
CH403. Can we meet?

Lu Min Chen sighs. "It does not matter anymore. She is more important that any deal I know of. And you are not that kind of a person, right?"


"Brother, this thing feels so real," Ye Xiao Xiao says. "I think that there is a possibility I had a child. See, I have this mark on my belly."

Lin Mo stares back at her. "I thought the same. But where is your husband or the child's father? He should have known about it, right?"

Ye Xiao Xiao shuts up immediately. She was not married?

"Xiao Xiao," Lin Mo calls and holds her hand. "You do not remember anything about any man?"

At times, he feels bad that he is keeping her away from the man she loves, away from her husband.

But when he thinks of her safety, he tells himself that it is worth it. Taking her in the way of danger is hurting her more.

"Was there any?" She asks in confusion. 

"Try hard to regain your memories dear. You will make better decisions after that. I cannot push you to some things now," Lin Mo tells her.

"But what if I had a kid and it is with him? It needs both our love, right? What will happen if I do not ever regain my memories?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks.

She knows that Lin Mo loves her, and he is trying to help her. But at times, she feels like there are things he is hiding from her.

"Xiao Xiao," Lin Mo calls once again. "Let me look into it. Just know that I want you to be safe."

"I know," Ye Xiao Xiao nods. "Thank you brother."

When Lin Mo gets out, he takes his phone and looks for a contact he has never used.

After hesitating for a while,he calls and waits. 

As he had expected, it takes long before it is answered.

"Hello," he says.

"Who is this?" Lu Min Chen asks when he does not receive any introduction from the other party.

"It is Lin Mo," Lin Mo says. "Are you free now? I would like us to talk about something."

"Is it about Xiao Xiao? Did you find her?" Lu Min Chen asks quickly. He will have time when it comes to Ye Xiao Xiao.

"I do not know where she is too," Lin Mo says. "But can we meet?"

Lu Min Chen is silent for a very long time before he finally speaks up. "Okay, send me the address."


When Lu Min Chen reaches the told room, he finds Lin Mo already waiting.

Nowadays, he is not as arrogant as he used to be in the past. Even the maniac part of him finished.

He nods at Lin Mo in greeting and takes a seat. And he only orders for a glass of water.

Lin Mo says nothing about it. He remains so calm as he sips on his wine.

"So, what did you want us to talk about?" Lu Min Chen asks when Lin Mo looks like he is absorbed in his own thoughts.