
003 loving classmates

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Strangely, despite Ji Xiaoxiang's intense trembling, it didn't attract much attention.

After all, she's never been one to make eye contact with others, nor is she someone who speaks up often.

When others spoke to her, she would always delay for a long time before giving a stiff response such as "Hmm," "Ah," or "Is that so."

As a result, over time, she became overlooked.

Even her face was somewhat blurred in people's memories; they only vaguely sensed that there was a crooked ponytail that moved around in the class.

Only Li Qingming had a deep impression of her, after all, he was the closest to the water tower and hence most affected.

According to Li Qingming's observations, she must suffer from childhood tic disorder or something like Parkinson's, constantly falling into tremors without any pattern, which made people feel inexplicably irritated.

Although Li Qingming wanted revenge, attacking someone's congenital defects was the least tasteful thing to do.

And since Ji Xiaoxiang never looked back, there have been no issues.

Besides Li Qingming, the only one who occasionally noticed Ji Xiaoxiang's existence was Han Chun.

At that moment, in front of the classroom, Han Chun had actually noticed Ji Xiaoxiang's fearful state. He initially wanted to encourage her, but after racking his brain, he simply couldn't remember her name, so he pretended not to see and continued speaking to the class:

"So the third 'don't' is do not flee.

"Secret Realms can't be exited until they are cleared, unless you have a specific escape artifact or Secret Ability.

"There's no need to mention Secret Abilities, as those are the skills of professional Vanguards.

"As for escape artifacts, due to their high cost, it's unlikely that anyone carrying one would disclose it publicly.

"The organization's advice on this is—

"Non-professional individuals who possess a means of escape should choose to leave at the first sign of encountering a Secret Realm.

"Otherwise, once the escape artifact is revealed, it will cause the evacuees to engage in a collective scramble for it, leading to further disasters."

No sooner had Han Chun finished speaking than Cai Zhixin, who was sitting in front of the classroom, flipped his hair, turned around with a cold smirk, and said, "Ye Qian probably has an escape artifact, right?"

The class also followed his gaze to the back row near the window.

There sat a sunny and handsome young man, the type everyone loves and flowers bloom towards.

Under the gaze of the entire class, he didn't show any embarrassment; instead, he rubbed his fluffy hair and chuckled foolishly, "What are you thinking? I'm from an ordinary family."

Instantly, the class erupted in laughter:


"That expression definitely means he has one."

"Take your brother with you when you escape!"

"Forget it, even if he could escape, he'd only take girls."

"Ye must definitely bring Zhang Qingyi, they've been pulling at each other for so long, this is a perfect opportunity to repay her with his body."

"Damn it, don't project your lewd thoughts onto Ye!"

"Wouldn't you take Zhang Qingyi if it were you?"

"...Even if I did, I shouldn't say it out loud—at least I shouldn't."

Amongst the teasing, the long-legged girl sitting in front of Ye Qian, who had donned her skirt too early, stroked her temple hair, bent over, and pulled up the edge of her white socks as an excuse to sneak a peek at the boy behind her with a sly smile.

"I really don't have one," Ye Qian quickly raised his hand to show his innocence.

"Who's thinking about you like that," Zhang Qingyi snapped back, even slightly bumping her chair back, "Don't flatter yourself."

Ye Qian couldn't help but space out slightly, his smile growing even more foolish.

At the front of the classroom, even Han Chun was somewhat captivated by this boy-girl pair. Once their coquetry was over, he tapped on the desk and said:

"Everyone, please be serious. Although the probability of encountering a Secret Realm is minuscule, safety education must still be taken seriously.

"It's important to note that the 'three don'ts' are just methods, but the last 'wait' is the goal.

"Tell me, everyone, what are we waiting for?"

The class answered in unison: "Waiting for rescue—"

Han Chun nodded in agreement:

"Exactly, rescue is the only hope for those who encounter Secret Realms.

"Most Secret Realms have a maximum capacity, and unless a Secret Realm eruption occurs in a highly populated area, it generally won't reach this limit. This gives professional Vanguards room for rescue.

"Whether it be the government's Vanguards, corporate Vanguards, or independent Vanguards, they are all obligated to participate in emergency rescues nearby. In a central city like Xin Hai, half an hour is enough for them to assemble.

"So, all of our decisions after encountering a Secret Realm should aim to buy time, waiting for rescue.

"Self-righteous actions will only dig our own graves.

"Only waiting is our sole path to survival.

"That sums up the 'three don'ts and one wait'; please make sure you all follow this.

"Alright, that's all for the basic content."

As soon as Han Chun finished speaking, he unconsciously glanced at Li Qingming, who was dozing off, and then raised his arm to look at his newly bought mechanical watch.







[Time remaining until the eruption of Secret Realm β1-2103257: 4 minutes and 0 seconds.]

Amidst the abnormal silence, Li Qingming, who was lying on the desk sleeping, suddenly scratched his arm, then took out his earplugs, straightened up, let out a breath, and started moving his head side to side to loosen his neck.

The rest of the class didn't dare to look directly at him; they could only observe from the corner of their eyes.

Dr. Hannibal was always so punctual, like a biological alarm clock.

After all, every criminal mastermind has their compulsions.

Seeing him awake, Han Chun managed to muster up the courage to speak, "Can you go to psychological counseling now?"

Li Qingming rubbed the back of his neck, visibly annoyed, "I told you, my assessment results are completely healthy."

"Then do me a favor and bring them over," Han Chun pointed towards the door.

"Aren't we done here?" Li Qingming asked, his face darkening as he glanced sideways at Han Chun.

Han Chun was staring back at him.

After a brief standoff, it was natural for Han Chun to admit defeat.

He sighed and took off his glasses, staring off into space, not daring to speak too forcefully, "I'll be straight with you, there's always been a saying that the Secret Realm... descends upon the head of the one who desires it the most."

"False," Li Qingming responded without delay, "If that were true, I would've become a Vanguard by the age of eight."

"It doesn't matter what you think, many parents believe this superstition," Han Chun put his glasses back on, looking at Li Qingming with difficulty, even with a pleading tone, "Can you please take a few days off, at least for this active period of Secret Realms?"

"What's the reason for taking a leave?"

"Sick leave?"

"But I'm not sick."

"...Should we try another hospital for a check-up?"

"Enough, the one who should be checked is you," Li Qingming said indifferently, "Are you sure you want to use superstition as a weapon to drive away a student who always abides by the school rules and assures full attendance?"

"School rules?" Han Chun was so angry he laughed, shaking his finger vigorously, "What about your uniform, where is your school uniform?"

Before he could finish, Li Qingming took out a school blazer from the desk and put it on, and also adjusted his pants, "These are the school uniform pants."

Han Chun's face twitched, "There are other rules, and you've definitely broken some!"

"I know every single one by heart."

"That's impossible, recite the seventeenth rule for me!"

"The seventeenth rule: Strictly prohibits any intimate relationships between male and female students during the exchange of confidential information," Li Qingming recited in reverse order.

"??? What the hell is that?"

Li Qingming explained with some interest:

"Once in a Secret Realm, all language was reversed. For that reason, I practiced reading backwards and soon fell in love with this mental exercise.

"If needed, I could even recite each syllable backward, to achieve a tape rewinding effect, just like this—

"gna... woai... j... im... oug... iaouhs..."

Li Qingming was quite pleased with his performance.

But to others...

What kind of demon-summoning curse is this!

This deep, otherworldly intonation seemed like a serpentine needle extended from Hell, slowly twisting and burrowing into their brains, corrupting their minds.

Several girls covered their ears on the spot.

Finally, someone spoke up.

"That... enough..."

"I've never done anything to you."

"Fuck, that really is the seventeenth school rule..."

In the rising and falling waves of denunciation, class president Zheng Ruixing stood up, not daring to look at Li Qingming, and said with his head lowered, "Li Qingming, you should go. Because of you, many students are taking leave... The pressure from parents and the school on Teacher Han is also great..."

As if unable to bear seeing him fight alone, another girl bravely spoke up, "You can't blame Teacher Han, it really has been a special time recently. Just come back next month."

Following these two, more people joined in, and their volume and words became more intense.

"Li Qingming, don't you get it? Even the teachers are affected by you during their lectures."

"With you here, our class can't get any benefits, we even get less food in the cafeteria!"

"What's your pleasure in coming to school, to torment us?"

As the denunciations reached their peak, the influential Zhang Qingyi also turned away, as if forcing herself to look at a devil, shrinking back and looking at Li Qingming with fear and loathing:

"Li Qingming, we have tolerated all your disturbed behavior and verbal abuse."

"I'll just say one thing—"

"If you love the Secret Realm so much and you have so much stuff, why don't you go there yourself? Who are you disgusting by lingering here?"

Following Zhang Qingyi's decisive words, the room fell silent again.

Only a wave of angry gazes, bound together and bravely, bore down on Li Qingming.

Under this collective glare, Li Qingming's expression did not change in the slightest, yet he unexpectedly stood up.

Many retracted, pulling back the gazes they had just projected.

The unity dissolved in an instant, and the bravery evaporated.

But Li Qingming took no notice, nor did he care about these things.

He simply slung his backpack over his right shoulder, put his hands in his pockets, slightly puffed his chest, and walked out with a steady rhythm, just as he did every day after school.

Understand this.

It's not you tolerating me, it's me tolerating you.

Now I think of it, the new rule requiring a high school diploma to qualify as a Vanguard might be aimed at stopping people like me from entering the Secret Realm.

As you wish, now I will begin to plan my surreptitious entry into the Secret Realm. Henceforth, a lawless fiend will truly roam this world.

The good news is, my social circle thereafter will be much clearer than here. If I take issue with someone, I can take direct action, no longer needing to restrain my true nature.

Thinking of this, Li Qingming's mood even improved.

Seeing him walk away so briskly, many, including Han Chun, breathed a sigh of relief.

But they dared not relax their gaze, continuing to stare intensely at Li Qingming, watching him reach the door, one foot just about to step out, many poised to jump for joy...

But it was just half a step away.

Li Qingming suddenly halted and turned around slowly.

His usually expressionless face now filled with suspicion, worry, and... surprise.

"Really?" he asked.

At that moment.


A ringing filled everything.

The air was abruptly sucked out and then suddenly refilled.

Time seemed erased and yet frozen at the same time.

Everything outside the window turned into a non-existent existence.

But the room remained brightly lit.

5 seconds later.


A girl broke down.

"Ahhh ahhh ahhh!!"


"Whahhhh ahhh ahhh ahhh!!"

Three, the whole class.

"Nether Domain... Nether Domain........."

"Why... Ahhh ahhh ahhh!!"

"Ha... Haha......... Haha..."

Screams like crashing waves were pleasant to the ear, faces melted away like candles.

Amidst this tide of terror, perched on the cold rock, was an inexplicably excited black seagull.

His eyes bulged like copper bells, eagerly breathing in deeply.

This was what is called air.

It's good to be home.