
CH301. I would do nothing

His mom worked away from home. And she would visit them from time to time.

Then one day, when he was turning seven, his mom stopped coming. 

When he asked his dad, he said that she would just come. But one year passed just like that.

However, a few days later, his dad came home with a child, a baby girl. The child was around six months old.

And he told Lin that she was his sister. Lin Mo was so happy. All he knew was that the child was his mom's too.

And he spoilt her, giving her all the gifts he could get. He has always wanted to have a baby sister, and his dream had come true.

He assumed that it was because his mom was always busy that his dad took his sister too, just like him.

But when he turned eight, his mom came to celebrate his birthday.

He sensed something was amiss the moment she arrived. Because she did not even look at his sister, Gu Xiao Xiao.

But he still assumed that it was because it was his birthday, and he needed all attention.

But at night, just as he was going to sleep, something happened.

Lin Mo used to have a room for himself, and it was just past his dad's.

Xiao Xiao used to sleep with the nanny. 

That day, he heard some arguement between his parents. He did not intend to listen, but them mentioning his little sister made him stop, especially after remembering the cold shoulder his mom had given her since she came.

"So, you really do not want the child? You cannot even pity her?" His dad had asked in a very low voice.

"Pity?" His mom questioned back loudly, obviously angered. "I do not have any pity for her. In short, I do not want her. I do not trust anything you have been telling me."

"Baby, you do not trust me anymore? I have apologized so many times already. Everything I said is true. Tell me, what could you do if you were in my shoes?"

"Nothing! I would do nothing. But for that child...I say it again, I do not want her. You have to chose between the two of us. And if you still love me, send her to the orphanage!"

"Babe please, she is just a child. And we can take care of her as her parents. It does not hurt... I am sorry..."

"It seems like you have made up your mind. Take good care of my son. I will come for him after you explain things to him. And remember to sign those divorce papers. Good bye," his mom had said.

And the next moment, the door was pushed open.

Lin Mo was only lucky to hide behind a pillar. And he saw his mom leave with her bag.

But the words they said were clear in his head. The only thing he failed to understand was why his mom was rejecting Xiao Xiao. And it was like she hated her a lot.