
043 He has a good eye and is humorous.

Dịch giả: 549690339

On the way back, Ji Xiaoxiang became the first person in the whole school to actually understand the family composition of Li Qingming.

There had been many legends before this.

The most popular one was that he was born in a mental hospital, where all the schizophrenic patients were his selfless family support.

A more sinister version claimed he was the illegitimate son of some cult leader, and after the leader was killed, he was raised by fervent believers who escaped the dragnet and secretly rekindled a network of faith, brewing the resurrection of their evil god.

But there were also a very few who firmly believed that Li Qingming was raised by spiders, living in an underground nest, and that all the city's missing persons were kidnapped to sustain his family.

However, in reality, Li Qingming's family turned out to be much healthier than the vast majority of people!