
031 The next round is armor-piercing.

Dịch giả: 549690339

In front of the gates of Northern Isle High School.

Just seconds after the rescue team entered, good news finally arrived here.

The moment they heard the words "everybody survived," all the relatives embraced and wept, careless of whom they were hugging.

"It's ok... it's ok... it's all right now..."

"Wuwuwu... How can it be this good... I can't believe it..."

"I thought that Vanguard wearing a hat was telling the truth, that the authorities had abandoned them... wuwuwu..."

"Now that you mention it, do the kids... have Vanguard qualifications now?"

"Why are you thinking so far ahead! We need to make sure they are mentally healthy first!"

"Right, right, right... health... health is most important."

In midst of these joyful tears, Zhou Cheng, who had just barely stabilized his blood pressure, stepped out of the school gates.

The relatives and reporters naturally surged forward.

After nodding his head in acknowledgment to the crowd, Zhou Cheng directly addressed the cameras: