
Handsome guy in the next door

(next morning)

Fiona wakes up her daughter take her to morning walk while they are out of her apartment the handsome guy appears in front of her, she subconsciously admire him .

Sasha: mama let's go

Fiona : yeah let's go

But that face of his was all over her head.


She calls Jacob and she comes to know his kid got ill so he can't make out . She started to do her designing work mean while her daughter come and ask her to play along with she refuses and ask her to play alone, Sasha was playing in a lobby suddenly she bumped to him (the handsome guy);after a while when Fiona come out she couldn't find Sasha, she starts panicking and search all over the building , she enters to building security office to check CCTV footage there she find out Sasha. She rush to the handsome guy apartment ring the doorbell and that men opens the door, she push him aside and rush inside and calls out for Sasha.

Sasha: mama am here (handful of chocolates)

Fiona hugs her (emotion of angry and care) why can't you inform me before leaving?.

Handsome guy: sorry miss we just met at the lobby and I took her with me

Fiona: (poker face) yeah! how would you be so irresponsible at list you could have inform me before taking ("inner talk" nowadays Child Abuse all over the news how could a stranger take my daughter)

Fiona carries Sasha and leave

Handsome guy: how dare she talk to me in that tone?! What kind of women she is?.

(Fiona apartment)

Sasha : mama why did you yell at uncle he come to inform you but I was one who asked him not to disturb u while you're working

Fiona realise that she made a mistake and she have to apologize.

(in bed at night)

Fiona is deep in thoughts how she gonna Apologize, let me buy something good stuff and write apology note that way I can make it, but what to buy I don't know about him, OMG I don't know his name! Oh shit,! am big looser how am gonna find out about him? Let me ask Jacob

Jacob : his name Lee other stuffs you just browse and not call me late night u disturbed me.(he drop the call)

Fiona starts to browse about him, 30 minute later OMG he got so many female fans he so popular all over country but am in big trouble I messed with wrong guy, thinking for while and acted carefree and slept.