
Chapter 6 What She Wants

"Your highness" Maria said, approaching Fayra from behind as she sat at the lake. "You can just call me by my name Maria, it makes no difference" Fayra told her. "You are of much higher standing than me, that wouldn't be right" maria replied

Fayra Didn't say anything. "What's wrong?" Maria asked. "I'm not sure what to do now," Fayra answered. "My family surley thinks I'm dead and although I wish to return home I don't wish to leave without the revenge I so desire" Fayra explained. "But I'm not even sure where to start," she added. Maria sat down next to Fayra. "Is revenge truly what you wish?" Maria asked. "Yes," Fayra said. "But now just for myself," she told maria.

"I want to avenge those who were sacrificed and weren't as lucky as I" she told her "why" maria asked "you didn't know them" she added. Fayra let out a heavy breath. "Because they most likely went through it the same way I did" fayra told her. "They probably were happy to be a part of their strange ritual, until they were grabbed and held down. Until they were branded. And pushed off a cliff. They most likely pleaded like I did, begging for their lives and as they fell prayed to God" fayra said. "And what about you?" Maria asked. Fayra looked up at her. "I saw the burn marks... the letters D.O.D and the numbers next to it," Maria said. "I had never seen those on the previous sacrifices. "I was burned by a priest who Edged my day of death into my skin" Fayra said. "He said that God wished for those who find my body to know the day of my death" she added. "I don't think God wished for us to know of the day you died," Maria said to Fayra. "I think he wants us to know of the day you survived," she added.

Maria stood up. "You Fayra Alden... are a Survivor" she told her. "You went from a Sacrifice to a Survivor and now you have a Dragon" she said. "If you truly wish to avenge those who were also sacrificed and wish for revenge for yourself. Use the gifts that God has given you" Maria said. "Your brain, your people, and your dragon" Maria added before walking away. "My brain... my people.... and my dragon...." Fayra repeated to herself. "Armaros" Fayra called out to her dragon. It took a moment, but he soon appeared in front of her from the sky.

Armaros landed in front of her. "I think it's time we leave my sweet boy," she said, petting his head. "I wish to destroy the royals of Bennett and to do that I must do it in the most painful way possible" she said "by starting a revolution" she added.

"You wish to start a revolution" a shocked voice said behind her. Fayra turned to see who it was. It was a young man with brown hair around her age. "And so what if I do" Fayra told him. He hesitated for a moment. "I wish to help you Princess," he told her.

Fayra stood up and Armaros flew onto her shoulder. "You wish to help me?" She questioned. "Yes," he told her. "And I doubt I'm the only one," he said. "the Bennetts rule with tyranny and the only ones who know it are their people" he told her. "What is your name?" She asked. "Ian," he said. "Well Ian I won't push you away but I will warn you" she said stepping closer to him.

"If you choose to follow me, it won't be easy, you will be committing Treason as will anyone else who chooses to follow me, you may be injured or even die are you truly willing to risk your life for me?" She asked him. Ian knelt to Fayra. "They Sacrifice innocent people for prosperity because they fear dragons will bring chaos, but you control a dragon... I believe you are the only one who can free Bennett from their tyranny so yes I am willing to sacrifice my life for your cause in fact I am willing to sacrifice my life for you" he said now bowing his head.

"Stand" she told him and he did so. "I pray the day you sacrifice your life for mine never comes" she told him.

"May I ask what you plan to do?" Ian asked. "The best way to turn people against those that they are loyal to is to show them the power you hold," she said, looking towards Armaros. "At least that was what my father told me," Fayra added. "But if I do not wish to destroy Bennett which means I must also give the people what they want" she told him.

"And what do you think that is?" He asked "you tell me" she said "after all you're a citizen of Bennett" she added.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN NOT FIND HER BODY" the king of Bennett yelled. "It appears her body is not at the bottom of the cliff your majesty, perhaps animals took it" said a knight with his head lowered to his king.

"You don't think she could have somehow survived do you?" The king said, turning to the priest. "Of course not your majesty from that height it is impossible to survive" he told the king. "Prepare another sacrifice" the king told him. "Your majesty there is truly no need for that, I'm sure it is as your knight said it's not as if animals don't roam near the altar after all" the priest said.

"I'm not taking any risks on a dragon hatching with every moment their is a higher possibility that a dragon will be born and reign chaos over Bennett once more, it's hard enough to suppress the people as is, so quickly prepare a new sacrifice" he demanded of the priest. The priest hesitated for a moment. "Yes of course your majesty" the priest said with a bow before leaving the king's office.

"Perhaps a woman of Bennett would be a better sacrifice then" he whispered to himself.