
CH324. Confession

Or...is he taking revenge on her? 

She turned him down those two times he confessed to her. She even told him some bitter words.

And now that she is interested in him, he is trying to play hard to chase.

She had him say it clearly that he loves her. And he said that she was everything to him.

And right now, he seemed to be so anxious. He had forced the confession out of her.

Was he doing it intentionally so that he could take revenge on her?

He wanted her to feel what he felt that time? And...was it this awful?

But the next moment, the door is pushed open again. And Lu Min Chen appears before her, with a box in hand.

"Ah Chen?" She calls. He had not left for good?

"Mmh?" He asks, looking at her and trying to control his breathing. 

The moment he left the room, he ran to his room to find this box. And the words that Ye Xiao Xiao had said to him kept ringing in his head.

Ye Xiao Xiao said that she loves him. She is now in love with him!

He had prepared this box a while back. He had wanted to give it to her after their marriage. But he was scared that she would turn him away again.

So he just preserved it. He had told himself that he would give it to her once he creates a positive attitude about him to her.

He had never expected that this day would come like this. He had never expected that she would be the one confessing to him.

Ye Xiao Xiao looks at him, her eyes scanning him. She wants to say or ask something, but she does not know what it is exactly.

Lu Min Chen gets on one knee and removes the ring from the box. And Ye Xiao Xiao is shocked.

Lu Min Chen had left to find the ring, not running away from her. 

"Xiao Xiao, I love you too. I have loved you from the beginning, even before I knew it," he says and stretches his hand towards her. "Can you be mine?"

Ye Xiao Xiao's heart beats so loud at the words. This is the third time he is confessing to her with a ring!

Hasn't he ever given up on him? He has been in love with her continuously.

And she was so stupid to turn him down. She was so stupid to think that he was just a playboy.

"Xiao Xiao..." Lu Min Chen calls in fear when she does not respond for a long time.

Did he make a rush decision? Is she going to turn him down again?

"Mmh?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks as tears well in her eyes. She feels touched. 

Even though Lu Min Chen is a Maniac, she is falling in love with that side of his.

"Don't you want to be mine anymore?" Lu Min Chen asks, his voice scared. He is not as candid as he is always.