
Chapter 3 Wedding

"Are you ready princess?" A maid asked fixing Fayra's dress one last time. "I have no other choice but to be," Fayra replied. The doors opened and the music began. Hundreds in attendance but none from her own family. It was part of Bennetts customs only one of their many strange ones.

Fayra began to walk down the aisle; each step she took felt like 100 years to her. She knew this was what had to be done. It was her duty to her kingdom. But deep down she hated it as well. As she got to the end of the isle Elijah reached out his hand to her she hesitated for a moment and a smile came across her face as she took his hand. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. She thought.

"We Gather here today to join these two together in heart and soul" said the priest. "Do you Prince Elijah Bennett of the Bennett kingdom take Princess Fayra to be your wife until the day she dies?" The priest asked. His words almost seeming strange. "I do" said Elijah. "And do you Princess Fayra Alden of the Alden kingdom take Prince Elijah to be your husband until the day you shall die?" He asked her. It's as if they thought she would die first. "I do" she answered. "Exchange your rings" he said. Elijah put a ring on her finger then she put a ring on his. "You may now kiss" he told them.

Fayra and Elijah leaned in for the kiss. Their lips touched but Fayra felt nothing. "You are now husband and wife" the priest said as Fayra and Elijah turned to the clapping crowd. Elijah lightly grabbed her hand and led her back down the aisle to a carriage that was waiting outside for them.

Elijah helped her onto the carriage then got on after her and sat down next to her. "I remember her majesty said we would be going to some sort of cliff now?" Fayra questioned, as the carriage began to move. "Yes, that is where an ancient ritual will take place" he told her. "May I ask exactly what It is for?" She asked him. "It is only to ensure the prosperity of the kingdom" he told her with a light smile. "I see," she said.

It didn't take them long to get to the cliff where the ritual would be held. They walked up the mountain and were greeted by a small group of people wearing masks as well as another priest. "Welcome prince and princess" the priest said. "It is finally time to begin the final ritual" the priest directed towards Elijah. Fayra looked at him slightly confused. "Final ritual?" She questioned. Was there more than one? She wondered.

"Grab her" the priest said pointing at Fayra and before they could move two men in masks grabbed her as Elijah stepped away from her. "WHAT IS THIS LET ME GO!" Fayra yelled, fighting to get out of their grasp. "Give her the mark," the priest said. A woman wearing a mask walked over to a fire that was going and pulled out what looked to be a branding iron.

"Keep that thing away from me," Fayra said as she tried to back away. The woman walked over to Fayra and pressed the hot metal against her skin. "AHHHHHHH" she screamed out in pain. "SHE NOW HOLD THE MARK OF THE DRAGON!" the priest yelled. Tears began to stream from Fayra's eyes as the woman took the hot metal away from her skin.

The priest then took a thin needle out of his sleeve and walked over to the fire. "Bring her here" said the priest and the two men dragged Fayra towards the fire. "Please I beg of thee stop this" she pleaded."Cut the waist of her dress" the priest told the woman wearing a mask who had branded Fayra. "God wishes for her day of death to be written on her skin as well" the priest added. "No Please" Fayra said weakly through tears. The woman took out a dagger and cut her dress and threw her corset leaving a small spot of her skin showing. The priest took the needle out of the fire and began to burn her skin with it. "Ahh" she screamed again as she felt the Letters D.O.D burned into her skin. Along with the date.

"It is finally done," the priest said, getting up after over an hour. "God wishes for those who find your body to know the date of your death be thankful for his pity in that" the priest told her. "Why are you doing this?" Fayra asked through tears. "Why else but for the prosperity of the Bennett kingdom" The priest stated.

"Prince Elijah as a royal you know what you must do" the priest said, turning to Elijah. He was the only one there who actually seemed regretful.

Elijah walked over to Fayra and grabbed her wrist then dragged her towards the edge. "Please don't do this Elijah please I am begging you I don't wish to die please" Fayra pleaded but her words were ignored. "I'm sorry Fayra but I have no other choice, my people come first" he told her. "And what of my people what will they get for my death?" She asked him. "Nothing will change the deal remains the same. You could die at least knowing that much" he told her.

"Please" she said looking him in his eyes "please don't do this" she pleaded once more. "I'm so sorry Fayra" he told her before pushing her off the edge of the cliff.

Fayra began to fall, her screams echoed around her making her feel as if the fall would last forever. Was this truly the end? Was this how she was to die? Fayra closed her eyes. She knew there was no way to survive. She knew that yet for some reason she still held out hope. Hope that she wouldn't die and hope that one day she could have her revenge.