』

[Cartographer: You have the skills to make maps with amazing detail, the more detailed a map the more exp you gain from it.]

[Father of Kings: You have two rulers of the world's magical beast, thus starting you down a path where rulers of the magical beast will at least hear you out before anything else.]

Honestly, good stuff and new to see given I hadn't seen those skills before. What was more interesting was the third notification.

[Please create or pick a Subclass]

Well now that interesting because I could make something broken, those bandits bumped me to level 20 and this appeared. When I thought of that, I wondered why this hadn't appeared before, the heroes help system presented me an answer. Which would explain something's given how the heroes specialized, but must have been hidden in their status unknown to them. Keltson just made certain things visible to me it would seem. 

[A subclass is a hidden feature on a heroes' status that provides secret benefits to the hero and their weapon. You can have an unlimited number of subclasses. However, that will stretch your potential thin by doing too much if you don't master the first subclasses and their skills. Subclasses can also be advanced once a certain proficiency with them is reached. While the option to pick is not usually presented, you are here for a purpose, thus are authorized to pick or create one to help you.]

Hm, then for my first subclass I want to make one, thinking this is the prompt appeared from the hero system. After the prompt appeared, I parked my tank under a nice shady tree that looked like a willow tree, climbed out, and let the hatchlings play. While they played, I worked on my subclass for six hours before finding it acceptable and having it set in stone by the hero system.

[Subclass: Wendigo

Advancement Requirement: Kill 600 creatures with no remorse for upsetting the balance of nature. Upon completion, you shall advance into "Wendigo Guardian" subclass.

Buff: 20% more experience from killing without remorse, 40% chance to cause fear to those who oppose you in battle.

Debuff: Chance of 30% to have a psychotic breakdown from enjoying the kill.

Active Skill: Wendigo Form, Wendigo Pack

Passive Skill: Camouflage, Cannibalism, Monster's Intuition

Skill Description: Camouflage - You can blend into the surroundings, cutting off your scent, sounds, and presence to ambush your prey. You can hide from most entities but Hunting Gods.

Monster's Intuition - You can pick apart a persons' mannerism easily to figure out how they operate, how best to kill them, and how best to make the hunt enjoyable.

Cannibalism: Eating the living or dead has never felt so right to you after a hunt for prey. Eating something or someone alive during a fight heals you for 3% each time you eat their flesh. You don't suffer from diseases or complications from eating creatures, like Mad Cow Disease.

Wendigo Form: Take on the appearance of a Wendigo and become more than Human.

Wendigo Pack: You can either naturally create Wendigo's or summon spectral Wendigo's to fight alongside you.]

It took a while to figure out what I would like, but given my path, I will have to kill a person and act casual about it. So I might as well give me something that will enhance that to be in my favor for those situations. So that is what this subclass, which can grow as the hero system said, is all about. So that means based on my actions, it can also add skills or something to the class on its own accord to match my actions. Plus, wording it right was tricky, as I had to make it strict enough for no loopholes to be easily found with it.

As for the debuff, if you have only positives, you must have a negative to balance everything out. Otherwise, it's useless, as that's more of a detrimental skill if there are no drawbacks to be seen. Imagine, you can fire off a beam that erases things in a fire a hundred feet line at no cost or without restrictive cooldowns. You grow dependent on that skill, and become an open book that someone will figure it out and nullify or use it on you. Thus killing you in the process, while my debuff seems uninteresting, it means I could go feral and rampage. However, having the chance to randomly flip a switch means that I can be unpredictable. Harder to deal with unless I slip up due to my high of enjoyment, as that means the hunt is becoming boring and my more intellectual side comes back fully. With my subclass set, I fetched the two bickering hatchlings and resumed my travel to Riyute, while humming monster by skillet. Good song, no matter the world.

By the time we had arrived at Riyute though, it was midnight after checking my pocket watch. Shrugging at this, I parked outside the gates even though my tank probably woke some people up. As I parked my tank, I got out and sat by it while closing my eyes and entering a light sleep. While I slept, I would feel the two hatchlings move about in my sash. Luckily, I had removed the weights and was wearing them; otherwise they may have tried eating them, being kids and all. They were also enchanted already as well. With the sun rising a good few hours later, my eyes opened slightly, startling a guard that had come out to see what I was doing. Looking at the guard, I didn't reach for my Beretta M9. I greet him rather casually as he looks dumbly at me. My greeting was returned with silence, so I got up while grabbing my tanks side, looking around a bit before asking something.

"Hey, did a grumpy looking man wearing a silver shield with a green gem in the center, and a tanuki girl come by here?"

"Y-yes they were here a week ago, why do you ask?"

"Well I'm a friend of the grump so if they were here a week ago, they're back in the capital then?"

"Yes sir, they left towards the capital a week ago to see about something."

"I see, thank you for your help."

Giving the guard five silver coins, information is gold and must be rewarded after all. I stored my tank in my gun for now and created a dirt bike since I wouldn't be able to drive a tank through the streets later on. Getting on my dirt bike, revving the engine just to startle people before taking off back to the capital. My bikes' engine roared loudly, which scares off monsters and bandits, the dumb ones at least. A dust trail was being kicked up behind me as I sped along. My trip was pretty damn short to reach the capital, given I had a modern and less heavy vehicle. I approached the gates, slowing down while inching closer. My engine rumbling as low as possible until I eventually parked in front of the gates. Where I went through the procedures to get inside.

Just when they tried taking my bike for some bullshit greedy reason, I pressed my Beretta M9 against a guard's head, letting them see my weapon. Upon realizing I was the fifth hero, they gave up. With that out of the way, I drove past the gates and coasted gently along the streets of the capital. Slowly towards the tower with the dragon hourglass, otherwise known as the three heroes church. Upon reaching the clock tower attached to the church, I lifted my bike up onto one of my shoulders using my newfound strength, and carried it up some stairs into the building with me. Like hell, I was going to leave it lying around in this fucking place, though solid metal is uncomfortable on the shoulders.

Entering the building, I headed straight for the dragon hourglass to get an actual countdown update just in case, while also to meet the other Heroes. Although, it would seem that I walked in at the right time though with what all going on. Naofumi was there with Rapthalia checking the place out while a nun tried to send them away, but hearing a bike bouncing about on my cloaks hidden armor surprised Naofumi and Rapthalia. When they saw me, their faces were perfectly dumbfounded as I set my bike down onto the ground before offering my hands to them. Naofumi realizing what I was doing, took my hand and shook it, smiling just slightly, followed by Rapthalia who looked at me like I was a strange creature. But Naofumi's words gave her some understanding of my identity and what the fuck I had lugged into the building.

"Good to see you again Kaiser, you just disappeared at maybe the worst or right timing…  And I see you have a dirt bike somehow now. Where did you even get that thing? Also, are those two birds in your sash pouches for some reason?"

"Yo Naofumi, I made this dirt bike because I have skills most of the heroes don't, well, Itsuki is an ESPER, which I'll just tell you honestly one of them. Transmutation, so you can figure out where the bike came from now, right? As for the birds, they are Gwain, my Flying Filolial, and Nilla, my Empress Griffon. But who is the pretty young lady by you? It's rude to not introduce your girlfriend to your friends, you know?"

My words caused Naofumi to stumble, while Rapthalia was now bright red in the face. Naofumi looked at me as if I had wronged him for saying such a thing. Chuckling at the reactions, I waited patiently for him to answer me, as I saw Rapthalia enter her own little world. Eventually, he introduced her to me, even though I already knew of her, so I teased him a bit more. That is until Motoyasu, Ren, and Itsuki entered the room with their parties. Motoyasu made fun of Naofumi and tried flirting with Rapthalia, but a rubber bullet made of magic in the side of the head knocked him to the ground.

"Sorry horn dog, but you can't flirt with another man's girl, it's just not right. It's like me trying to fuck your wife while you watched us fuck like rabbits, if you could even stop flirting to get married. Plus, wasn't flirting with women how you died and got summoned here, Motoyasu? Oh, wait, did I say something I wasn't supposed to know? hm, wait, no I didn't, I said something I KNOW to be true about you."

Hearing me, Motoyasu looked up from the ground as I still had my Beretta M9 drawn and aimed at him. Seeing me, he looked at me funnily as he got up from the ground before speaking to me while gripping his spear tightly. Ren and Itsuki also seemed unnerved, as they probably guessed I also knew exactly of their causes of death.

"How do you know that?! That is a secret, you fucking bastard, that I didn't say even when we talked about how we got here! No, wait… that God most likely told you. Also, where did you even get that dirt bike that has just been sitting beside you since I entered?!"

"Well I'm here under contract by a deity, so yes I know why each of you are here and how you are here. As for the bike? Trade secret that you're not worth telling anything to, or giving anything to, that I have on me. Naofumi and Ren though are at least entitled to some information or gifts from me, unlike you and Itsuki."

My words stumped him, but a certain bitch opened her mouth and tried to play seduction games with me. Upon seeing the other heroes interest in my bike. I felt absolute disgust for the woman who was the first princess. I just felt absolute disgust and murderous intentions, but I couldn't kill her yet there are times and places for that. Killing her now would get me attacked by Heroes and set off an unwelcomed chain reaction from the kingdom if I don't kill her at the right moment.

"Sir Kaiser, surely we can find a price that is agreeable for you to sell that "dirt bike" to Motoyasu?"

She walked towards me swaying her hips, a hand on her breast as one arm rested under them pushing them up. She was trying to be seductive, but I just aimed my gun at her and thought of a special bullet to use on her. Pulling the trigger, I shot a bullet that would tamper with her memories about certain things. Like stuff regarding tech from a modern world, it also altered anything about guns she had been taught. Her head flung back as she hit the ground like a stringless puppet, holstering my gun. I looked at everyone else.

"That's for insulting me you dumb bitch, thinking I'm a horn dog like the others for you. You may be a princess, but to me, you're just another a body to add to the kill count. Now fair warning, don't think that you can try anything bad to me, that will not end good for you. Given my connections I've made while we've been here and what I can do... I can say that you'll drive yourself to ruin. Since I now have a free pass on mass execution by the rulers here. Also, I have to at least do my job, and I can't do that if I have to kill three of you."

Saying my piece, I left as Naofumi started to head out done with this scene, pulling him onto the center of my handle bars as I put Rapthalia behind me. Once I had my kidnap duo, I rocketed out of the clock tower with Naofumi screaming curses and Rapthalia screaming why behind me as she held on to the Dirt bike, confused still as to why I put her on it. As my bike ramped over the church stairs, we all eventually landed and skidded across the stone pavement. Naofumi got off my bike with a thud as Rapthalia got off normally, while shaking, but I stayed seated while looking at them. What followed was some cursing before Rapthalia's heartfelt speech towards Naofumi, after threatening me, of course. However, I surprised the two after holding out my hand that contained sand from the Dragon Hourglass that Nilla had stolen for us after seeing that I kept looking at the hourglass. 

We unlocked new weapons and next thing we knew we had teleported to our first wave in this world, where we would get a taste of the hell to come as it ramped up slowly over time.