
CH280. Are you two dating yet?

"Mmh?" Ye Xiao Xiao looks at him in shock.

Did Lu Min Chen just say that he will always be here with her?

"What?" Lu Min Chen asks her. "Is something wrong?"

Ye Xiao Xiao shakes her head and gets out of bed. "I will wash my face first. I am coming."

By the time they both sit on the dining table, Ye Xiao Xiao's mind is just so confused.

She wonders why Lu Min Chen is doing all these for her. He woke up to prepare her breakfast?

And something funny is that he knows how to cook. His meals are just so yummy.


Ye Xiao Xiao creases her brows. He can cook this good. Does that mean that he has always been cooking for other women?

She looks at him and her mood turns sour again. She is just one among the many women he has cooked for.

Lu Min Chen senses the change in her mood and looks at her face. "You do not like the food?" He asks tensely.

He woke up and made sure that he has prepared his best for her. And he cooked all her favourite dishes. Does she not like them?

Ye Xiao Xiao shakes her head. "Nope, it is good," she says. "Do you cook often?"

Lu Min Chen smiles at her. "I don't cook. I can only cook for you, okay?" He says and stuffs food into her mouth.

Cook only for her? Ye Xiao Xiao mood gets better immediately. He does not cook for other women, and he can only cook for her.

"Hurry up, we are going somewhere today," Lu Min Chen tells her.

"Mmh? Where?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks. And she realises that she stopped being mad at him. When did she start conversing this peacefully with him?

"You will know once we get there," Lu Min Chen answers mysteriously.


Ye Xiao Xiao is very happy when Lu Min Chen stops the car in the orphanage. He actually brought her here?

She sees manager Chen and immediately runs to hug her. " Auntie Chen," she calls happily.

Auntie Chen is a little taken aback. "Xiao Xiao, you are here. How have you been?"

"I have been good," Ye Xiao Xiao answers happily. And before manager Chen gets a chance to  reply, Ye Xiao Xiao runs off.

"Ting Ting!" She calls happily when she sees her friend.

"Xiao Xiao?" Wang Ting Ting calls back and hugs her friend. "You...you just left like that. Wait...how is the young master? Are you two dating yet?"

"Crazy!" Ye Xiao Xiao answers and looks away. They are not dating, they are married.

But she refuses to tell Ting Ting about it.

They happily chat as walk they walk away. "Take me where the kids are. I really miss them."

Lu Min Chen looks at how happy she is and smiles. He has been trying to do for her things that will make her happy. 

And he knew that this would be one of them. He gives them another last look before walking towards manager Chen.