
023 Life

Dịch giả: 549690339

14:01:22, inside the command tent on the playground.

Daylight still stared motionlessly at the screen, the number remaining stubbornly at 46.

But more information kept pouring in like rain.

"Director Zhou, the Secret Realm outbreak has lasted 42 minutes, and no one has collapsed yet... It can only be described as a miracle,"

"Should we answer the Mayor's call? If this goes on, he might contact the headquarters directly..."

"Public opinion is criticizing us; they think we're doing nothing because we're using Class 4 of the senior year as guinea pigs,"

"Perhaps we should send in the Vanguard... Although there's only a 67% success rate, we won't be held responsible even if it fails,"

"Director Zhou, although you've delegated command... you'd still be held responsible if something goes wrong, as will we..."

Under this mounting pressure, Zhou Cheng finally glanced at his watch.

More than two minutes had passed beyond the agreed time.

He had already given Class 4 of the senior year extra time; dragging it out further would only mire him as well.

Zhou Cheng then took a deep breath and silently patted Daylight on the back, "Anything else you want to say?"

"..." Daylight trembled slightly and after staring at that number for a moment, turned around stiffly, somewhat dazedly saying, "Even a weakened dominator cannot be taken down without Secret Abilities or artefacts. The kids have done well, but they've truly reached their limits. Any further delay will surely result in disaster,"

As she spoke, she lifted her trembling right hand, "Damn it, I thought I was always the sort who wouldn't bat an eyelid sacrificing dozens of lives, but it seems I'm not... I'm starting to get scared,"

"Good, that incident taught you a lesson and increased the value you place on life," Zhou Cheng then ordered into the microphone, "Vanguard, proceed with the rescue,"

After a long wait, he heard a slow and hoarse response.

"Ten million," the yellow-toothed Vanguard replied nonchalantly, "I've heard it, the people inside are about to break down any moment, and there's no time to wait for the next Vanguard, right? Ten million, give me ten million and I'll go in,"

Zhou Cheng's face darkened, "Are you, threatening, the agency?"

"Hehe, guess what, after the dressing down you just gave me, I really got thinking!" the yellow-toothed Vanguard laughed loudly, "Killing a first-level dominator would net me a few hundred thousand at most, which is nothing compared to the funds of your Security Bureau,"

"Think carefully before you speak," Zhou Cheng exhaled, speaking coldly, "Failing to carry out a rescue duty is a criminal act. You'll have your Vanguard status revoked and will be prosecuted,"

"Hehe... I'm already in deep debt anyway, what else can you do to me?" the man laughed raspily, "But it's different for you, Director, your future is bright,"

"You too have a chance for redemption," Zhou Cheng clenched his fists and spoke in a soft, coaxing tone, "If you perform the rescue mission exceptionally well, with this honor and merit, I can follow the due process to ask the bank to reduce some of your debt. You have the chance to start anew,"

"Cut the crap, Director. Only with ten million can I turn over a new leaf," the man chuckled 'heh heh,' leisurely lighting another cigarette and taking a deep breath, "Recently, hearing that Secret Realms happen frequently, I went all in and rented an artefact, and I've been loitering around the city all day, expecting to make a come back with rescue missions... Compared to forty-some lives, ten million isn't a large number, each life isn't... anyhow, not pricey, right, Director?"

"You son of a..." Zhou Cheng was starting to lose his composure.

"Hehe, there are plenty of people worse than me, I'm just demanding a bit more for my labor, since you guys in the agency always exploit us small folk~"

Hearing all this, Daylight, who had originally given up, suddenly perked up, nodding at Zhou Cheng.

Upon understanding, Zhou Cheng immediately spoke into the microphone, "In that case, we can only wait for the next Vanguard. The law will judge you, and this recording will serve as court evidence,"

"... Ah... Don't... five million is also fine,"

"Cut off this man's line,"

After the line was cut, Daylight and Zhou Cheng locked eyes.

"You see, I was forced into this by fate," Daylight tightened the microphone at her collar again, her eyes becoming mesmerizing again:

"Medical personnel, be ready to enter at any moment, there is a high likelihood of a mass casualty incident occurring soon.

"But there is still the possibility for everyone to survive and a perfect cleanup.

"Nakata, as soon as there is available capacity, initiate the rescue immediately,

"The next mission has only one principle—

"Life is priceless!"


β1-2103257, 43 minutes and 37 seconds after the outbreak.

In this final class period, indeed, everyone had reached the brink of collapse.

Everyone had already been at peace, already certain they'd entrusted their fates to Li Qingming.

But Sea Urchin Head clearly stated, "The objective cannot be completed."

The teacher himself, instead, was the first to give up teaching.

And that class leader, that tyrant, that Li Qingming, just leaned back with his hands in his pockets, showing no reaction whatsoever.

We're finished, completely finished.

The Secret Realm is unsolvable; we're done for.

The room then fell into a complete and oppressive silence.

Like the ominous clouds that presage a storm, before true collapse, no one screamed, no one spoke out, there weren't even many expressions to be seen.

Silence, nothing but silence.

In such an atmosphere, Zheng Ruixing couldn't hold back any longer and ventured a question, "Qingming, can your shield... take down the ruler?"

"Impossible," Cai Zhixin swallowed hard and blurted out first, "Even if the ruler is weak, there's no way a toy shield could kill him... We were hoping he'd have an offensive treasure... now it's all over."

Upon hearing this, Zheng Ruixing clenched his teeth and then pressed Li Qingming, "Then do you at least know what the objective is?"

"Don't bother me, I'm thinking about something else," Li Qingming waved his hand dismissively, "Everyone just sit still, don't say anything, until the Secret Realm ends, that's an order."

Hearing the cruel command from the tyrant made everyone even more suffocated and anxious.

Collapse was imminent, just awaiting a thunderclap.

And at that moment, that person, Cai Zhixin, stood up once again.

"I... I've thought of a way..." he stared straight ahead, gasping for breath as he spoke.

Zheng Ruixing panicked and hurriedly gave him a look.

Li Qingming had just ordered everyone to be quiet!

Going against his command is breaking the oath, are you seeking death?!

"I know, of course I know that... But I've thought of a way, I should've realized it sooner!!" Cai Zhixin spoke as he darted forward two steps, picking up the unclaimed saw-sword from the ground, looking around with wide eyes:

"It's been over 40 minutes, right... This is the city center, rescue should've arrived by now...

"But there's been no sign of the Vanguard entering so far...

"So there's only one possibility left.

"This Secret Realm is at full capacity... so full that the Vanguard can't even get in...

"So... We... need to make space for them."

Cai Zhixin, holding up the saw-sword, pointed at the short figure lying dormant beside him, twisted his mouth subconsciously, suppressing an inexplicable excitement as he said:

"It's these people... who occupy the space... who hinder the rescue...

"Get rid of a few of them.

"Just anyone will do... no need for too many...

"As long as the rescue can get in, to hell with the Secret Realm's objective!

"Professional Vanguards could kill Sea Urchin Head in a second!!"


The thunder roared fiercely.

They awoke like stung insects.

Those eyes, once again lit up with fire.

The terrifying aspect of life is this.

With just a glimmer of hope, life will never despair.

It only becomes feral.