
CH46. Not like she allows him to kiss her

It is too bad that the young master has known about it very early.

She stomps angrily and walks away. 'As long as she remains stupid, I will deal with her,' she says to herself.


Ye Xiao Xiao remains very silent in her room. She tries thinking what it will be like if the young master really wanted to take advantage of her.

She is scared of being close with him and even debates on whether to keep working here. Isn't she putting herself into more trouble?

But something still does not sit right for her. If the young master really wanted to harm her, he would have done that a long time ago.

Because apart from kissing and hugging her, he has not done anything more. Not like she allows him to kiss her, but the good things he has done to her exceed that.

And she was told by the manager that day that the young master hates all women. He has never even allowed himself having a female servant.

She is definitely the first person who has worked for him for so long. 

So the question is, if he did not allow any female to serve him, where did he get the heart of assaulting all these girls as Han Chan says?

But come to think of it, there is really not a good reason for Han Chan lying to her.

They are neighbours, and maybe friends. They have never been in any form of argument before. Is there anything that can make her lie to her?

And could she be courageous enough to say anything bad about the young master if it is not true?

The whole evening, she is in an uneasy mind. She tries figuring out all these things but it is difficult for her to come to any conclusion.

Somewhere in between, there is a knock on her door. She thinks it is the young master and she begins tensing up already.

But it is Manager Chen that walks in. She sighs in relief when she sees her.

Manager Chen checks her health carefully and hands her her medicines, which she takes without any problem.

"How are you doing now Xiao Xiao?" She asks softly.

Xiao Xiao smiles at her. "I am not bad Manager Chen. It is not hurting anymore. I can even go back to work now," she says and attempts to get out of bed.

But Manager Chen holds her back. "No, keep resting until you are well enough. You should keep yourself warm if you don't want the pain to come back."

"Thank you Manager Chen," she says and smiles at her.

Manager Chen nods and sits by her bed. It is like she wants to tell her something.

So Ye Xiao Xiao begins fearing that maybe she wants to admonish her about her behaviour towards the young master in the morning.

She looks at her and decides to apologise before she says that to her. "Manager, about today...I am sorry," she says.