
CH370. Who was that?

"Yan'er, can I explain to you what happened? I do not want to lose you..."

"Min Chen!" Lu Yu Yan calls at the top her voice. Since he cannot leave by herself, then Lu Min Chen will help him do so.

"Ah... Yan'er?" Luoshan is so shocked and releases her immediately. Is she really calling Min Chen?

Lu Yu Yan stares at him again and begins walking away. 

"Yan'er..." Yu Luoshan calls and runs ahead of her. "Are you really leaving like this? You do not want us to talk?"

"Min Chen..." Lu Yu Yan shouts again.

But she is shocked when she hears footsteps of someone running towards their direction.

"Yan'er?" Luoshan calls the last time and escapes. He does not have the guts to see that devil now. He might even lose his life, or better, both his hands and feet.

Lu Yu Yan looks at him running for his dear life and sighs. And she quickly wipes away the tears dropping from her eyes before turning to face the person approaching her.

Lu Min Chen runs towards her and hugs her. Then he looks around carefully. "What happened?" He asks her worriedly.

Lu Yu Yan opens her mouth, but she closes it again since she does not know what to say.

She had thought that Lu Min Chen was not home. When did he come back?

She called him just to make Yu Luoshan leave her alone. She had not expected that he would actually come.

"What is wrong? Who was that?" Lu Min Chen asks. He saw someone escape when he arrived.

"Who?" Yu Yan asks, faking surprise?

"The person who was running away. Did he do something to you?" Lu Min Chen asks again.

"There was someone?" Lu Yu Yan asks again. "I did not see anyone."

"Huh?" Lu Min Chen is confused. "Why did you call for help then?"

"It is because...um... I am hurting. My leg is so painful. I cannot even walk," she says and forces a pained look on her face.

Lu Min Chen stares at her and he immediately knows that she is hiding something. He knows her better that she even knows herself.

But he does not expose her. He looks around him once again and sighs.

"Do not come out alone until you are completely well, okay?" He says.

He is scared that something might happen to her. And she is still weak to defend herself.

Lu Yu Yan nods her head obediently. "I will not come out alone again. This place is dangerous."

"I will take you back in," Lu Min Chen says and carries her up. What would have happened to her if he was not at home?

But after taking her to her room, he goes out to find the butler.

"Find out who was in the backyard five minutes ago," Lu Min Chen tells Butler Hu.

Butler Hu nods his head and begins walking there. He never questions what his master tells him.

"Tighten the security there too," Lu Min Chen adds.