
026 The Last Lesson

Dịch giả: 549690339

Sea Urchin Head dragged his heavy steps into the classroom, it was evident he too was nearing his limit, his spiky hair somewhat deflated.

He expended quite an effort to reach the podium and began to speak, gasping for breath:

"Just now... apart from the class president... everyone turned into bad students..."

"But the teacher... the teacher is truly... very... satisfied..."

"The teacher even... learned to cry..."

"I'm sorry... classmates..."

"Failing to achieve the educational goal is not your fault, it's because the teacher is too weak..."

"The teacher... is a bad teacher..."

"I'm sorry..."

As he spoke, he actually bowed his head over the desk.

Struggling to stand and after catching his breath, he continued:

"So... I'm sorry to say..."

"Today's lesson... ends in failure..."

"I hope that next term... the teacher will perform better..."

"Well... the teacher will start with the bad students..."

"The first one will be..."