
008 Local Production Line

Dịch giả: 549690339

Facing these people who had been driven into a frenzy, Ji Xiaoxiang silently shrank behind Li Qingming, closing her eyes and tightly clutching his shirt.

"Please apologize quickly..." she pleaded in a trembling voice as if she were crying, "otherwise they will do something really excessive..."

Li Qingming, however, sat impassively, only speaking leisurely after the shouts had subsided:

"According to the fifth edition of the 'Secret Realm Law,' when encountering the Secret Realm, the conditions for unrestricted self-defense depend largely on the subjective perspective. That is to say, as long as I perceive someone's actions as malicious, I can fight back even if they just glance at me."

These simple words were like a bucket of cold water poured onto everyone's head.

Well... for Li Qingming, it really did seem like he was back at home...

But not everyone accepted this.

"Don't forget, the law is equal," said Cai Zhixin, squatting on the ground and pulling off his shoelaces with a hum, "This clause is effective for us too."

With that, he slowly stood up, swinging the shoelaces in his hand and sneered, "Plus, we have more people."

His words indeed reminded quite a few people.

Instantly, several fierce men gathered around Cai Zhixin.

In an instant, a violent group of five people formed. Although it wasn't a large number, in this venue, they were indeed like a group of five formidable generals.

As these five generals joined forces in the Central Plains, they now looked at Li Qingming with a hint of killing intent.

But contrary to their expectations,

Li Qingming, far from being shaken at the sight, instead became excited and immediately raised his hand to urge them, "Good, hurry up, tie up your own hands and save me some effort."

After his prompt, the fierce men realized.

"Ah... dammit..."

"Yeah, Zhixin... if we tie up our hands as you said... what if he takes advantage of it to attack us?"

"We should strike first and tie him up, that's all!"


"I think so!"

"Li Qingming is tall but doesn't weigh much, a few of us are enough."

"Heh, we don't need so many to tie him up. I'm enough on my own."

"Good, then go ahead."

"Hey hey, let's do it together..."

As the five generals plotted, Li Qingming was also being patted on the back.

Ji Xiaoxiang kept patting as she urged, "Quick, apologize... they really plan to start a fight!"

"I know," Li Qingming said comfortably with his eyes closed, "a little lower."

"Oh... okay... no, not like that!" Ji Xiaoxiang, in her anxiety, pinched Li Qingming, "Aren't you afraid of being tied up? What will I do if you get tied up?"

"Just close your eyes."

"You think I'm a kid! Closing my eyes won't help with scary things! Not only will it not help, but they'll also shake me and ask if I'm sick, and then carry me to the infirmary while complaining about how heavy I am on the way!"

"Close your eyes."


"They're coming."

"Ah ah ah ah..." Ji Xiaoxiang quickly retracted to her seat and covered her face with her hands, closing her eyes.

But just like watching a horror movie, she couldn't help herself and ultimately sneaked a peek through the gaps in her fingers.

On the other side were the four strongest men here, nervously adopting a defensive stance and inching forward with small shuffling steps.

Li Qingming, unruffled, turned around, his back towards them, and picked up his chair.

Well, true to Hannibal the doctor, in this situation, using a chair as a weapon was more than handy.

Wait, why is he placing the chair upside down on the floor...

He pulled off two of the chair legs as if he was dismantling LEGO bricks???

Then holding one in each hand, he flicked them to the sides.

Crack crack!

The two chair legs snapped in the middle?!!

Two pieces of wood clattered to the ground!

Ji Xiaoxiang stared at the floor carefully, and then she realized those weren't broken sticks of wood, but...

Sword scabbards???!

They were long, wooden sword scabbards!

Ji Xiaoxiang was so shocked that her mouth hung open, this round as the time she ate a pan-fried bun without biting it.

What Li Qingming held in his hands had never been chair legs but were sword and scabbard disguised together.

When assembled, they perfectly masqueraded as chair legs, fitting under the seat!

Once separated, it was the blade unsheathed!

Swallowing, sweating, Ji Xiaoxiang summoned the courage and finally dared to look at the weapon in Li Qingming's hands.


It was a section of grey metallic strip...

A saw blade! It's a saw blade!

More precisely, a saw sword.

The hilt made of wood, and the blade made from a saw blade.

Clearly, that was no ordinary saw blade, but an industrial-grade one, robust enough to cut through metal.

And that hilt... Though it seemed to be made of wood, it had no grain, and was actually probably some kind of resin material.

When did he make it? What technique? How did he do it?

Ji Xiaoxiang's brain was suddenly filled with countless questions.

She was even more amazed, realizing that Hannibal was not only a doctor...

But also a master craftsman Hannibal!

Back to the present.

Although Ji Xiaoxiang's inner drama was excessively rich, Li Qingming's series of actions had, in reality, taken barely two seconds.

But in those two seconds!

Four strong men had already fled to beneath the stage!

The five tiger generals thus disintegrated into chaos!

Everyone present retracted their legs tightly, wishing they could embed their backs into the wall.


"What the hell is this..."

"Why? Why?!"

"Li bro, this has nothing to do with me, I've always supported you, I even helped you confirm the school rules by heart!"

In this atmosphere of shock and terror, under the nourishment of fear.

Li Qingming, in isolation at the center, appeared somewhat melancholic.

He gently stroked the saw blade and merely sighed dejectedly, "It's been so long, it's rusted."

The crowd was once again forced back half a step by his aura.

"I concede! No more trouble, Li bro!"

"But no matter what, you can't just bring something like this here!

"You really were ready to fight at any moment..."

"This definitely violates the school rules, there's no denying it!"

Since Li Qingming had a deep respect for the rules, he had to set aside his poetic fancy and started to explain:

"Indeed, carrying dangerous items is not allowed, so I chose to manufacture it locally.

"Most of the materials are not on the prohibited list, and for the risky parts, I obtained them legally together with the president of the crafts club in the workshop.

"By the way, the crafts club is the only club here with any taste, thank you for not dismantling it, allowing me and the president exclusive access to the CNC machine and 3D printer.

"And this pair of saw swords is the president's tailor-made gift to me before his graduation."

"Finally, when I drew it out.

Li Qingming said with a faint smile, and with a sweep of his swords through the air.

"The environment we're in is no longer a school."

As the saw blade sliced through the air with a whistling sound, the entire room shrank back again, the walls not enough to lean on.

And Li Qingming, fearing they didn't understand, continued to patiently and enticingly explain:

"Why are you still retreating? Shouldn't you be rushing forward?

"Then let me be even more explicit.

"I, Li Qingming, am filled with malice towards each and every one of you.

"You can defend yourselves legally at any time, employing any means and tools to attack me.

"Come on, don't waste time, everyone come at once.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Haven't you?"

Hearing this generous declaration, the entire room was completely stunned.

Even the most benevolent among them were now fully convinced...

Li Qingming was truly capable of anything.

And he had been plotting all this for a long time.

This can't go on, it's not okay to continue like this...

Quick, somebody take the lead...

Regrettably, there was no such person, just like the past three years.

At times like this, when Li Qingming truly welcomed all challengers with open doors and a smile, those who had just been clamoring for a fight now didn't dare to respond, not even having the courage to meet Li Qingming's gaze.

Seeing this, more people began to look anxiously toward Cai Zhixin.

He too was already drenched in sweat, but without much hesitation, he wiped his brow with his sleeve and stepped forward bravely with a strained smile: "It's all a misunderstanding, Li bro... I'm with you."