
Mark's Diary

Mark, an ordinary guy, is inexplicably transported to a magical realms. Through diary entries, he navigates this world of mythical creatures and impending darkness. As his abilities grow, he unearths a plot, confronts betrayal, and discovers a relic that could save the realm. With unexpected allies and a plot twist, he faces an ultimate evil. Mark's transformation from average to heroic culminates in an epic battle, restoring balance to the enchanted realm.

WritingInPajamas · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Day 1

Hey there, Diary,

Gotta admit, this is some freaky stuff. Woke up in a place that's definitely not Kansas anymore. Or any place I've ever seen. It's like fantasy and reality did a crazy dance and dropped me smack dab in the middle of it. There are trees that look like they're from a fairy tale, you know, the ones you'd find in books with talking animals and enchanted woods. And critters, Diary, critters that seem like they stepped out of a mythical menagerie. I'm talking fluffy creatures with bright, oversized eyes and sparkling fur. Could swear I saw a dragon soar by earlier. Yeah, like a real, fire-breathing dragon. I'm half expecting Gandalf to pop out of the bushes any minute now, staff and all.

Anyway, let's get to the meat of it. I'm just a normal dude named Mark, or at least I was yesterday. Now, who knows? There's magic crackling in the air here, like those times you rub your feet on the carpet and then zap someone. Only, you know, on a grander scale. I swear I saw a stream of light shoot out of my fingers earlier. Crazy, right? It's both exhilarating and terrifying. My phone's no good here, so no social media updates, no Google Maps to tell me where the heck I am. But I've got something way cooler – a new skill, if you can call it that.

So, there I was, trying to survive, trying to figure out how to make a campfire, you know, rubbing sticks together and all that primitive stuff. I was failing miserably, just two sticks sadly refusing to combust. Then bam! Out of nowhere, I had this instinctual knowledge of how to conjure flames with a snap of my fingers. I was like a human lighter, Diary. My inner pyromaniac is having a field day, let me tell you.

But it's not all fun and games. There's a shadow that hangs over all this fantasy. I can feel it, Diary, a sort of impending doom. Like when you know you've got a test tomorrow that you didn't study for, except this time, the stakes are way higher. I saw a figure in the distance, cloaked and eerie, just watching me. And those fluffy critters? They keep their distance, like they know something I don't.

Gotta find some food soon though. No pizza delivery in this place, that's for sure. I'm off on a quest for berries that might or might not be poisonous, and who knows what else. Wish me luck, Diary. Day 1 in this bonkers world, and I'm already learning to speak the language of the locals – which, by the way, sounds like a cross between Shakespearean English and Yoda. It's all "thou" this and "thine" that. Oh, and did I mention the giant talking mushrooms? Yeah, they're a thing.

Until next time,
