
Ungrateful women! Taught lesson! Pegged Underwater! (1)

Zhang Wei's realization dawned with the clarity of a breaking dawn, recognizing the situation at play.

A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, unable to contain his amusement.

He had to begrudgingly acknowledge Lin Ruoxi's prowess, despite his reservations about her cold personality.

She wielded influence with surgical precision, exploiting vulnerabilities with the finesse of a master strategist.

Just as she had manipulated Wang Haroan, now Ye Mengying found herself trapped in Lin Ruoxi's intricate web, pushed towards a corner with no escape in sight.

Lin Ruoxi was merely breaking one leg before attempting to engulf them whole!


"So she is your wife, then..." Seeing no hint of dishonesty, Ye Mengying couldn't help but acknowledge the fact, though she chose not to press the issue further. Instead, she settled back into her seat, her mind racing to devise a new strategy.