
March to Deliverance

Kiara is a child in a world void of her own knowledge. In a life of fantasy and magic, Kiara learns and quickly adapts to a new life style that will set the sword in stone. Trained by a Swordmaster and a Sage, she claims an independent life in her own hands as she begins her journey in the continent of Freiheit. Whatever lays beyond her village, is a life full of mystery and adventure soon to be explored. With her target to attend school at the Swordcrafts Academy in the Capital City Freiheit, she departs to the west and is soon met with a frightening realization of the outside world. Not everything will fall in place, no matter how your upbringing is. This is a lesson Kiara will learn.

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1 Chs

Kiara Cynthia Volere

"Papa... I want to name her."

"Go on, my daughter."

"Her name... It will be Stella."

"Stella, what a fine name. Stella... I'm certain, that your father would have been overjoyed to see you."

Stella, why does that name ring in my head? Or rather, why does the name trigger such violent images in my head? Are they memories? Are they recollections that I have merely forgotten? But remembering times as a baby is impossible.

Who are these people in these images? Are they truly so important?

"Take Stella and get out!"

"Sire... I cannot abandon you!"

"Forget me... I'm convinced already... Stella's mother is gone, and I must stay within these walls to protect Stella. I will do whatever I must, for the Kingdom's future. ______. Please, protect my grandchild..."

"I... Then, for the future of our Kingdom... I'll do what I must."

Flames, roaring under the night sky. Terrorizing screams indulged themselves into the flashing of images in my dreams..

"Papa... I had a scary dream."

I wiped my eyes. They felt rough and dry, and I couldn't help but keep wiping them.

"Kiara, have you been crying? Come sit on Daddy's lap."

Raising my arms, my dad carried me up, lifting me up before hugging me.

"What's wrong? What did you dream about?"

"Dad... I keep seeing fires, and... Scary people."

"Fires? Scary people? Oh no sweetie."

"... What was it..."

I looked up to my dad, who gave a concerned look. The more I thought about what name was called out, the more distant it felt. What was the name of that child? Why was I looking through in her perspective?


Sitting at the front porch of my home, I watched as my Dad had vigorously trained against his match, a man who seemed brilliant and fast.

"Hah! You've slowed down Arui!"

"Hah... Or you've gotten faster, Tsuku."

Uncle Tsuku is my daddy's friend, and he always treated me with food and treats. He seems to always dote on me, but seeing him so serious was always exciting to watch. But my bet is always on Daddy winning.


My papa and Uncle Tsuku exchanged blows, a quick rush and flurry of strikes ranging from slashes to pierces and swings, the motion of each of their training swords was too quick for me to even see what truly was happening.

In the series of consecutive strikes, I could see glimpses of the fantastic footwork my papa and Uncle Tsuku did as each strike of their blade met with each other's.

"Oi, Tsuku, take this seriously..."

The two suddenly came to a hold, as the violent whip of air was enough to make my hair flick. Their blades locked, Papa was pushing harder than Uncle Tsuku was.

Suddenly, Uncle Tsuku's blade slid and glided along Papa's blade and in one swift motion, Papa was suddenly on the floor with the sword pointing at him.

"If you have enough energy to speak in a fight, then you aren't taking it seriously either, my friend."

Uncle Tsuku smiled. Though my Uncle Tsuku was scary looking with that harsh looking scar over his left eye that didn't open, he was always a nice man to me.

"Yay! Uncle Tsuku won!"

"Huh?! Kiara, weren't you supposed to be cheering Papa on?"

Running over to Papa, I gave him a hug.

"Yeah, but Uncle Tsuku is so cool too! I want to fight with a sword too Papa..."

"I see... So you want to be like Uncle Tsuku haha..."

"No! No stupid dad... I want to be like Papa. But I want to learn from Uncle Tsuku too."

My dad gave a refreshed look before reaching for my head, caressing the top with the palm of his hand.

"Hear that Pops? Looks like your daughter is gonna learn the blade after all."

"If that's what she wants, then I know better than anyone that it'll happen. She's just like her mother. If she wants something, she'll take it."

Burying my head into his chest, he continued to stroke my hair. Suddenly, he began to lift me as he got up himself.

"Tsuku, if you will..."

"No need to ask me, my friend. I am indebt to you and your wife, so anything for you two."

"Thanks. As for her magic tutoring, we can figure out a schedule that won't collide with it."

"Hear that lil' missy? You're gonna be learning from me. Don't think I'll go easy on you!"

"I won't!"

Uncle Tsuku gave a sharp grin, as if to say he was going to make sure I was trained properly. In fact, I was quite happy by the way things turned...

"_____. _____. Come quick, mommy has to show you something!"

"Momma? What is it Momma?"

"Look, isn't the clouds beautiful?"

The skies were beautiful, though hazy. The image itself, it was as though it was fading. Even the look of that person's face, I couldn't imagine it at all. I only remember the touch, the feel that she gave.

"____! Run, run to Grandpa!"

"Momma! No! No Momma don't leave me! Please Momma!"

"... I'm so sorry _____... I'm so, so sorry... If your papa was still with us... He would've protected us... But here, I will do what I have to do protect you... So, _____, I love you... I will see you again, I swear!"

"Momma! Momma no, no! Please, Sir _____, save my Momma!"

"I'm... Sorry my child... The princess' orders is absolute... I must protect you, for your grandpa's, your mother's and father's sake..."

The faces of those two individuals, I could never make them out. But, there was one face that I did recognize. The look on that child's face upon the reflection of the steel armour of the man that protected her that had worn, it was a face that was distorted by the shape of the armour, but the face was familiar...

"Momma... I want to learn how to use a sword."

"Oh dear, did Uncle Tsuku and Papa make you want to take it up?"

My Momma was a beautiful lady of striking blonde hair, and compared to my more average looking brun father, she was definitely a looker.

"Yes Momma... I want to... Momma... I keep having nightmares about a fire, and... In that dream, everyone looked scared of these scary people. I don't know what they are, or what the dream is about... But..."

"Oh sweetie... Don't dwell on nightmares for too long. They're unhealthy for you."

My Momma picked me up, carrying me from the bottom and holding my up to her height.

"Momma, if I learn to not be scared, then maybe something different will happen in the dream."

"Hehe, that's a wonderful idea Kiara... You have such, beautiful pink hair. Your Momma's jealous of you sweetie."

"Momma don't be jealous! Your hair is beautiful! Papa's hair is boring!"

"H-hey, how come I'm getting the stick here?"

"Hehe, sweetie, she really is our daughter, isn't she? I'm so happy with the family we have..."

"Kiara, Uncle Tsuku will be here soon. Why don't you go get ready to see him? Your Momma and I have to talk."

"Okay Papa! I'll get ready!"

I began to leave the room, but out of my own curiosity, I had decided to wait at the top of the stairs that I had rushed, wanting to listen in on what Momma and Papa were talking about.


"Arui? You're so serious, what's wrong?"

"Cynthia, I really and truly do love you... I'm so happy with what we have, but..."

"Arui, if something is bothering you, you can talk to me. I made a promise to you, and I'll always hold to it."

"... Cynthia, I want a second child."

"Arui... You're... Not joking right..?"

"I'm not, Cynthia... I want to do this, for both you, myself, and certainly for Kiara. But, only if you feel ready, sweetie."

With my hand over my mouth, I could feel excitement welling up inside me. It was the very idea of having my own sibling, that was what excited me most. But, why did Papa decide so suddenly?

Though, that question was to the back of my head, after all, I'm getting a sibling!

"Kiara, you must be ready and willing to learn swordplay. After all, this path is one that is hard to leave."

"Why is that Uncle Tsuku?"

"Because, once you learn the sword, you have the ability to protect... I know you're only 5 years old, but, when you're older, you'll understand."

"Uncle Tsuku, I don't know what you're talking about... But, I want to learn it anyway!"

"Kiara, would you tell Uncle Tsuku why?"

"... I keep dreaming about a fire... And everyone was scared... Even I feel scared of it, but I don't want to be anymore..."

"Kiara... You're getting dreams like that..."


"... Heh, well, if it motivates you Kiara, then use it as motivation. You may feel your passion change, but never forget what it feels like to be motivated."

Standing up, he handed me a training sword before holding his up aligned horizontally.

"Now, Kiara, let's practice swinging. To begin with, I must emphasize that using magic is forbidden, unless I tell you to. Understood?"


"Because, magic is cheating. You must practice your sword with your true skill, not with magic."

"Oh, okay!"

If I were to say one thing about Uncle Tsuku, it is that he is as ruthless as I thought. Though 6 hours had flew by, I had spent the entire day swinging this dang sword!

"Uncle! Uncle... Tsuku! I can't take it anymore!"

"Nonsense! Though, Kiara, I must admit your commitment and stamina is no laughing matter..."

Relaxed on the floor, I felt sweat coming out of my body at a rapid rate. My head felt fuzzy, and my body was extremely tired.

"Your swings are inaccurate, and are completely untrained. Your next assignment Kiara will be understanding what it means to wield a sword. Your next lesson will be theory."

"Uncle... Tsuku... What is theory..?"

"Huh? Oh, right, you probably don't know what it means... Think of it as a writing assessment."

"Oh! My magic teacher does that for me that all the time!"

"Then I shall expect you to get things right."


I spoke too much! Uncle Tsuku broke out into a laugh upon seeing my reaction, but soon enough he patted my head with those rough and coarse hands of his.

"You're a good girl Kiara. You work hard too. I feel a bright future for you. Your mother and father would be proud of you."

When he said those words, I almost felt a sense of sadness behind his voice. Though it was only instinct that would tell me that. I don't know what's underneath Uncle Tsuku's mind, but if his hands had told me anything, it had taught me that he was rough on Papa and I for a real reason. Uncle Tsuku was tough on himself, and must've trained harder than anyone.

"Uncle Tsuku, I won't let you down, I promise!"

"Hah. I'm sure you won't. I can tell you won't."

The ways of the sword, it's a chosen path that dictates your future. Though the possibilities are endless, it opens the doors to a world that you otherwise would not even consider.

From light to heavy weaponry, over five years I had learnt many things about it. The first thing I noticed is that it would dictate your sort of personality. Uncle Tsuku, he was a rapid and quick fighter with his incredibly thin blade, which compared to my more aggressive and straight forward father whose sword was as broad as his swings.

The two were as good as each other, and they even moved to steel weapons. Watching the two of them go was exhilarating.

"Waa! Papa! Don't lose!"

My sister cried out. My sister, her name is Riaka, and she had taken straight out of my Papa's side. She had striking brun hair, but her eyes matched the blue of my mother's instead of the brown of my father's.

"Kiara, how is your sword training coming along?"

Asked the man whose sophistication was as brilliant as the magic he was capable of wielding.

"Ah, it's coming along well I believe. Uncle Tsuku trained me since I was 5, so a little after you began teaching me, Professor Renlin."

"I see, Tsuku is definitely a talented swordsman. Though I must say his teaching methods are lacking."

Looking over to my Papa and Tsuku, his training for him was completely different from the way he trained me. In fact, it almost felt as though he wasn't training Papa at all, but rather was testing him all the time.


"Too slow!"

Tsuku flipped the tables, but Papa was ready for it this time. With Tsuku swiping at Papa's feet with his own feet, Papa managed to catch himself, flipping with his hands to land on his feet. With shocking reflexes, he managed to parry the incoming sword strike from Tsuku's lightning fast blade, but he wasn't fast enough to prevent Tsuku's edge from pointing at his neck.

"Heh. Nice work Arui. Though you have a lot of catching up to Cynthia."

With the sword fight over, I found myself helplessly at awe at their speed.

"Professor, Uncle Tsuku often mentions my mother. What is he implying?"

"Ah, well... I'm sure your father would tell you, or even your mother would if you asked. I don't think it's in my place to speak on their behalf."

"Is that right? Then, I'll ask them later."

"Now, Kiara, you have learnt elementary and intermediate magic, but you have yet to learn how to cast expert Magic without incantation. Do you think you can do it?"

"It'll take time Professor, I can't cast it without memorizing how it feels."

"Heh, don't you worry about that. You can take your time to learn it. After all, you've been quite impressive with it so far."

Magic, it's a phenomenon so hardly understood. My professor is amazing at it, in fact I'm only as good as I am thanks to him.

Magic is a peculiar subject, as it involves several thought processes and challenges one's own intelligence. Magic cannot be performed without incantations, but I can do it. Before Professor Renlin, I had learnt my first spell at the age of 4, and attempting to cast it without incantations, I had managed to do so but casting with an under developed Mana Gate had caused incredible strains to my body.

A Mana Gate is what one could consider a glass of water. There is only so much water that you can drink before it disappears, waiting to be refilled. Mana is like that, and for each casting, it would take up a portion of water.

How could one use more magic than they already know? By having a glass large enough of course. The concept of a Mana Gate is that it's a set glass that can determine one's viability with Mana. Being self taught before 5, I didn't study that limit and had improvised a way to expand that glass. That was when Professor Renlin had began to teach me, as my mother wanted me to take magic on as a study given how talented I was at it.

'Her Mana Gate is incredible, and she has the makings of a great mage. But what's even more incredible is that casting of hers without incantations. Cynthia, Arui, I won't ask for payments, but allow me to teach this girl directly. That will mean the world to me.'

'Kiara... Your Mana Gate is even larger than before... How are you doing that..?'

'Kiara? Ah, forgive my mood. I was amazed at your achievement and tackled it on myself. I had discovered that it's easier to develop a Mana Gate at a younger age, so given my own age, you can imagine that I was quite disappointed.'

Renlin was a young looking man with striking green hair, but he says that he is 84 years old. Like I'd believe that! That's what I would say, but I learnt that he was an Elf, and after distinguishing the difference between a human's and elf's bodies, I came to understand that he truly was a different race.

Getting back to magic, I learnt that I had expanded my Mana Gate at the precisely correct age, and was able to cast magic unlike most other magic users.

'I see, incantation-less magic, it's impressive! Though I am teaching you Kiara, I feel as though I am learning something new everyday!'

'See that Kiara! I learnt how to do incantation-less magic! Though I'm not as sharp as you."

'You can do it with intermediate magic too..? Then maybe even advanced magic...'

Professor Renlin is always eager to teach, just as much as he is eager to learn. That's what made him such a fantastic teacher in my eyes. He wouldn't neglect my thoughts but would rather build on it, and in fact, without his guidance, I wouldn't have been able to learn magic at the rate I had ran at.

"Kiara, focus. Your improvements to magic is staggering, and if I'm calculating correctly, your current Mana Gate should allow for an incredible level of casting. That being said, casting without incantations does cost more Mana, so can you think of a way to bypass that issue?"

"Hm... I think... Maybe having another Mana Gate?"

"No, no, that's not possible. As much as I'm intrigued by that idea, I had already done several research on it and found nothing. But, there is something else that you could do."

"What is it Professor?"

"See, do you remember the ways of casting magic?"

"Y-yes. There's Magic Casting, Magic Channeling and Magic Imbuing."

"Precisely, but what if I told you you could do all three at once?"

"But, Professor, isn't that impossible too?"

"Kiara, if you taught me anything, it's that everything we know about Magic can be complimented with each other. Think about how you could combine all three."

"Uhm... Uh..."

"Think about what is necessary for Magic Imbuing. You would need a magic circle, correct?"


"So, what if you made a permanent one?"

Renlin asked, before holding out an odd item with a gem embedded on it.

"What is this?"

"I don't know what to call it, but this stone here has a magic circle within it that I created myself. Now, how do you think-"

"The magic circle! It can combine all three!"

"That's it! That's my thoughts exactly!"

"If we can use the Magic Circle to combine casting and channeling magic, then Mana consumption isn't as great!"

"You hit the nail on the head. The Magic Circle acts as a catalyst to channel magic, and if you cast your magic through this item..."

"I have it Professor... This is incredibly genius!"

"Yes, though it is a prototype and I tested earlier. It had failed, but... Kiara, you're as capable physically as you are intuitively. This is a topic of research that I want you to continue working on."

"Really? You don't want to learn it yourself Renlin?"

"Ofcourse I would like to, but... I have too much pride in you Kiara, and I want you to master this one yourself. I have firm belief that you'll be able to do so."

"You... Truly think so?"

"Yes, I do. Kiara, when you do learn it, and make it work, I want you to come see me. I will evaluate it myself, and see how far you've come. Do you think you can do that?"

"Yes! Though, what do you mean?"

"Kiara, you can find me in the continent of Somnia. Did you forget already?"

Hearing those words had reminded me of what I had asked of my father 3 years ago, shortly after I stopped having those dreams.

My father and Uncle Tsuku were fighting like usual, but what I had learnt from that was that I was way too far away from their experience. Experience, it was the thing I lacked the most, but also yearned for the most.

'Papa, I want to go to school...'

I said those words three years ago, but I completely forgot that I'm almost 11 years old, the required age to start attending a sword training school.

"Kiara! Momma and Papa says it's almost time for lunch!"

"Ah, Riaka, I'll be there soon, I'm just saying goodbye to Professor Renlin."

"Okay! Hehe!"

My sister was adorable, and just like I was, she was high spirited and constantly laughed at everything.

Looking over to Renlin once more, he gave a smile before floating in the air.

"Ah, you're leaving already?"

"Kiara, when you attend school, I'll be looking forward to hearing what you'll achieve from your parents."

"I'll do my best, I swear..."

"You plan to attend Swordcraft Academy, right? If so, then you'll be able to learn all sorts of weaponry and magic there. I hope you'll find something you like."

"Professor, I think I already have found what I want to do."

"I see... Then next time we meet, tell me all about it. I won't expect you for a few years now, but I pray for great results."


The gust of wind surrounding his feet intensified, raising him higher into the sky. This was Master-level magic, and something I wished to achieve one day knowing that this was what my Master was capable of.

"Kiara, I wish you luck with your education."

Magic training was something that Renlin excelled at, but knowing I was able to give him an expanded view on Magic was a great feeling from within. Even going so far as to expanding on my own ideas, and even coming up with something extremely valuable for me to research into was, in my opinion, a great homework project for me to work on.

"Kiara, what's with that look?"

"Ah, sorry Father. I'm just a little sad, now that Renlin has finished teaching me."

"Oh? Is that so? Pahahaha!"

Uncle Tsuku was joining us and had broken into a confident laugh. With his arms folded and face stuffed full of food as he was chewing, he continued to speak.

"Kiara, you are at the age where even I can't teach you much more. After all, my sword style and even your father's sword style is something that you have managed to expert to a certain degree."

"Uncle Tsuku- you're not saying you're done with teaching me too... Are you?"

"Hah! That's exactly right. I am almost done, or rather- I feel as though I was done and finished a while ago."

"... I guess so... I haven't learnt anything new as of late and have only been honing my skills."

"There's nothing wrong with that Kiara. If anything, you should be proud that you've mastered two fighting styles. But truly, you should attend school and learn the other 5 styles. Given how young you are, I'm certain you can master the other 5 in no time."

"... Yeah. You're style is the Duelist, whilst Father's is the Warrior's style, right?"

"That's right Kiara. You've managed to integrate both our styles into your own swordplay, and that alone is what makes me proud as your father. But, I think Tsuku is right. If you attend school, you can help develop your own style, and it'll take your further than you already are."

"Father... Do you think I'm ready?"

"Not just yet... After all, your mother has to teach you too, you know."

"Arui, you know I retired..."

Tsuku kicked back with his hands behind his head. After a long and heavy sigh, he closed his eyes as if to rest.

"Cynthia, your child truly is a prodigy. That's coming from a Sword Saint like myself. There's only so much one can learn from one Sword Saint and a Sword King, so having yourself, a Sword Deaconess would truly help Kiara out."

My mother, she's a Sword Deaconess, one step below from the top. The listing goes as follows:

- Apprentice

- Intermediate

- Expert

- Master

- King

- Saint

- Deacon

- Demi-God

As for tiers of magic, it goes:

- Elementary

- Intermediate

- Advanced

- Master

- Divine

- Saint

- Archon

- Celestial

My mother, she was once a Knight and she has mastered the Arcane Style. There are seven total styles, something Uncle Tsuku only taught me recently. I had been practicing under the Duelist and Warrior styles, but my mother is renowned as a powerful Arcane Stylist. But to think my mother was a whole league above Uncle Tsuku, that was something I did not know about. Perhaps that was what Professor Renlin was speaking about earlier.

The Duelist focuses on precision and speed, as well as elegance. As it would suggest, the style is oriented around duels and is presumed the best for dueling. As for Warrior, it's regarded as the most aggressive style and takes into consideration the weight of blows, strength and the flow of battle.

Arcane, if I had to guess, would center around the use of magic. But as for how that is applied, I would have no idea.

"Tsuku, I understand that, but... I'm not good at teaching. We all know that..."

"Cynthia, I know you have what it takes to teach her, and she's a good enough girl to not do anything rash."

"I understand that, but it's not that easy Tsuku."

"As much as I'd love for Kiara to learn it, Cynthia has made her case, and I don't think we should force it on her, Tsuku."

"Heh. Well, guess that settles that then. In that case, I guess there isn't much left for Kiara to do other than to begin school."

I looked to the three, and it seemed a little tense, as much as I wanted to question it, I decided against it in the end. It seemed like a personal topic, so intruding on it would be bad of me.

"Kiara, you're going to school?"

"Yes Riaka, I'll be going school, so you won't be seeing me for a while."

"Huh?! Wait, but then... Does that mean I'll have to help out with cooking?!"

"It's about time you helped around the house Riaka, you're 5 years old now."

"Aww, but I wanna play with my friends!"

"Hehe, Mum and Dad need to rely on you Riaka while I'm not around. Can you do that?"

"Ughhhh, fine!"

"Mother, father... Thank you for teaching me what I know."

"That's alright Kiara, but I do want to ask you this... What do you intend to do?"

The question from my Father took me by surprise. For a moment, I had remembered why I wanted to take up the sword initially. But not just that, but magic as well. If I said I wanted to protect, then I would be lying. Those nightmares I used to have had stopped after I turned 7, and really it wasn't a motivation for me anymore.

What I did remember was what Tsuku had told me when I started. To never forget the feeling of being motivated. That was the important factor, and I never did. But, I didn't think about what it was that did motivate me. Would it affect my progress in any way?

Or perhaps, my motivation was plain and simple. I want to attend school, and being someone with no friends, it would provide a new experience for me. I'm only 10 years old, but most adults leave their homes when they turn 15.

My motivation, well, considering the magic research I'm invested into, I know what motivates me in terms of magic. But in terms of swordplay, what would it be?

But, I already knew the answer. Uncle Tsuku, the man who pushed me to the way I am, his dedication and the look of those rough hands, it was an art he loved and I want to prove to him that I can take it further. Not because I want to be stronger, but I want to fulfil his goals. Though I'm naive for thinking I understand his or Professor Renlin's goals, it's almost like I'm blindly following this path.

Is it really a bad thing? Or not? I'm not exactly sure...

"_____. I love you."

Those dreams, though they are distant, the instances were clearer in my head. A devastating fire, a crowd of people, one that was cowering in fear while the other, dominant in their attack. The look of a distressed mother, the look of a lost grandfather, and the look of a sorrowful knight.

I thought about those dreams a lot, and in my mind, I've always felt something off about them. There's simply no way that I could be manifesting a dream like that, a dream that felt so real and clear, full of unrecognizable yet defined faces and people. Though the details of how they looked were a mystery to me, I didn't doubt for even a second that they were real people.

I want to know what these dreams are too, maybe it isn't as important as my other goals, but, I need to know, to be able to understand what they meant. Is it a spell? Or some kind of curse?

"Father... I have an answer."

"What is it, Kiara?"

"I want to discover truths yet to be discovered. I want to unfold mysteries that I found myself, and to research and devote myself to training. There's questions to be asked, and I want them answered. I think what motivates me more than anything, is the idea of limitless possibilities. Professor Renlin and I had taught each other that magic, despite what we know, is understood so little by anyone. And Uncle Tsuku, you taught me that the path of the sword is one hard to turn away from. I feel like I've come to understand what you mean. That door has opened and introduced me a wonderful world to figure out, and I want to keep moving forward."

"Heh... You sure you're 10 years old?"

"Haha, it's a very sophisticated answer. But, I suppose that's what happens when you mature like that Kiara. In that case, I think you're ready for the present we have prepared for you."

"Professor Renlin left this for you Kiara, he said it was important for you to have, so here it is."

Accepting the box that my mother was handing to me, I carefully unhinged the lock before opening the small black box. Inside it, was a few small crystals that was extremely familiar.

"Mana Crystallites? Doesn't these..."

They sustain Mana, but what use could I have out of these? Knowing Professor Renlin, he must have found these to be quite useless for himself. But, maybe I can figure something out with these.

"Kiara, this is from me. As your Swordmaster, I could not have been a prouder teacher."

Handing me a black blade, I almost gasped at the shocking value of it. It only took a mere glance, but the blade was of high quality material that I could not ascertain.

"It's made of Dragonsteel. I pondered what I could do with it, and in the end, I never did do anything with it. But in short, my friend did something with alchemy that I couldn't quite understand. But what I do know, is that this blade is wicked, and the blacksmith who used the materials to craft it had said it was his best yet."

It only took one touch of the blade to feel the mastery behind the craftsmanship. The handle was delicately made, comfortable by hand and made from some sort of leather, and the blade- although it was thin, it was light and extremely durable. It was a blade, purely black in colour but the shine of it was stunning, and the scabbard itself was beautiful in design. It must have costed Uncle Tsuku such a fortune, but why would he go through such lengths?

"Thank you Uncle Tsuku, but this is too valuable for me to take..."

"Don't worry about it. I believe you'll make good use of it. After all, I had it made just for you."

"Thank you..."

"Kiara, your mother and I have a shared gift."

"What is it?"

"Kiara sweetie, this is something your father and I used during our adventures together. It's a Ring, and it helps regenerate your Mana. We're aware of how tremendous your Mana Gate is, and this ring benefits those with a large Gate. We want you to have it, more so as a memoire of us."

"Thank you, Momma, Papa."

"Hah, I haven't heard you call us that in a while. Kiara, this ring is a sigil for us. For you mother and I, it signifies the end of our journey. But it also represents the beginning of your journey. Never forget where you started, and carry this memoire with you wherever you go. We will always be watching over you, Kiara."

The ring was a perfect fit for me, sliding straight into my right hand's ring finger. It was beautiful, composed of a wonderful silver and a blue gem that was engraved into it. The glow was faint as it touched my body, and I could already feel it's effects.

These were all wonderful gifts, but as it settled down on me, I began to take in what was happening. It's already that time of my life where I depart and become independent. I'm happy mother and father have my little sister around, but... I can't help but feel a little selfish. I want to be around them a little longer, but my life is taking it's turn. Where did that time go?

"Kiara, we're going to miss you."

Father hugged me, and my mother, behind had joined too. I hugged back, tight as I could feel my sister from my side.

"Kiara, I'll miss you the most! So come back when you're properly trained, okay?!"

Patting my sister's head as she helplessly cried, I began to tear up myself.

"Oh Riaka... Take care of Momma and Papa for me..."

Time settled down for no one. The capital, Freiheit, was quite a far trip. Considering the main roads, it would take me to the western side of the continent following a northern path, and though there are several shortcuts, it led to wild areas roaming full of terrifying and strong creatures. The closest city to my village would be to the west, and as the village was located in the south eastern region, it would take weeks to reach the north eastern region.

The question was, what is the method of travel? Is that something I have to figure out?

The day was soon to come, and my father had hired an escort for me. It felt comforting to know I had someone by my side, but all the more terrifying knowing that it's a stranger.

"Sir Zander, you're here earlier than I had expected."

"Sir Arui, it's a pleasure to see you so well. How is the child?"

"She's doing well. She's already ready to attend school. I have the pay for it, and as for payment for you..."

"Please, Sir Arui. Worry not about payment. It is within my deepest pleasures to escort the young lady. To fulfil her mother's and father's wish is all I yearn to do."

"In that case, please, take care of her. For her mother and father's sake."

I found it odd that my father spoke in third person, but the adventure awaiting was exciting me. The thrill and excitement, the fear and anxiety, I could feel the rush getting into my head. The knight said to escort me, was an older man of white hair matched with his white beard. He was clad in armour, somewhat heavy looking and the axe at his side looked to be made by quite the sturdy material.

With my adventuring gear, I felt ready at the go. I dressed in a tunic and a pair of leggings. My sword scabbard was attached to my harness and left on my back side ready to unsheathe at any moment. To accommodate for the lack of thermal wear, I had worn a cloak in preparation for the constant change of weather that Freiheit has, and in my bag was a set of clothes, a tent as well as several other necessities such as rations and drinks to keep me going.

"Um... It's nice to meet you, Sir Zander."

"Pay no heed to formalities, milady. You may call me Zander."

"Okay, Zander. My name is Kiara."

"Kiara? What a wonderful name. Kiara Volere, correct?"

"Yes. Kiara Cynthia Volere."

"I see, so you've taken your mother's name."


"Sir Arui, Madame Cynthia, we will depart at once. Judging by the weather and forecast, we should arrive in the next village by nightfall."

"Then, Sir Zander, we entrust our child to you. Safe travels, Kiara. And do us proud!"

"I will Momma, and you too Papa!"

"See you Kiara! Next time we see you, you'll be a graduate!"

That's right... In 5 years time when I finished my education, I'll be able to see my family again. My little sister will be all grown up and ready to take on school by then, and my mother and father will hopefully be the same. But, a little change wouldn't be so bad. As we began to walk, Zander had offloaded my backpack and had carried it himself, adjusting the straps to fit around that armour he was carrying.

"Zander, isn't that heavy for you?"

"Nonsense. I am a knight, a small amount of weight like this is nothing compared to what I am used to."

"You're a knight... Zander, what's it like to be a knight?"

"Oh? Hm... Well, it's everything you would expect a knight to do. A Knight's duty is his sovereign and their people, and with the ideology to protect and to fight, there are several roles that could be entrusted to a knight."

Zander seemed like the incredible type who had experienced many things. In fact, I felt a little shy around him since he just seems like a reliable type.

"What role do you have Zander?"

Zander took a breath for a moment. A look fell upon his face. His eyes, they dimmed in focus but fell back to focus shortly afterwards before speaking.

"I once was the Paladin who guarded and protected the Princess of Freiheit. In essence, I was her knight."

"You was? How come you aren't anymore?"

"Unfortunately, she and the King were assassinated by a neighbouring nation's spy, which waged the war between Freiheit and Hualiz."

"A war..? I didn't know there was a war. It seems so peaceful in my village."

"Yes, that is because Freiheit has taken the war into Hualiz. It is a winning war."

"You don't seem too happy about it, Zander..."

"Ofcourse I'm not. War is no laughing matter. Though we are winning, it doesn't mean the loss is not great."

"I see... I'm sorry for bringing up a sensitive topic."

"There is no need to be sorry, Milady. Curiosity is a fine trait, though be wary of it. If you wish to indulge in any questions, seek my guidance and I'll answer as best I can."

"Okay... If you don't mind me asking, Zander, what was the Princess and King like?"

"Hm... The Princess was kind hearted, and loved and trusted everyone. Her kindness was what led to her popularity across the people. She was set to be Queen, as she was to wed a Champion. However, before the war, her champion's life was lost in an unforeseen battle. The General of the Knights had reported the tragic loss. Despite the Princess' losses, she continued to declare her faith in her people, and she truly was fit to be made the Queen. As for the King, he was a stone cold ruler with an undeniable love for his people. His laws were strict, but above all else, they benefitted the people greatly. He was a fierce and strong leader in his hay day, but..."

"I think I get the picture. Being able to learn about the Kingdom is nice, and I'm curious about the royal lineage."

"What makes you feel that way?"

"Well, it's because you served them Zander... I think it's wonderful that you dedicate your life to the lifeline of Freiheit, and I admire it."

"Well, Milady, perhaps one day you could help serve to the future of Freiheit. Your father spoke greatly about your future, and I trust that you already are in the right tracks of it."

The walk was a pleasant one. As we exited the village, the astounding sight of the plains was beautiful. It was brilliant and vibrant, and in the vast distance, it looked like there was a forest that we would have to enter in order to reach the next village, and eventually reach the next city.

"Kiara, are you ready?"

Everything past this next step was a mystery to me. I had never set foot outside the village due to my rather secluded and hard working life style, but the thrill surged through my body. It didn't take me a second to think at all before stepping out. My heart rate paced fast leading to that moment, and upon passing the boarder to the unknown, I felt it ease up.

"I am ready, Zander!"

The adventure of Kiara Cynthia Volere would begin on the 18th Fall of the 8th Moon*. From once, a child with a large imagination, to now a sophisticated and trained 10 year old who would test the challenges of life, growing accustomed to an independent life style to fulfil three wishes. To accomplish her magic research, to learn the 7 styles of sword fighting, and to learn about the mysteries of a despairing flames that engulfed her dreams as a child.

But, what is there to do after she accomplishes those? Well, considering the direction of her life, it would be down to her to decide what she wishes to do, what she yearns to do and what kind of life she will dictate.

(*There are 365 days in this world, and separated by months are moons.

Each rise and fall of a moon would indicate the time of day.

1st Fall of the 1st Moon means the first day of January 1st, whilst the 31st Rise of the 12th Moon means the thirty-first night of December 31st. Time is also dictated normally. 12 hours of rise and 12 hours of fall. First hour of the first rise of the first moon, would mean 1am of the 1st of January. Though it's not necessary to learn this, rather it's a pointer for reference.)