
CH404. Ting?

"It is about Xiao Xiao of course," Lin Mo says with a sigh. "But first, I would like to apologize."

Lu Min Chen looks at him in confusion. Why does he want to apologize?

He watches as Lin Mo brings his hands to his pockets and pulls out something.

Immediately, he realizes that it is a face mask. And he creases his brows.

He fails to understand why Lin Mo would bring a face mask with him when they are meeting.

But he freezes when Lin Mo finally puts it on. "Huh?" He exclaims. " What is the meaning of this?"

"Just as simple as it is. Do you recognize the face?" Lin Mo asks.

"Ting?" Lu Min Chen asks in confusion. Why is he taking Ting's face?

"Mmh, I am sorry I did not show up earlier. But I still value our friendship," Lin Mo says.

Lu Min Chen is so shocked. " So you are Ting?" He questions. God knows how much he has been looking for this man.

"I am sorry, okay?" Lin Mo says. "I had to hide to keep both of you safe. It would have been hard if I had not."

Lu Min Chen nods his head. "How did you become a Lin?" He asks. 

"It is a long story," Lin Mo says and explains of everything that happened that day he was separated from his family.

And Lu Min Chen hugs him to comfort him. "I am sorry I did not comfort you earlier."

"It is okay," Lin Mo says. "And thank you so much for saving her that day. To me, she us like my family, my sister. I want her to be safe."

Lu Min Chen's face turns gloomy. "I still let her down. I should have protected her from my grandfather," he says.

"Nope, do not blame yourself. It was your grandpa's fault, and he paid for it, right?" Lin Mo questions.

Lu Min Chen nods his head. That was true. That old man paid for the things he did.

But he still feels like it is not enough since until today, he has not found Ye Xiao Xiao.

Lu Chong Mu passed away days after his house arrest. The real reason is not even known. 

Some say he was murdered, others say he killed himself while others say that he died due to heart attack after losing everything. 

"So, you also do not know where she is?" Lu Min Chen asks. He had come with the hope of finding a clue about her whereabouts.

"Mmh... I might have a clue," Lin Mo says seriously. "But can you help with with something first?"

Lu Min Chen looks at him. Lin Mo's first statement echoes severally in his brain. He might have a clue about it.

"What kind of help? Ask for anything and I will do it..." He stops when he remembers something.

This same Lin Mo was in love with Ye Xiao Xiao. What if he has been keeping her all this while.