
CH368. I am saving lives

But she works on the new project, one sent to her by Fu Chin. And not the original one.

Later in the evening, she decides to seek advice from Lu Min Chen.

"Who do you think Fu Chin is?" She asks him once they get to bed. 

"Mmh?" Lu Min Chen raises his brother was on shock. Why did she  ask about him all of a sudden?

Ye Xiao Xiao hugs him. She does not want to expose herself in anything. And she knows that taking too much might betray her.

"I think he is a good man. He is not an enemy," Lu Min Chen replies. How the hell is he supposed to tell her that he is her biological dad?

"If he told you something to do, will you listen to him?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks again.

Lu Min Chen creases his brows again. He knows that she is up to something, but he does not want to ask her.

After thinking for some seconds, he looks at her seriously. "I think the man is so wise. And since he is not an enemy, I will do what he asks me to. As long as it does not cause harm to anyone."

Ye Xiao Xiao smiles and nods at him. "Thank you Ah Chen," she says and hugs him very tightly.

Lu Min Chen hugs her back. "You are always so mysterious nowadays. What exactly are you doing?" He asks.

"Tsk tsk," Ye Xiao Xiao laughs. "I am saving lives," she says and closes her eyes, refusing to speak any more.

With a sigh, Lu Min Chen goes to sleep too. He is looking forward to that day when he will get his freedom from the old man.

But he knows that it is not so far. He and Ye Xiao Xiao are going to happy once again.


After staying home for a few more days, Lu Yu Yan starts getting better. 

And in the evenings, when she is feeling better, she takes a walk in the garden.

Ye Xiao Xiao accompanies her when she is not busy. And Lu Min Chen does the same too.

But today, Ye Xiao Xiao is still at the office, and Lu Min Chen is not yet back too.

After taking her medication in the evening, Lu Yu Yan decided to walk around.

She has always stayed locked up in the house.

After walking for some time, she begins losing her energy and decides to rest for a bit.

She sits on the swing in the garden and closes her eyes. And only the image of one person appears in her head.

That one person that has caused her to be in this situation. 

She had even thought that he would show up at the hospital. She has been waiting for him to come and apologise.

She wanted him to come and tell her that there was a reason why he left. She wanted him to tell her that he has not married, and that he has been thinking about her all days.