
CH408. Similar feelings to the kiss

And this scares Ye Xiao Xiao out of her wits. "Uh, you?" She asks in shock. She is confused with how her attitude changed all of a sudden.

"You are my wife," Lu Min Chen speaks up so calmly. "Do you think I am going to beg you to come with me?"

"Um..." Ye Xiao Xiao takes another step backwards as he approaches her. "What do you want to do?"

"Hmm, what do you think?" Lu Min Chen asks, his smile still plastered on his well sculptured face. 

"Ah, stay away from me," Ye Xiao Xiao says. But Lu Min Chen assumes her and pulls her forcefully into his hug.

And he embraces her tightly, not letting her go by any chance. He tells himself that he has to do what his heart wants.

He had promised himself never to let her go if he ever finds her. And that is what he is going to do, even if it means forcing her to accept him.

"Umm...you," Ye Xiao Xiao keeps struggling away from him. "Leave...leave me alone!"

"You do not remember this hug at all?" Lu Min Chen asks her. He had thought that she would at least remember something about her.

"You bastard! Let me go...ummm," Ye Xiao Xiao begins cursing. What kind of a man is this?

"Tsk tsk," Lu Min Chen chuckles. "I do not mind the names you give me. You called me a maniac in the past. I only want to show you what a maniac's love feels like."

"Um...you... I said I do not know you. I don't remember you at all!" Ye Xiao Xiao shouts.

"I will help you remember then," Lu Min Chen says and holds her in place.

"Help...." Ye Xiao Xiao opens her mouth to scream for help. 

But the next moment, Lu Min Chen covers her lips with his, and he begins kissing her, without any warning beforehand.

Ye Xiao long freezes when she feels something so cold and soft against her lips. And she looks up to meet Lu Min Chen's dark gaze.

She wants to push him away, but certain images begin playing in her head.

The images are blurred, but their feelings are similar to this kiss she is having now.

But when she tries to think of it, her head begins hurting. It hurts so much that she feels like she us going to die. 

She holds onto her head, and only her actions bring Lu Min Chen back to his senses.

He pulls away, and looks into her eyes. He licks his lips, and her taste, which he will never forget, lingers on his tongue.

This is his Ye Xiao Xiao. He has her now. 

Getting emotional, he pulls her into his hands again. "Are you okay? I am sorry I could not protect you..."


His words are left midway when he receives a very hot slap from her. 

He freezes, and brings his hand to touch his cheek. "You..."

Slap! Slap!