
CH92. Do they know you?

He can only know what she is thinking if he sees through her eyes. One can never hide their emotions once their eyes are exposed.

"Do you love someone?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks him out of the blue.

Lu Min Chen is shocked at first, but he regains his senses and nods at her. He thinks quickly, but he laughs at himself internally.

She only asked a simple question. Why us his heart beating this fast? He collects his thoughts and nods his head. "Mmh," he says.

"You see," Ye Xiao Xiao says. "Even though you took advantage of me, I am still a considerate person. I would never wish to separate two people who are already in love. It is not hood at all."

Lu Min Chen sighs. He had thought that dealing with her was so simple. 

His heart even accelerated thinking that she had something to say to him. Whoever said that girls are all same was very wrong.

So many women have been running after him. Others would even hold a party if they just have a chance of looking at him.

But Ye Xiao Xiao does not even have the time to give him a look when he is right before her.

You would think that she is looking at some shit if you saw the expression on her face.

And also, she is very ready to reject his offer. She dies not want anything to do with him.

Why is she giving a retaliation for everything he comes up with.

He even thinks that she might sell him if he gave himself to her for free. Yet other women would give their all just to be with him.

"But my parents..." He says and looks at her. "You know they want us together, right?" He asks at last. 

He has been trying not to use them. But it seems like there is really no other way for him.

Ye Xiao Xiao remains quiet, but her heart jolts. Do he knows? Does he know that his mom asked her to agree to date him? Why didn't he say anything then?

She had thought that his mom had only come up with that thought when she saw her.

There is no way they would also force him into such a relationship. Especially when they don't know anything about her. And the man himself does not want to marry.

Unless they know her... And judging by the way his mom treated her, it was like they are in good terms.

Ye Xiao Xiao creases her brows. She had never met his mom before, right?

Why did she treat her so well all of a sudden? She even begged her and looked like she did not want to leave her.

"Do your parents know me?" She turns to ask Lu Min Chen when she does not find a reason to ask.

Lu Min Chen freezes again. Did she suspect something? He hopes that his mom did not leave any flaw when she was with her yesterday.