
032 Save decades of detours

Dịch giả: 549690339

Li Qingming remained motionless, not even blinking his eyes.

Seeing that this tactic hadn't fazed Li Qingming, it was now Daylight who felt awkward.

She felt looked down upon and was a little angry, but if she really threw a fit now, she would indeed look like an old auntie.

"So you plan to die without making a sound," Daylight also had to put away her gun, saying playfully as she looked at Li Qingming, "You're doing this on purpose to make me angry, huh? Hmm... That makes sense, little boys do act like this in front of a pretty big sister."

"But you're just a disabled person."

"... You really know how to make conversation, don't you? What, can't use a disabled big sister anymore?"

"Enough of this, find someone your own age to chat with if you're bored, I'm in a hurry," Li Qingming cut off the conversation directly.

No one knew better than him how to kill a conversation.