
CH369. Yu Luoshan

But all through, he never showed up even once. He no longer cared about her.

She even feels bad that she is still able to think about him at such a time.

She feels bad that she has been hiding him all these days. Apart from Lu Min Chen and Ye Xiao Xiao, no one else knows about him.

But still, she thinks that she wants to protect him. If her grandfather ever knows he did this to her,this might get bad.

And it might even break the great relationship the two families have. 

All of a sudden, someone hugs her from the back, bringing her to her senses.

At first, she freezes, thinking that it might be an enemy. But when the person does nothing more than hugging her tightly, she slowly turns to face him.

And she is so shocked to see who it is. She does not even know how to react at first.

She just stares at him. And she fights the tears that threaten to break free. She cannot cry in front of him. Not after all he has done to her.

Abandoning her at such a time, and letting her face all these by herself. It is not something that many can handle.

"Yan'er...I am back," the man speaks up.

Lu Yu Yan stands up immediately. And she eyes him in anger. How the hell can he say it this calmly?

"You are back...and so?" She asks him and swallows hard. 

"Yan'er?" Yu Luoshan calls her in confusion. Yes, he knew she would be mad at him. 

But he had always hoped that she would happily hug him and tell him that she was always waiting for him. 

"Sorry...I have things to do," Lu Yu Yan says calmly and begins walking away.

Luoshan comes to his senses and runs after her. He hugs her waist and refuses to let go. "Yan'er, I am sorry. Can I explain everything?" He asks, with the urge to cry.

But Lu Yu Yan smiles at him. "Yu Luoshan, you do not have to explain anything."

"No! Please..." Yu Luoshan begs. "Yan'er, you can be as mad to me as you want. You can even beat me up. But please, do not walk away from me..."

"Leave me alone," Lu Yu Yan says and tries pulling away his hands. 

"No, I do not want to let go. Remember our promise to each other?" He asks her.

"Yan'er, I know of what that has happened. I also feel so bad about it. But it is all my fault, okay? Let me make up for it. I will bear all consequences..."

But Lu Yu Yan refuses to listen to him. If he knew of the things that happened, why didn't he come earlier?

He left her alone, and she did not even know what she was supposed to say to her family.

She could not even tell people of what that happened. She would be the laughing stock for being abandoned by a man after getting pregnant.