
Chapter 4 Survive

"When will we be able to visit Fayra?" William asked. "Not for some time we must wait for her to settle and invite us. It would be rude to show up otherwise" Alexander said "yes... I suppose you're right" William replied.

"Your Majesty," the butler said entering Alexander's office. "I'm afraid I have urgent news from Bennett," the butler added. "I would hope so William and I are discussing important matters," he told him.

"The Princess is dead," he told them. Their eyes went wide in shock as they didn't believe what they had just heard. "It can't be..." William trailed off. "How?" Alexander asked. "It seems the Princess committed suicide after marrying the prince" the butler answered.

"I don't believe this!" William snapped. "THEY MUST HAVE DONE SOMETHING TO HER SHE WOULD NEVER KILL HERSELF" he yelled. "That is enough William" Alexander said. "Send a request for her body to be returned to Alden If they refuse the trade routes will not only be closed but much worse will come to Bennett" Alexander told the butler. "Yes your majesty" the butler said before leaving the office.

"You don't actually believe this do you?" William asked his father "of course not" Alexander replied. "I can only pray she is truly not dead," he added.

Fayra slowly opened her eyes, pain flooding her body with every movement she made. She was alive... but how? To survive a fall from that height would have been impossible yet she did.

Fayra managed to sit up and as she did she looked to her left. "Ahhhh" she screams as she saw the bones and corpses of people next to her *no one is sure why they leave but they always run away the night of the wedding* rang through her head. She wasn't the first. She wasn't the first person they branded and pushed off a cliff. She was supposed to fall to her death and she didn't. Did that mean whatever they were trying to prevent failed?

She began to look around only just now, noticing that where she had landed was some sort of altar made of stone. It would be best if she left. She slowly got up wincing in pain with every movement she made. She probably wouldn't make it far and the smell of her blood would most likely attract animals but that didn't matter to her. She needed to survive, and she needed to get her revenge. Not just for herself but for all the people they sacrificed as well.

Fayra began to walk through the woods using the trees to keep her balance. I have to keep going. She thought as she slowly kept moving before she finally gave up and slid against a tree, her breaths became heavy as she grew cold.

It was only now she realized the extent of her injuries as she began to look over her body. Her dress had been torn in multiple spots and was covered in her blood. She had severe lacerations covering her body. How she lived she will never fully understand.

Suddenly Fayra heard the sound of movement in a bush. Most likely an animal that had come to finish her off. She grabbed a medium size stick that had been laying next to her and held it up. She may have been about to die, but she wouldn't go easily. She thought.

That was when a black lizard with wings the size of a chihuahua, jumped out of the bush. Fayra pointed her stick at it as it stood in front of her tilting its head at her. "Impossible" she said to herself. "There's no way" she added. "A Dragon" she said. There was no doubt about it; the little black lizard with wings was definitely a dragon. Fayra carefully got up and slowly began to back away from the dragons as she continued to point the stick at it.

With every step she took the dragon took another step closer to her. "Stay back..." she said and it stopped. "Be a good little Dragon and Stay" she said as she continued to back away and it stopped following her. She turned around and began to walk as fast as she could away from the dragon. But she was low on energy. It wasn't much longer before Fayra fell to the ground unable to move again.

I just need a little rest. She thought as she closed her eyes. When she opened them again the sun was up and the baby dragon she thought she had left behind was sitting in front of her tilting its head at her once again. "If you wish to eat me do so already I can no longer run from you" she said.

The baby dragon stood up and began to walk towards her. Fayra closed her eyes waiting. Then she felt the baby dragon curl up into a small ball next to her, and Fayra opened her eyes again. It truly doesn't wish to eat me. She thought.

"Perhaps just a little longer then" Fayra said aloud as she closed her eyes again. A little while later she heard noise. Noise she didn't recognize. But the strength she once had to open her eyes had dwindled. She now smelt smoke as she heard the tiny roars of the baby dragon. What was happening? She asked herself.

Was the baby dragon fighting something? She wondered. "Oh my" the voice of an old woman practically yelled. "Dearest, you must bring help, there is an injured girl here" the woman said. Then she heard the woman breath in, in shock. "A dragon has finally hatched" the woman said in almost a whisper. "That must mean..." "I've come with help," an older man interrupted.

The baby dragon jumped in front of Fayra and let out a roar. "It seems awfully Protective of her" a young man said. "Look at the mark on her shoulder" the old woman replied. "Wait you don't think..." the old man trailed off. "It's never happened before but I suppose it's possible someone could have survived the Fall" said the old woman.