
6. Chapter 6

And now, this version when Marcy doesn't know how to cook or bake anything, but with some help from her friends, they'll gonna win if it hurts. Hope you enjoy reading! Thank you.

Marcy and the Frogs

Chapter 6: Hop Po's Luck

The next day in the afternoon, out from Wartwood Valley where two dragonflies are flying up in the sky, but one of them is carrying a frog that was captured few weeks ago as lifted in fear.

"Aah! Help! Somebody help me!"

Nobody hears poor frog screaming for help. Then we see Marcy and Sprig walking in the forest with Polly is hanging on the back of her hoodie jacket like a baby on the mother's back as the not-so spirit girl is showing her photos to Sprig from her phone. Polly can see the phone from behind her.

"And there's this cat that Anne found when she was little. She named her Domino."

She slides it over to the photo of Domino that was holding by Anne with her tongue sticking out smiling.

"Ooh!" Sprig fascinated.

"Aw, she's so tiny! I feel huge!" Polly cooed.

"Hmm. I will... set her free!" Sprig took out a hammer, but Marcy intervene.

"Not so fast, Sprig. It's just a photo. There's no need to break it." said Marcy.

"Sorry about that. I thought that you... well, you know... taking people's soul."

"Sprig, I don't take their souls. I was writing down for my journal."

Then suddenly, Marcy started sniff something until she felt that smells terrible with a stench.

"Ugh! What's that smell?!" Marcy disgusted.

Sprig sniffs the stench, but he realize it.

"Augh! Great, Hop Pop is cooking!" said Sprig.

By the time they arrived at the Plantars' household, Sprig reach to the door knob to open it.

"Brace yourself."

"Wait, what?" Marcy confused.

His only answers is open the door until a huge stench emerge out from the house by blowing him away. Marcy fell backwards while Polly was being blown away. She was shocked and disgusted that the house let out like a huge gas.

It's all because Hop Pop is reading the ingredient from his cook book, but he cooks terrible! He doesn't know how to cook properly. Clearly, he's been feeding his grandkids for years, but whenever he tries to feed them, they lost their appetite and rather skip lunch or dinner to get away from this stench.

While Hop Pop is humming, he's stirring his cooking with his wooden spoon until he picks it up to taste by slurping like health inspection.


Marcy and Sprig approach while carrying Polly in her hands and then set her down gently at the table.

"What's the plan this year, Hop Pop? Poison the competition? Ooh!" Sprig asked ambitious.

"The plan is to win." Hop Pop answered.

"Like food eating contest?" Marcy guessed.

"Almost, but it's the annual village potluck. Every year we frogs gather for a great contest. The family who brings the best-tasting dish is showered with love and copper coins. The family with the worst-tasting dish spends the night in the shame cage."

Hop Pop shows Marcy by looking out the window, but what concerns her that the shame cage was setup by the frog that's been waiting if anyone loose.

"That's a bit harsh." said Marcy.

"And guess which family ends up there every year." said Sprig sadly.

The Plantars sighed sadly. Marcy felt bad about them and she realize that they did ends up in the cage every year. What kind of tradition would do such things for these poor frogs? This isn't right to her. Then she switch from sad into firm look. She'll won't let anything happen to them that they took her in.

"Not on my watch! No ones going to be put in a cage! I may not part of you guys, but maybe I can help." said Marcy when she step up.

All three of them were quite surprised that Marcy steps in to help them.

"Really? You would do this for us?" Sprig asked feeling hopeful.

"Heck yeah, I do! So, what are we making?"

"It's a traditional recipe from my family's cookbook. We been using this baby since I was a pollywog." Hop Pop explains.

The human girl took the cook book from Hop Pop when she looks through with each page. She couldn't tell why all these traditions were so bad while others were in mix with bugs, and then she slams the book by shutting it.

"Sorry, Hop Pop, but that thing has got to go!"

Sprig and Polly were in quite surprised, but Hop Pop felt his heart stings.

"Oh, that makes sense." said Polly.

"It's all so clear now." Sprig understands that.

"But we Plantars have always cooked these recipes. What would my great-gam-gam say?" Hop Pop whines.

"She would say, 'Keep moving forward'." Marcy answered.

"(sigh) She was a fierce woman." Hop Pop sighed sadly.

"Now, if we want to win this, we need to cook up something new, something delicious, something that you'll never taste."

"Like what?" Sprig puzzled.

Marcy took her phone to look through until she founds her best solutions and show this to Sprig and Polly that looked more interested.

"Behold! Pizza!"

"Whoa." Sprig astonishes softly.

"I don't know what it is, but I love it." said Polly attached to pizza.

"Pizza is the ultimate dish and best Italian meal of all history. You'll love it when I'm sharing my meal with you guys." said Marcy.

Sprig and Polly looked so eager to try to eat pizza, but Hop Pop looked concerned about this.

"Now, now, hold on. Before we get carried away, what about this tried-and-true recipe? Swamp mold pot pie!

"Pizza! Pizza!" Sprig and Polly chanted.

"Okay, okay. Sheesh."

"We'll win for sure with this, Hop Pop." said Sprig.

"Trust me, I learned from the best. Well, except that I don't know how to cook, but my uncle taught me." said Marcy.

"Do you know which ingredient you cook?" Hop Pop asked.

"Yep. It comes with dough, cheese, basil, and tomato. Are you guys ready to make your first pizza?!"

"Pizza!" Both kids said with unison.

"Oh! Oh! Maybe we should put pineapple on it. Seems like a natural fit." Sprig suggested.

"Hmm, I don't where you got pineapples, but other than that. You got it!" Marcy thumbs up.

Meanwhile at Flour and Daughters Bakery, Marcy and the Plantars has arrived and entered the bakery. It's her second visit, but she has never went inside to see all the breads and muffins were made. As they approach to Mr. Flour, Maddie's dad who's baking up some dough with bugs on it, and then he turn his attention to the Plantars. He looks very friendly that he knows them for a very long time.

"Hello, Mr. Flour." Hop Pop greeted.

"Why, Hopediah. How's your weekend going?" Mr. Flour asked kindly.

"Just trying to cook some meal, but kids says I cook terrible." replied Hop Pop.

"Oh, don't feel bad. Give them time."

Then he turn his eyes at Marcy who was wiggling her fingers waving hi.

"Hello. You must be Maddie's dad. I'm Marcy."

"Why, hello... Marcy. You must be that spirit what I've heard about, but my daughter told me that you're some sort of... odd creature."

"Yep, I'm her apprentice! Is Maddie home?" Marcy asked.

"Of course." Mr. Flour nodded before he hollers. "Maddie! You're friend is here!"


Sprig went yelp when Maddie came out of nowhere with two books she's been carrying. She creeped him out for a moment. Marcy smiles at her young teacher.

"Hi, Maddie!"

"Hi, Marcy. How's practicing going?" Maddie asked.

"It took me while to conjure, but I've written down on every ingredients that I made for my potions." replied Marcy.

"Very nice. Here are your books that I finished." Maddie hands over books to Marcy. "Do you have more of these?"

"Sorry, I only have two books with me, but thanks." said Marcy.

"It's okay. My sisters are enjoying it. So, what brings you here?"

"Today is the annual village potluck. I was hoping if we could use your help by making pizza."

"Hmm... what's a pizza?" Maddie tilted her head.

"I'll show you what it looks like."

Marcy took her phone out and show this to Maddie when looks closer to see pizza on her phone. She has never see any kind of meal like this before.

"I'm not sure what it is, but sure. We'll help you."

"Really? Thanks!" Marcy smiles.

"No problem."

"(chuckled) Now I see why you two girls are getting along." Mr. Flour chuckled.

"Well, she's really a nice girl. We took her in when she needs our help." said Hop Pop.

"So, do you have any dough we could borrowed?" Sprig asked.

"If you want the dough, you have to marry my daughter." Mr. Flour answered.

Sprig eyes went wide as Maddie spread her creepy grin. Marcy felt unease for all of sudden.

"You know, if we used a traditional recipe, we wouldn't have to sell Sprig." Hop Pop suggested if he keeps going about his recipe.

"Um, don't you think it's a bit too soon? I mean, if they get married, could they be at least like 18 or 23 years older?" Marcy skeptical.

Mr. Flour hasn't thought about at first. As much he love to see his daughter happy, but Marcy do got a point.

"You do have a point."

Maddie drop her smile and give Sprig her scowl look as he nervously chuckles.

"So, can we still get the dough?" Polly asked.

"Of course, you can. If my daughter is your friend, then you are more welcome to visit."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Flour." Marcy thanked him as the baker gave the dough to her and put it in the bag like groceries.

"Well, looks like we gotta go. (chuckles) See ya." said Sprig when he left.

"Bye, Maddie." Marcy waved when she leave the bakery with the Plantars

"Bye, Marcy. Good luck making your pizza." Maddie waved her arms at her apprentice.

Later on, Marcy and the Plantars has arrived at the farm that belongs to an elder frog, Sadie Croaker with her pet adorable spider, Archie that she runs a diary farm where milk and cheese is. Just then when Sadie forms her friendly smiles at Hop Pop as he approach.

"Good afternoon, Sadie." Hop Pop greeted.

"Hopediah, I haven't seen you for a while." replied Sadie kindly.

"It's no biggie. Just dropping by for a visit. I was wondering if you could help us."

"That would be nice."

"Hi, Mrs. Croaker." Sprig greeted.

"Hello, Sprig. Polly." Sadie paused when she sees Marcy who was waving her hand nervously.

"Hi." Marcy nervously greeted.

But Sadie drops her smile into her suspicious looks. Archie crawls behind his owner when he felt afraid of Marcy. She felt bad that the spider was scared of her.

"You don't look so scary to me." said Sadie.

"Don't worry. She's not gonna hurt us." Sprig tried to convince her.

"I know what 'she' is. If you think she's gonna take my soul, you got another thing coming."

"No, of course not! I'm just a normal girl who was lost and needs help. Honest." Marcy put up her hands in defense.

"No tricks?" Sadie suspicious.

"Nope. No, tricks." Marcy assured.

Sadie squint her eyes at her. Sprig knew that she was with the crowds to chase Marcy out, but deep down that Marcy would never hurt anyone. Hop Pop can understand why they're still afraid of her. Perhaps waited out will take too long to recovered.

"Hmmm... I don't like this, but I will help you. What can I get you with."

Marcy forms her small smiles.

"Well, you see... I was hoping if we could borrow some cheese to make some pizza for pot luck in order to win." Marcy explains.

"I don't know what this pizza is, but was it good?" Sadie puzzled while scratching her chin.

"Oh, you'll gonna love this when you first taste it." replied Sprig.

"This will blow your mind! Boom!" Polly added.

"Alrighty then, but you'll have to get Brutus."

They turn their heads at Brutus, white caterpillars with short pink legs and black spots along their body similar to a cow. Marcy reacts like she has never seen such caterpillar like this.

"Whoa! A cowapillar! I've read this one from the biology book I burrowed!" Marcy surprised.

"Oh, so you read about this?" Sadie asked.

"Yes, I let her burrow my books after we took her in to our farm. She's the only one who respect my family's name." Hop Pop explained.

"We became roomies!" Sprig jumps in.

"You know, I'm started to like her right about now." Polly kindly remarked.

"Is that a fact? Well, alright, but are you sure you can handle this?" Sadie asked.

"Of course I can. My uncle told me that he used to be farmer for once in a while." replied Marcy.

"Okay, but be very careful. I know Brutus can be a handful." Sadie warned Marcy.

She nodded before she walk towards where Brutus is eating haystack outside from the fence. Hop Pop knew that this isn't going to turn out so well for her.

"You know, there's a recipe in here that doesn't need cheese." said Hop Pop.

"Forget the old recipes! We just want some cheese!" Polly insist.

"You got this, Marcy!" Sprig thumbs up.

Marcy thumbs back to Sprig. She knows what she can do. She took out a huge red basil to get Brutus attention.

"Toro! Toro!"

Brutus turn its attention at Marcy that's been waving a huge red basil and then it let out a mooing sound when charge towards her, but quickly dodge out of the way as the cowapillar missed and enter the critter fence. She got up quickly as she reach the gate to close it before Brutus got out and locks the gate She let out a sigh with relief. The Plantars went stunned for the performance.

"Woo! You go girl!" Polly cheered.

"Where did you learned all this?!" Sprig amazed.

"It wasn't that easy. I learned how cows are attracted to anything that is red on it." Marcy explain her details.


Sadie was very impressed. She never knew how this spirit turns out to be an odd creature with flowers on it. She went to go fetch a truckle of cheese and delivers to Marcy where she's staring at Brutus who was fully calmed.

"I have to admit, you are not so evil spirit after all." said Sadie.

"Thanks, Mrs. Croaker." Marcy politely replied.

"Thank you, for helping me out." Sadie hands a truckle of cheese to Marcy. "Here you go, deary. A hunk of cheese made fresh from the milk of those ca-"

"Not in front of the kids!" Hop Pop cuts off Sadie's words.

It only took a while to gather some ingredients where Marcy is gathering. She placed a dough and a cheese inside of her bag as the girl wrote down her checklist like groceries on her notes. Sooner the better, they're going to win for sure. Right now in a forest, Marcy has picked up the third ingredients was basil to fight off the aphids.

"So far, so good. We've gathered what we need is to make pizza." said Marcy.

"Who knew ultimate flavor could be so painful?" Sprig comments.

"So, what else is next?" Polly asked.

"We are down to the last ingredient what we need is tomato. It can't be cooked with out tomato sauce. According to the map, they should be up ahead." Marcy explained by showing the map.

"Still can't believe I traded my favorite dentures for that map." Hop Pop mumbles.

"You know, I've never actually tasted a tomato. No one in town really sells them." said Sprig.

"There's a reason for that. They're in the "dangerous vegetables" section. It suggests we go for prunes instead. Can't go wrong with prunes!"

"Wait, what dangerous vegetables?" Marcy puzzled.

She spoke too soon when they reach to their final quest to gather the last ingredient, but it turns out that they have to collect tomatoes from the Carnivorous Tomato Plant. It looks resembles a Venus-flytrap like plant with three heads atop long red stems joined at the base of the plant, where bunches of tomato are located.

Marcy was stunned at the tomato plant monster, but the Plantars went fully shocked and aware why this vegetables are extremally dangerous to amphibians. The Carnivorous Tomato Plant let out a huge roar at them.




Polly, Sprig, and Marcy said it once before the tomato plant roars at them. Then Marcy took out her journal to write down about this.

"So that's why vegetables are dangerous! It's like a Venus-flytrap, but's so huge!" said Marcy with amazement look.

"You know, this baby's got some great substitutes, all of which are delightfully harmless." Hop Pop suggested about another option.

Marcy pause her writing and turn her heads at Hop Pop with her a bit of disappointed look.

"But sir, we come this far to get the last ingredient. I can't let you three locked up in a shame cage!"

"Marcy, there's a big difference between courage and suicide-"

His words were cut off when a vine has snatched Hop Pop up as he screams before the it devoured him in its jaws.

"HOP POP!" All three kids screaming at him.

Marcy couldn't believe that the vegetable monster has swallowed Hop Pop, the one who took her in. She really messed up. The tomato plant monster let out a roar as the kids screams when tried to run away from it, but three more vines grabs them all and toss it into its jaws as they scream so dearly.

After they all went down to the throat, Marcy stops to prevent herself and her friends from falling where the acid hits at the bottom as they almost fell. Luckily for Hop Pop, he grabs ahold to prevent him and the kids from falling.

"Holy smokes! Acid!" Hop Pop yelps.

"Well, at least the ingredients are safe." said Marcy.

"Great. Now we're all gonna die while trying to get tomatoes." Polly retorted.

But Marcy felt her chest stung when it hurts. Sprig gives Polly a harsh glare.

"Polly! Why would you say that?!" Sprig scolded.

"I was just saying." Polly shrugged in defense.

"Now, kids! Let's not fight each other! This wouldn't have happen if I suggest to make another recipe for frog sake!" said Hop Pop sternly.

"Can we please STOP with the suggestion!"

Before Hop Pop raised his voice, but he paused and noticed that Marcy was tearfully worried. The three of them dropped their anger and looked a bit worried at her.

"How could I let this happen? This is all my fault." Marcy sadly whispered.

"Why would you say that?" Sprig concerned when calm.

"I got us into this mess! Because of me, I got us all eaten alive! I am so sorry, guys. I just really wanted to share a pizza with you guys." Marcy felt tears welling up.

Hop Pop could see a hurtful look on her. He felt so sympathy at her and he almost let his pride get in the way for making different kind of recipe. He form his sad smile and reach his hand to comfort her.

"Marcy, I'm really sorry for making any suggestions, but all is forgiving." said Hop Pop in parental tone.

"But... I let you get eaten." Marcy replied when wiping her small tears.

"Ah, I didn't care about that pizza stuff anyway. But you were really trying to help this family out, and that's worth something in my book."

Then it really hit her. Marcy drops her emotions when started to realize what he says.

"That's it! Hop Pop, is there anything in the old ways that could help us right now?" Marcy asked.

Hop Pop has been carrying his recipe book around this whole time and then looks through the page to find the tomato where he reads.

"Well, I don't know. Nothing especially useful. Just that the throat of this giant tomato plant is absolutely delicious eaten raw."

They blinked their eyes that nobody realize that.

Outside from its stomach, the Carnivorous Tomato Plant felt something pain from its neck until it let out a shriek when Marcy and the Plantars chew their way out like bursting out from its stomach. The tomato plant monster lets out a dying roar until it collapse and dies.

Marcy and the Plantars got out and looked at where the plant monster lies dead. They couldn't believe that it actually worked by chewing when eating raw on its neck. Marcy was glad that she got herself and the Plantars out alive.

"Know your place, plant!" Polly spat.

Then suddenly, they heard the bells tolling. They are running out of time.

"Oh, shoot! It's already started! Quick! grab all the tomatoes that we need!" said Marcy.

They went to gather some tomatoes and set inside of each baskets that they brought.

"Alright, that should be plenty of it. Let's head home and cook as fast as we can before the tradition starts." said Hop Pop.

"Right!" Marcy nodded.

As the four of them sped off back to their farm with some tomatoes and start cooking. Good thing that Marcy has secured some ingredients inside of her backpack while zipped up tight. Marcy has checked out her list and she knows what she can do.

First, she toss the dough up in the air to make it look like a dish, then Sprig squeeze some tomatoes to the dough, then Hop Pop starts cutting a cheese into a small piece to covered up, and then put inside of the oven that they started. It only takes 8 to 15 minutes to bake the pizza until it's ready.

Once it's finished, Marcy carefully took the pizza out and set it down gently when it looked so good. Sprig and Polly decorate some bugs on pizza to spread all around it and put some leaves on it. Marcy smiles that the pizza is ready for the taste.

"She's finito!"

Meanwhile, Wartwood Annual Potluck has begin. Every good frogs are gathering to setup their latest meal that are looks really good. If any of them wins, they will received a award, but if any of them loose, they will have to end up in the Shame Cage. They all knew that the Plantars will loose every year. no one could blame Hop Pop that his recipe looks terrible.

But this year will be different. With Marcy around, she'll be able to help the Plantars to win. Once they made it on time, Marcy set three boxes of pizza down very gently at the table. Hop Pop could tell that they're gonna win for sure.

"This is it, guys. We're gonna win and I can feel it!" said Marcy when excited.

"I have to admit, pizzas looks really good." Hop Pop admits it.

"I can't wait to taste this!" Sprig smiles.

Just then, when Mayor Toadstool arrived with his assistance, Toadie when he taste out some delicious meal.

"All right! Let the annual potluck begin! Let's get to tastin' those dishes." Toadstool use his finger to taste out his first meal. "Mmm! That is scrumptious. Oh! Ooh! What have we here?"

He picks up a slice of pie with beetles on it and chomps it off.

"Oh, that is delicious! Yeah! Excellent effort! And last, but not least..." He pause when he drop his expression into a deadpanned that the Plantars are attended. "(sigh) The Plantars. What filth have you cooked up this ti-"

Then he froze and looked shocked that Marcy is with them. Most of the crowds went nervous while sweaty.

"(ahem) Uh, Hopediah? What is that evil spirit doing here?" Toadstool whispered when nervous.

"Oh, don't be silly. She's just an odd creature that we took her in." Hop Pop brushed it off.

"WHAT?! Have you lost your mind?! What if she starts attacking the village?!"

"Don't be ridiculous! She came all the way down here to help us win!"

"It's true. She came to my dad's bakery and asked us to borrow a dough." said Maddie when approach with her father and her little sisters.

"She helps me put my Brutus away in the fence if I gave her a cheese." Sadie steps in as the elder agrees.

Marcy felt touch that Sadie and the Flours are stepping up to help her. Mayor Toadstool was completely shocked. He could here some muttering that if they should agree or not.

"Alright, have it your way, Hopediah, but I don't like this." Then Toadstool started to sniff something that was food. "What is that delicious smell?"

Marcy spread her grinned.

"Glad that you ask. Introducing..." As of cue when Marcy opens the box of pizza with some bugs and leaves all over the cheese. "Amphibia's first homemade pizza! It comes with tomato and cheese with soft crust!"


The whole town went awed at the pizzas. They have never seen such meal like this before. Even Toadstool was surprised.

"Tomato? That's awfully dangerous." Toadstool chuckled.

"Why, of course it is, until we chew our only way out to kill this creature while gathered some tomatoes." said Hop Pop.

The crowd went shocked.

"You killed the tomato monster?!" Toadstool shocked.

"Yep! All thanks to Hop Pop!" Marcy answered.

"Care for one?" Hop Pop offered after he picked up a slice of pizza.

Mayor Toadstool was hesitated at first, but he just shrugged off and accept the offer as the mayor took a whole bite out of it, but when he taste so good like none of frogs and toads has ever taste. Marcy is smiling that they're going to win as the drumrolls.

"Mmm. Mmm. Mmm!" Once he swallowed, he made a declare. "Why, I do declare! This is the best dish the Plantar family has ever brought to a potluck!"

The Plantars went agape while gasp.

"What? Did we do it? Did we actually win?!" Sprig surprised.

"Win? Why of course, you win! For a moment, I thought that you were gonna loose once again, but what you showed me that you have made the best meal that no one would ever taste! I say we have... a winner!"

Everyone started to cheer and applaud. Hop Pop couldn't believe his own eyes. For the first time ever that the Plantars have won. Toadie approach to his mayor with a huge blue ribbon with "1st Place" as the mayor of Wartwood hands out a first prize to Hop Pop.

"Congratulations, Hopediah! I never doubted you for a second."

"I don't believe it! We won!" Sprig smiles.

"We did it! Take that shame cage!" Polly cheers.

A frog who was standing by the shame cage that just made a applaud. Sadie, Maddie, and her father were cheering for them while Maddie's little sisters were bouncing with joy. Marcy went to give the Plantars a group hug as the girl shares her laughter with them.

"I knew we could do it!" Marcy giggles.

"Marcy, thank you." said Hop Pop.

She felt touched that everyone was praising for her homemade meal. Her adoptive family would be very proud of her.

"Alright, who wants to try out some pizzas?!" Marcy asked.

Everyone agrees as they all get in line when Hop Pop hands over a slice pizza with bugs to the frogs, one at a time. Marcy is having her first pizza with bugs on it and she enjoys it. Sprig and Polly have finally trying out new pizzas that they made.

"Mmm! This pizza looks good!" said Sprig with mouthful.

"I LOVE PIZZA!" Polly munch down on her pizza.

Once Marcy swallows her first bite, she looks at Hop Pop after he hands out a slice pizza to Sadie when she left.

"Hop Pop, thanks for sharing pizzas with me." Marcy thanked him kindly.

"You're welcome, Marcy. Tradition is such a beautiful day of my entire life. I could've done it without you." replied Hop Pop.

Marcy wraps her arms around Hop Pop as they shared together. Being part of the family wasn't so bad after all. Seems that everyone in Wartwood are not afraid of her, at least for now.

Looks like the Plantars has finally won with Marcy's help! I never liked the shame cage in the first place and from my headcanon, they don't end up because they have won! Up next will be focusing on Marcy and Hop Pop, so stay tuned for the next chapter!

Amphibia (c) Disney