
Marakyuu Madness

Remembering how I died was such a pain, but that's what I get for trying to chase a Tanuki. I was reborn, so that's great. What isn't is the fact that I'm in DxD without any way to defend myself. And with an ability that I could do without. What's a man to do? Open a coffee shop! The supernatural doesn't attack people that fix them their morning coffee, right? (Harem, Human MC!)

SwitchBlad · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Chapter 2


School in and of itself is a total drag and a complete waste of time and money if you think about it.

It is never more apparent than in Kuoh Academy. It might just be my bias for having to close the store till I get back from the academy, but frankly at 23, forgive me for being the least bit mad at having to go through high school all over again.

Things could've been better if I had powers to make this fun. But nooo, some ROB just had to body-check me into a death world completely blank didn't they?

Well, I wouldn't say I was empty handed. This aura and touch of mine certainly doesn't leave me starved for sex. Even now, I could see some girls giving me bedroom eyes from across the class. Have to be careful heading back to the coffee shop. Else I'm going to get cornered again.

During the first time I went to Kuoh Academy, there were a few corrections that I had to make to my theory. I was now a third year, but Rias and Akeno are both in the same year and age group, which means that my calculations were slightly off.

I've only seen them in passing, but it was more than enough to confirm a certain suspicion I had in the back of my mind. Yes, they are an entire different league from the clients I had, and the classmates I have around me. Maybe the blue haired woman from last night could've matched slightly but definitely not enough.

The anime doesn't do them justice for how the devils look in real life compared to a screen. But as I expected, they didn't even spare we a glance through the rare times we ended up in class together. This makes it official, this aura on mine is no Sacred Gear, and isn't noticed by supernatural beings.

Although that might be the case of them sitting a very good distance away from me that sat beside the window in true protagonist fashion.

Moments later, I found myself cornered near the staircase to the roof. "Aika, is there something you need from me?"

Given how close she was to me, it's a given that the aura effected her heavily. And she's already pretty lustful herself. Don't know why they downplayed her looks in the anime, she's actually pretty attractive. And despite being equal parts a perv the likes of Issei, is actually quite timid in the manner she approaches me.

It's why I'm not ever concerned by her cornering me at the stairs. Because that's the only way she knows how to approach me sans the friendly chats we have.

"I dunno, what do you think?" Aika asked, taking hold my junk, it may have been covered by jeans but her raised leg was far too suggestive.

Don't really feel up to messing around on the stairs, but fine. I have a client booked for tonight and could honestly use the practice on foreplay.

Given by how often she was touching my body, it is highly probable that she already realised what effect she could achieve by touching me.

I grabbed her shoulders and lightly pushed her against the wall. The simplicity of the skirt and the shortness of it made it simple to make way and slip my hand through her panties with no effort.

The moment my hand slid across her clit, Aika slapped her hand over her mouth as her knees buckled. Although silent for the sake of other people not noticing, I could hear squelch after squelch coming from her dripping pussy.

She was a very simple girl. Aika was very easy to predict once you got used to her kinks. The only reason why Issei and his group had trouble deciphering her was because they saw her as a rival, rather than a woman in and off itself.

It's for that exact reason why even now as I claim to understand her, I couldn't fathom the potential small crush she had on me. Maybe I could mistake her gazes at me in class for lust, I get enough of that on the job. Was her gazes and stares really just lust? Honestly, I wouldn't mind if it was. That's just who Aika was as a person.

But I'd feel like a dick if I'm rocking her world without even knowing how she feels about it. Or me doing it to her. I hate shooting blindly in the dark like this, more so with a world like DXD. Never have I been so envious of the Si's with Gamer systems.

Aika suddenly latched on hard onto my shoulder, her hold tightened at random times when her body trembled to the point it was instinctively beginning to twitch.

"Oh my god, yes!" Aika breathed as he grabbed one of my hands and forced my fingers to rail in her pussy deeper. "Right there! Right fucking there, please!"

Her rasped moans became frantic, almost as though she could no longer even moan and was actively struggling to breathe. Her rapid pants nearly had my concern, until she came so hard her pussy sprayed the entirety of my hand.

Aika could barely pull her tongue back into her mouth as she slid down against the wall until she was sitting, panties drawn to her ankles and stargazing at the ceiling. Eyes drawn back.

"Uuh." Aika breathed.

"That one was quite wild, Aika." I said, inspecting my hand. My entire palm was wet, so were parts of my shoe and even the floor. This was hentai-level biology here, despite her fluids being a bit runny, they still stuck together like weak slime when I opened and closed my hand.

I held out the two fingers that I shoved inside her, and lightly drew them across her tongue. "How does it taste? This was just inside you after all."

Near unresponsive as she was, her tongue managed to curl slightly around my fingers, enough to lick the essence off them and pull back into her mouth. Her legs twitched.

"N…no more." Aika groaned. "Jesus, Kusora. What was that thing you did with your fingers? Damn near had me unconscious."

Her voice got clearer over time. No doubt it was raw after the moans she had. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

She curved her eyebrow with a smirk. "What did you mean by that?"

"Take it as you will." I said, placing my hand on the handle to the door of the roof access. Leaving Aika in a pool of her own juices, with a sinking feeling that she had been expecting more.

Not my fault, I have to save my stamina for tonight. Aika will understand, it's not like she knows after all.

Lord knows she'd be my most frequent customer if she did.


Rias would've thought that the week had turned to be peaceful this time around. Being single and all.

There was no trouble if she fell asleep without saying goodnight to someone, nor did she need to remember the obligatory kiss. She was free, as she could relatively be with this marriage contract, to fool around as she may.

Despite not having much to work with in terms of the boys in the Academy, she was more than content with her midnight escapades with Akeno.

"Sirzechs will arrive by tomorrow afternoon." declared Akeno.

So why was it that even plans as mundane and common such as these, can't survive a week without being ruined by someone, something that has it out for her?

The lack of an answer caused Rias to promptly smash her head on the table in wearied frustration. Akeno rubbed her back in mock concern that was easy to tell by her face.

"If it makes you feel better, I'm sure it's just for the weekly report."

Rias sighed. "That's what it's supposed to be, but you know what he's like." She lifted her face up just enough to see Akeno's grin.

"You enjoy this every time, don't you?"

"My my, I don't know what you mean." Akeno responded with eyes that meant the exact opposite. Rias sighed, there was no winning with her queen sometimes.

"Did you prepare everything at least?" Rias asked. "Most of it, there were still some things that I need to get for tomorrow. Luckily I was planning to go to the shopping street early next morning."

Rias knew that there was a specific type of coffee that Sirzechs would always bring as a souvenir when he made the venture into Earth. Till this day, Akeno is the only one who knew how to get it. The coffee seemed local, and often sold around the area of her shrine.

Despite being her king, Rias didn't ask any questions about it. Why would she? The coffee placated Sirzechs enough without her direct intervention.

"I see. That's fine then." She wasn't particularly worried however. In the end, it was just coffee. "Onto other matters, how's our potential recruit?"

Akeno curved her eyebrow. "Issei Hyoudou? Pretty much the same as yesterday. No shortage of women pining to be the first to string him up." She chuckled as she looked outside the window and straight onto the tree.

Rias followed suit, staring at Issei and his friends sitting in the shade of the tree's leaves. "Koneko outright dislikes him, but cannot deny the nature of what she felt. Whatever is inside him, President. It's strong, very strong."

Rias sighed. She supposed him being a glorified pervert made the options she had in recruiting him that much easier. "Let's hold off until after Onii-san comes around. I doubt he would be going anywhere."

Akeno gave Rias a look. "And neither is Riser."

Akeno expected the incredulous look that Rias sent her way, as one stared at the other without the slightest change in expression. Her queen used a hearty tone, but her message was quite clear. She didn't have a lot of time.

Rias sat down with a sigh. She really wished that things remained simpler.


You know what else you can do instead of school work when you're a 23-year old college grad trapped in a 11-year old kid?


I'll say my piece, you don't need orbital cannons in space to realise that programming is complete bullshit. With only the patience surpassing the mightiest of us degenerates on the anime site with a silent 'h'. Even something as time consuming as programming can become something completely busted.

While I have no intention of leading an entire space crusade the likes of the Normandy in Mass Effect against the legions of hell, I can at very least use programming to make my life a bit easier.

It gets pretty annoying to have to take calls constantly throughout the day. Why wait for a call when you can have an app that tallies that in notifications.

The link to download the app to book an appointment with me is included in every card I leave behind. I may have started coding right after I was tossed into this world, but this app was something that I've been thinking about ever since I started prostitution. Aside from constructing an alternate persona.

If I can't become the most op person here, then 'Silver' will become the most expensive whore.

DxD doesn't really have a track record with killing prostitutes, so if all else fails with the coffee shop, maybe i'll be okay.

Killing prostitutes is way too dark, even for DxD.

I opened my phone and tapped on the white icon with the black mask. Python was giving me problems while I was at school earlier. It was now a few hours before I had to go meet up with another client, hopefully the app works and I can start leaving cards behind again.

My app was simple, it told me about the clients that had me booked, how much they were paying, where they were on Google Maps. And, the type of thing they're hiring me for.

Because believe it or not, some people don't just want to fuck. They want a whole boyfriend.

A little ring proves that my app was working fine. Now it's time to check who I'm with tonight.

Name - LittleLoliMaid67

Job - Once-Off

Location - Kuoh, Japan

Time - 22:30 PM

Amount - 34,000 Yen

If I can't have a gamer system IRL, then I'll have a pseudo one in my phone. Also, I'm slightly scared that this is a man.

You ain't catching me. I saw Mil-tan. I remember that monstrosity clearly. If this night goes tits up, I'm at least confident that I can run fast enough for them to lose interest.

Of course, not that I was expecting it to happen. As far as I know, I've only left cards to women so far. Word of mouth is powerful, especially amongst girls during gossip. That's how my services spread.

Once again, I come out of the shower and open a can of white hair dye. My body is really conditioned towards dye. When I apply it, it doesn't run of my hair unless I wash it off with special soap, shampoo and conditioner. Usually, dye runs off in the rain, and or with sweat. It's was a weird thing to discover the first time I dedicated myself to being Silver.

But I attribute it to either being my weird body, or this world running on some type of anime logic. I wouldn't be too far of with either. I'm too busy beating off the bugs that are attracted to me because of aura to really think about what happened to me.

I slid a towel beneath my feet, dug my hand through the hair dye and spread it all across my loose hair. It took a few, but eventually, my long black hair became a glorious shade of white. A bit silver-ish because of my hairs natural dark shade.

That was enough thinking for today. The client wasn't going to wait forever.


"You're late!"

I'm actually quite early. The time on the clock just above the shortstack of a girl clearly said 9:30.

I thought it was going to take long since I didn't know the area that much. But this woman's house was suspiciously close to Issei's. Around the same block, and a decent few steps away from his porch.

If you guys are wondering, yes. I am somewhat good friends with Issei. The protagonist of this world seemed like an easy enough bloke to get along with, sans all the porn.

I wasn't here to talk about a dude. But the reason I did was because of this girl right here.

Blonde, twin tails and a gothic lolita dress. She feels like somebody I should recognize. But I don't really remember anyone this flat chested—

"Get in your knees, peasant!"

…Or in need of that much of a dicking down.

I see how it is. "Oh? So we're doing this sort of thing?" The Loli didn't really answer my question, instead she just shoved me onto her bed and sat on me.

I swear to God that I just blinked and all of a sudden, I was handcuffed to the bed. "Shut your mouth! I never said you can speak, your just a lousy human!"

She said that, but going by how flushed her face looked and how hard she was breathing. The girl in question seemed to have a hard time fighting back how turned on she was. I couldn't help but narrow my eyes in annoyance.

Except for the likes of Rin Tohsaka, tsunderes are something I don't really find cute. And this one was getting snappy.

Thankfully, I was taught how to handle this type of girl very well. I thank the many OC's of fanfics that managed to fuck the life out of beings like Ophis. And I promise to join you guys there soon.

"Is this your first time dominating someone?" I asked, then closed my eyes with a smirk. "You're not very good at it."

The girl seems taken aback by my words, but didn't really make a move to leave. "You're practically a child to me." She taunted. "What would you know about this sort of thing?"

"Is that a challenge?"

She guffawed. "Sure, take it as you will." The handcuffs became tighter as she hovered over me, donned in black lace lingerie. "As if someone like you can dominate me."

Ignoring the obvious taunt and smirk, I only gently tapped the side of her head and smiled.

~• Five minutes later •~

"You actually wanted this to happen, didn't you?!"


"Yes! Oh my god, Yes! Ruin me!"

Another palm smacked against her already swelling ass cheeks with a satisfying clap. I must've had the silliest grin on my face as I fucked her. Thankfully she wasn't facing me, and I'll admit the sight of her full ass bouncing at every thrust turned me on even more.

I'm not usually a dominant person in bed, but the shortstack was pretty much asking for it. You don't read Dark Wolf Shiro's fics without learning a few things. So I wasn't at all surprised it took five minutes for her to face me heads down, ass up.

The black lingerie was long gone, laying on the floor just beside the bed. Likely stained from her juices and the cum running down her thigh.

With each thrust inside her needy pussy, the harder it was to pull out. The lolita seemed used to having a stick up her ass, now that I've been inside her I could see why. Her cunt had me in a vice grip, and every twitch she had seemed to squeeze a little more out of me.

I reached out and pulled back on both of her arms, driving myself deeper into her wet pussy. Her moans had long since dried out into wheeze after wheeze, with her calling out my name each time.

With a deep thrust, I dumped my load inside her. Which sent her over the edge as she came so hard that she stained her sheets transparent.

With a loud, raspy moan she collapsed onto the bed, tired. I could see my cum oozing out of her cunt. The more she twitched, the more that would ooze out onto her thighs and drip to the ground.

The lolita lay spread, her eyes glazed and her tongue hanging from her mouth. Barely coherent as I forced her to deepthroat my cock.

If she had a gag reflex, she certainly didn't show it as I shoved it in. She gave it a few licks while I skull fucked her mad, and busted a nut down her throat.

She lay there, sprawling with cum leaking from her pussy and mouth. Her ass lay untouched, and while the mind was certainly willing, I was running on fumes.

As much as I would like to, I don't have the stamina to pull it off. I still need to walk home.

This is why I just let the ladies do all the work.

"You alright there?" I asked.


Silence. Barely coherent. I could see her eyes move and watch me as I made my way to her stack of cash and left my card there. She could still see me, but there's no doubt that she was reeling.

She raised her hand weakly, before she let it fall to her side. "...wait…please…"

The weak shaking of her hips was too suggestive. "I left my card here. If you want to not sit for a week, just book another night using this."

"Not even…if…"

Look at this tsundere. Such a tight ass when we started, in more ways than one.

"It was fun. Hope to see you next time."

The girl still tried to reach for me as I walked out the door and nearly tripped in her stained lingerie. I paused for a moment, looking down at the mess of juices, cum and a small cluster of black feathers.

The feathers were troubling. I haven't seen hide nor hair of Raynare for a moment. And Issei hasn't come to brag yet.

I looked to the girl and back to the feathers. She was still out of it, so she didn't see me taking a look.

In the end, I shook my head and left. I was pooped and not in the state to do any sort of thinking. That's right Kusora, just get the money and go.

You can think about all this later, after some good sleep and a good few minutes where the world doesn't seem to spin.