
013 The One Who Sits at the Same Desk as You

Dịch giả: 549690339

11 minutes and 17 seconds after the outbreak of β1-2103257.

One minute after the mastermind had left the scene, the people inside the room had gradually calmed down.

On one hand, they had become somewhat numb to the panic.

On the other hand, although the rules of the Secret Realm were tricky, they also left opportunities for ordinary people.

Perhaps there was no need for battle, no need to fight against Creatures of the Secret Realm.

As long as they figured out the rules, achieved the goal, and pleased the mastermind, that was all that mattered!

As for the rules here, the mastermind had already shown them, and they were nothing out of the ordinary—

Teachers, students, class is in session.

As long as they didn't break the rules, there was a chance to survive!

Of course, one had to pay attention to the information the mastermind revealed.

For example, what he had just said—

[Choose your best friend to sit at the same desk.

[Be open about everything; share what you gain.

[Lonely students might not be the teacher's favorite.]

These words were clearly implying one thing—

Form a team!

So... with whom?

The person you have the best relationship with?

Of course, that's possible, but it might not be the optimal solution.

If possible, you should try to team up with strong individuals to increase the chances of survival.

The so-called strong could be someone with high intelligence, physical strength, or even someone cunning and ruthless.

So... who's the strongest one here...


Half the people turned around and their gazes unanimously fell on Li Qingming.

He had never shone so bright, he was dazzling in his darkness.

Just minutes before, being at the same desk with him was out of the question—as his surroundings were a death zone, only the most ostracized person would be seated there.

But now, when truly in danger, this dark reaper had become the best possible ally.

In the end, the mastermind also said, [Lonely students might not be the teacher's favorite].

That meant that people without desk mates would likely be punished.

Therefore, even Li Qingming had to form a team with someone.

In this Secret Realm, if that less than 2% chance of survival did indeed turn favorably, it could only grace that one team.

While everyone was hesitating, the strongest boy in the back row had already pushed past the others to reach Li Qingming's side, wiped the sweat from his brow, and tremulously said, "Qingming... sorry for before... let's let bygones be bygones. From now on, you be the brains and I'll be the brawn, together we can definitely make it to the end!"

"Go away." Li Qingming declined politely, not even saying 'scram'.

"What about me?" the girl with glasses who was the best student in the front row shakily turned around and said, "Since the theme is schooling... there will probably be questions and tests later..."

"Go away." said Li Qingming as he looked up and around, evenly saying, "That goes for her, but for everyone."

Having said that, he stood up and pulled up a table as if he intended to sit next to Ji Xiaoxiang.

Seeing this, Cai Zhixin hurried over to persuade:

"Big bro, don't be so hasty, let me analyze this for you.

"Considering your current situation, it's like choosing a consort. Whoever you grace with your presence among us would be fine; anyone's more useful than Xiao Xiang.

"If you choose me, I guarantee I'll follow your commands the whole time. Whatever you tell me to do, I'll do it!

"Besides, even from a collective standpoint, you shouldn't choose Xiao Xiang.

"Look, there are 45 of us in total, so there's bound to be someone without a partner, right?"

"If someone has to be eliminated here, it can only be Xiao Xiang. At times like this, abandoning the weakest one is a collective decision, and no one has objections, right?"

Hearing this, although everyone felt uncomfortable, it also seemed reasonable and was hard to refute.

There was no helping it, they were already in the Secret Realm, and they had to follow the principle of the majority surviving. It wasn't the time to play the saint.

Abandoning the weakest for survival was the greatest justice, especially from the perspective of someone like Li Qingming. That was the choice that should be made.



Li Qingming slammed his desk next to Ji Xiaoxiang's with force.

"Touch her and you're dealing with me," he said before pocketing his hands and sitting down, once again interposing himself between the group and Ji Xiaoxiang, too lazy to say another word.

The crowd fell silent at once.

Since when had they formed an alliance?

They hadn't exchanged a single word in the first three years!

In a mix of confusion, Cai Zhixin chuckled, "I get it. Li Qingming is purposely choosing the weakest person as his teammate so that if in the end only one person can win, he'll have an easy time."

Everyone suddenly saw the light.

But they didn't dare to dwell on it for too long and hurriedly started looking for partners.

Since the attempt to make Ji Xiaoxiang the "Lone One" had failed, the "Lone One" would now emerge from the remaining people.

Even though chances for survival were limited, who would willingly fall at the first hurdle?

Seated at the back by the window, Ye Qian was also hesitating.

To break away now? Or to wait a bit longer?

If it was a rule-based Secret Realm, indeed there was a chance to survive the elimination, but it was also more likely to die suddenly.

What's scarier than death are the rules that lead people to kill each other.

If that kind of situation really arose, which side would I take...

"Team up?"

Zhang Qingyi's voice came from in front of him.

Ye Qian paused briefly but quickly recovered with a smile: "I'm afraid I might drag you down. Why not try to team up with Li Qingming?"

"Ha, I'd rather be eaten by a creature," Zhang Qingyi retorted. "How about you? Won't you give him a try?"

"I don't like Li Qingming; he's too pretentious," Ye Qian said, making a face. "Unless he comes begging to me."

"Who are you kidding? Weren't you just trying to team up with him?" Zhang Qingyi laughed with her arms crossed. "Sneaking around and getting rejected, I saw everything."

Ye Qian's face turned red with embarrassment, and he could only scratch his head and chuckle in a silly way.

"Come on, at times like this, there's no face to lose," Zhang Qingyi sighed and glanced at the people around her. "They're hopeless; I told them 'no pains, no gains,' but they didn't listen. I took the lead in clashing with Li Qingming, and they didn't dare to come along, incompetent and cowardly, a bunch of good-for-nothings... Forget it, it doesn't matter. Before I get taken out by Li Qingming or some creature, I just want to be with the one I like."

Turning around, she said with a casual smile, "I don't mind being your second choice. Let's just make do with each other for a while. After all, there might not be an afterward."

"Be optimistic, there will be one," Ye Qian replied with a nod and a smile. "Besides, I should be your second choice."

"No way, since day one you've been the first choice," Zhang Qingyi said shaking her head with a smile. She stood up and straightened her shirt, then moved her desk closer.

Ye Qian just shook his head and smiled. He was happy, but he didn't quite dare to take it seriously.

In a seat closer to the front, Cai Zhixin and Zheng Ruixing, who rarely spoke to each other on a regular basis, also caught each other's eye, perhaps due to the recent bond of revolutionary friendship.

"Shall we... just make do too?" suggested Cai Zhixin.

"You're someone with ideas," Zheng Ruixing said gravely. "But we can't abandon Xiao Xiang like we did just now."

"Yes, yes, yes," Cai Zhixin agreed quickly.

Only then did Zheng Ruixing move his desk and nod at Cai Zhixin. "And we can't allow people like Zhang Qingyi to disrupt the group. We all have to get out of here, and we all need to work towards this goal."

"Alright, team leader, we'll strive for friendship and victory!"