
The Lying Man

Dịch giả: 549690339

Sea Urchin Head, with tears streaming down, raised his arms high and stuffed them into his mouth, exerting a great deal of effort before finally extracting a cake-box-sized, pure black square box.

"The treasure… all the treasure…" He wanted to throw it away, but found he had no more strength left, so he struggled to hold it up, "For… the class leader…"

Everyone immediately made way for Li Qingming to come and take it; in fact, even if Sea Urchin Head hadn't specified to whom the treasure belonged, no one would have dared to snatch it.

Li Qingming, dragging his baseball bat, quickly stepped forward and squatted down to receive the black box, and with a puzzled look asked, "Is it over?"

"It's over… Thank you, everyone… Thank you, class leader…"

"The teacher is now… completely satisfied…"

As Sea Urchin Head spoke, his spike-like hair began to evaporate bit by bit, the blackness of his eyes fading, and the indistinct black veins on his body gradually lightened.